KENAN, SEYFİ2023-04-132023-04-132020-01-01KENAN S., "Two Ibrahims: Muteferrika and His Successor - Off The Founders of The Ottoman Printing Press", OSMANLI ARASTIRMALARI-THE JOURNAL OF OTTOMAN STUDIES, sa.56, ss.344-346, 20200255-0636 ve Beşeri BilimlerTarihSosyolojiSocial Sciences and HumanitiesHistorySociologyTARİHSanat ve Beşeri BilimlerSanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (AHCI)ASYA ÇALIŞMALARISosyal Bilimler GenelSosyal Bilimler (SOC)HISTORYARTS & HUMANITIESArts & Humanities (AHCI)ASIAN STUDIESSOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERALSocial Sciences (SOC)Genel Sosyal BilimlerKorumaSanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (çeşitli)Genel Sanat ve Beşeri BilimlerSosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri BilimlerGeneral Social SciencesConservationArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)General Arts and HumanitiesSocial Sciences & HumanitiesTwo Ibrahims: Muteferrika and his successor - off the founders of the ottoman printing pressarticle56344346