Publication: Fârâbî'de hakikat-siyaset ilişkisi
ÖzetFârâbî’nin siyaset düşüncesinde hakikat-siyaset irtibatı tartışması, “insan tabiatına/mahiyetine uygun düşen siyasî rejim nedir?” nedir sorusu bağlamında karşımıza çıkar. Hakikat-siyaset irtibatı tartışmasını rejim meselesiyle doğrudan irtibatlı kılan esas ise, Fârâbî’nin metafizik düşüncesinin temel kabullerinden biri olan insanî yetkinlik kavramıdır. Duyulur dünyanın ötesinde kendinde bir hakikat düzleminin var olduğu ve insanın istidlali aklın sınırlarında hakikat düzleminin bilgisine ulaşabileceği ilkesini esas alan Fârâbî’nin metafizik düşüncesi, bu kabule istinaden, her bir mevcudun varlığı itibariyle belli bir gaye ve yetkinliğe sahip olduğunu ileri sürer. İnsanın nihaî yetkinliğine ancak belli bir tarzda inşa edilmiş bir toplumsal-siyasî-hukukî düzen içerisinde ulaşabileceğini savunan Fârâbî’ye göre, insanî yetkinliği mümkün kılan siyasî toplum düzeni faziletli devlet düzenidir. İnsan için yalnızca zorunlu ve faydalı olanın değil, aynı zamanda hakikî anlamda iyi olanın da gaye edinildiği faziletli devlette insanların bir araya gelmesindeki maksat, insanı saadete ulaştıracak şey ve durumların ikamesine yönelik yardımlaşmadır. Bu tezde Fârâbî’nin siyaset düşüncesinde hakikat ile siyaset arasında insanî yetkinlik nosyonu dolayımıyla zorunlu bir irtibat olduğu ve söz konusu bu irtibatın siyasetin, hakikat bilgisine tâbi olacak şekilde tasarlandığı görüşü temellendirilmeye çalışılacaktır. Hakikat-siyaset irtibatının mevcut çalışmalardan ve hatta Fârâbî’nin kendi kurgusundan farklı olarak, yönetilen seviyesindeki insanı siyasî fâil olması cihetinden ele alan bu çalışma, aslî niteliği değişim olan siyasetin, siyasî şey, durum ve inşaların değişime tâbi olmayan cihetlerini tespit etmeyi ve bu tespit sadedinde farklı tarihsel koşullarda, farklı rejimlerde, farklı ideolojilerin hâkimiyeti altında kendinde bir hakikat fikrini yahut bütün uzlaşımsal değerlerin ötesinde kendinde bir iyi fikrini kabul eden insanların kendileri olarak, kendi değer ve maksatlarına göre siyasete katılabilmelerinin mümkün olup olmadığı, eğer böylesi bir imkândan bahsedebileceksek bunun hangi koşullarda mümkün olduğu meselesini tartışmayı hedefliyor.
The discussion on the relation of truth-politics in al-Farabi’s political thought comes fore by the following question: which political regime is most proper for human nature/essence? The essential base that puts the relation of truth-politics in an immediate connection with the problem of regime is one of the basic principles of al-Farabi’s metaphysics, namely the concept of human perfection. With regard to the principle that there is a realm of truth in itself beyond the sensible world, and man can attain the knowledge of this realm by means of deduction, the metaphysics of al-Farabi suggests that each and every being, by virtue of its existence, holds a certain aim or perfection. According to al-Farabi, who asserts that man can attain the ultimate perfection only within a certain form of social-political-legal order, the only order that makes human perfection possible is nothing but the virtuous state. In the virtuous state, where the goal is not only what is obligatory and beneficial but also that which is truly good, the purpose of people’s coming together is to cooperate to maintain the things and situations that would lead man towards happiness. This thesis will attempt to justify that, through the concept of human perfection, there is a necessary relation between truth and politics in al-Farabi’s political thought and that this relation is formed in such a way that politics is subject to the knowledge of truth here. Unlike existing studies, and even al-Fārābī's own fiction, this study discusses the connection between truth and politics from the point of view of man as the governed subject becoming a political agent. This study aims to identify the aspects of politics, political things, situations and constructions that are not subject to change, and to show whether it is possible for people who accept an idea of truth or an idea of good beyond all consensual values to participate in politics as themselves, according to their own values and purposes, under different historical conditions, in different regimes, under the dominance of different ideologies, and if we can talk about such a possibility, under which conditions it is possible.
The discussion on the relation of truth-politics in al-Farabi’s political thought comes fore by the following question: which political regime is most proper for human nature/essence? The essential base that puts the relation of truth-politics in an immediate connection with the problem of regime is one of the basic principles of al-Farabi’s metaphysics, namely the concept of human perfection. With regard to the principle that there is a realm of truth in itself beyond the sensible world, and man can attain the knowledge of this realm by means of deduction, the metaphysics of al-Farabi suggests that each and every being, by virtue of its existence, holds a certain aim or perfection. According to al-Farabi, who asserts that man can attain the ultimate perfection only within a certain form of social-political-legal order, the only order that makes human perfection possible is nothing but the virtuous state. In the virtuous state, where the goal is not only what is obligatory and beneficial but also that which is truly good, the purpose of people’s coming together is to cooperate to maintain the things and situations that would lead man towards happiness. This thesis will attempt to justify that, through the concept of human perfection, there is a necessary relation between truth and politics in al-Farabi’s political thought and that this relation is formed in such a way that politics is subject to the knowledge of truth here. Unlike existing studies, and even al-Fārābī's own fiction, this study discusses the connection between truth and politics from the point of view of man as the governed subject becoming a political agent. This study aims to identify the aspects of politics, political things, situations and constructions that are not subject to change, and to show whether it is possible for people who accept an idea of truth or an idea of good beyond all consensual values to participate in politics as themselves, according to their own values and purposes, under different historical conditions, in different regimes, under the dominance of different ideologies, and if we can talk about such a possibility, under which conditions it is possible.
Hakikat, siyaset, insanî yetkinlik, faziletli devlet, filozof-peygamber, faziletli mille, medenî insan. Truth, politics, human perfection, virtuous state, philosopher-prophet, virtuous people, al-madanî