GÜL, FETHİYAKUT, NURHAYATBİLGİLİ, BELİZKASAPOĞLU, UMUT SABRİARSLANTAŞ, MUSTAFA KEMALKEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ, EDA2023-03-312023-03-312021-12-01Akkoc G., Soysal A., GÜL F., KEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ E., Arslantas M. K., Yakut N., BİLGİLİ B., Demir S. O., Haliloglu M., Kasapoglu U. S., et al., "Reduction of nosocomial infections in the intensive care unit using an electronic hand hygiene compliance monitoring system", JOURNAL OF INFECTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, cilt.15, sa.12, ss.1923-1928, 20211972-2680https://avesis.marmara.edu.tr/api/publication/4dadfb03-695f-476f-810d-94e2fe72832a/filehttps://hdl.handle.net/11424/288040Introduction: Healthcare-associated infection is an important cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Well-regulated infection control and hand hygiene are the most effective methods for preventing healthcare-associated infections. This study evaluated and compared conventional hand hygiene observation and an electronic hand-hygiene recording and reminder system for preventing healthcare-associated infections. Methodology: This pre-and post-intervention study, employed an electronic hand-hygiene recording and reminder system for preventing healthcare-associated infections at a tertiary referral center. Healthcare-associated infection surveillance was recorded in an anesthesia and reanimation intensive care unit from April 2016 to August 2016. Hand-hygiene compliance was observed by conventional observation and an electronic recording and reminder system in two consecutive 2-month periods. healthcare-associated infections were calculated as incidence rate ratios. Results: The rate of healthcare-associated infections in the electronic hand-hygiene recording and reminder system period was significantly decreased compared with that in the conventional hand-hygiene observation period (incidence rate ratio = 0.58; 95% confident interval = 0.33-0.98). Additionally, the rate of central line-associated bloodstream infections and the rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia were lower during the electronic hand hygiene recording and reminder system period (incidence rate ratio= 0.41; 95% confident interval = 0.11-1.30 and incidence rate ratio = 0.67; 95% confident interval = 0.30-1.45, respectively). Conclusions: After implementing the electronic hand hygiene recording and reminder system, we observed a significant decrease in healthcare-associated infections and invasive device-associated infections. These results were encouraging and suggested that electronic hand hygiene reminder and recording systems may reduce some types of healthcare-associated infections in healthcare settings.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessYaşam BilimleriTemel BilimlerLife SciencesNatural SciencesBULAŞICI HASTALIKLARİmmünolojiYaşam Bilimleri (LIFE)INFECTIOUS DISEASESIMMUNOLOGYLife Sciences (LIFE)Bulaşıcı hastalıklarGenel İmmünoloji ve MikrobiyolojiSağlık BilimleriInfectious DiseasesImmunologyGeneral Immunology and MicrobiologyHealth SciencesElectronic hand hygiene recording and reminder systemhealthcare-associated infectionhand hygienecomplianceReduction of nosocomial infections in the intensive care unit using an electronic hand hygiene compliance monitoring systemarticle15121923192810.3855/jidc.14156