ULAĞ, SONGÜLGÜNDÜZ, OĞUZHAN2023-07-142023-07-142022-10-01Irem Deniz K., Ulağ S., Gündüz O., "Investigation of the properties of encapsulated hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs in whey protein microparticles", Materials Letters, cilt.324, 20220167-577Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/11424/291249© 2022 Elsevier B.V.In this study, the amoxicillin (AMX) and rifampicin (RIF) were loaded into the whey protein (WP) to form the hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs loaded whey protein microparticles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images demonstrated that AMX addition increased the particle size, but RIF addition decreased the dimensions of the particles. The Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results showed that both drugs were successfully loaded into the protein. AMX and RIF were ultimately released from the WP microparticles after 1440 min, according to the drug release test. Two drugs exhibited the same behaviour, but in the first hour, AMX had more release than the RIF.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTarımsal BilimlerZiraatTarım MakineleriTarım Alet ve MakineleriFizikYoğun Madde 1:Yapısal, Mekanik ve Termal ÖzelliklerTemel BilimlerMühendislik ve TeknolojiAgricultural SciencesAgricultureFarm MachineryAgricultural Tools and MachinesPhysicsCondensed Matter 1: Structural, Mechanical and Thermal PropertiesNatural SciencesEngineering and TechnologyTarım ve Çevre Bilimleri (AGE)Mühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG)Temel Bilimler (SCI)Tarım BilimleriMühendislikDoğa Bilimleri GenelTARIM, MULTİDİSİPLİNLERMÜHENDİSLİK, MEKANİKÇOK DİSİPLİNLİ BİLİMLERFİZİK, YOĞUN MADDEAgriculture & Environment Sciences (AGE)Engineering, Computing & Technology (ENG)Natural Sciences (SCI)AGRICULTURAL SCIENCESENGINEERINGNATURAL SCIENCES, GENERALPHYSICSAGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYENGINEERING, MECHANICALMULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCESPHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTERYoğun Madde FiziğiElektronik, Optik ve Manyetik MalzemelerMakine MühendisliğiHesaplamalı MekanikOtomotiv MühendisliğiTarım ve Biyoloji Bilimleri (çeşitli)MultidisiplinerFizik BilimleriYaşam BilimleriCondensed Matter PhysicsElectronic, Optical and Magnetic MaterialsMechanical EngineeringComputational MechanicsAutomotive EngineeringAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)MultidisciplinaryPhysical SciencesLife SciencesAmoxicillinBiomaterialsElectrosprayFTIRRifampicinWhey proteinDELIVERYInvestigation of the properties of encapsulated hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs in whey protein microparticlesarticle32410.1016/j.matlet.2022.132664