ALPAY, HARİKATARCAN, TUFAN2022-03-152022-03-15201213007718 The aim of this study is to evaluate the infl uence of the ambulatory status of children with MMC on renal functions, clinical and radiological fi ndings. MATERIAL and METHODS: The records of 83 children with MMC between 2005-2010 were reviewed retrospectively. The ambulatory status of the patients was classifi ed as independent walkers (walks without assistive appliances), assisted walkers (requires walking aid), and non-ambulatory (wheelchair bound) and the patient characteristics were evaluated according to the ambulatory status. RESULTS: The mean age was 7.1±0.61 years and median follow-up was 58 (32-97) months. Thirtyseven patients (44.6%) had been operated in the first three days of life. The patients with earlier initiation of follow-up earlier had less hydronephrosis and trabeculated bladder. Sixty-one children (73.5%) were non-ambulatory, 14 (16.9%) were assisted walkers and eight (9.6%) were independent walkers. GFR was less than 80 ml/minute/1.73m 2in six patients. There were no relation between ambulatory status and patients' renal functions, radiological and clinical fi ndings. CONCLUSION: Ambulatory status does not infl uence renal functions, clinical and radiological fi ndings of children with MMC. Beginning follow-up earlier may lead to fewer complications such as hydronephrosis and deformed and trabeculated bladder. Besides, patients operated in the first three days of life were more compliant with regular follow-ups.turinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAmbulatory statusMeningomyeloceleRenal functionIs there any influence of the ambulatory status of children with myelomeningocele on their clinical and renal outcomes? [Meningomiyeloselli Hastalarin Yürüyebilme Durumunun Böbrek Hastaliǧi ile Ilişkili Klinik ve Radyolojik Bulgulara Etkisi Var mi?]article10.5262/tndt.2012.1003.10