ALKAN, ELİFTAĞTEKİN, DİLEK2024-06-052024-06-052024-01-01Erçin Ö., Kopuz D., ALKAN E., TAĞTEKİN D., Yanikoğlu F., "Evaluation of the Effect of Different Remineralizing Agents and Ozone Application on Artificial Carises", Ozone: Science and Engineering, 20240191-9512 study aimed to assess the combined and individual effects of different remineralization agents and ozone application on initial caries. Seventy-two premolar teeth were collected. Three different toothpastes (Ipana, ROCS, and Gumgumix) were utilized. The samples were divided into eight groups (n = 8) for experimentation (Distilled water, Ipana+Ozone, Gumgumix+Ozone, ROCS +Ozone, Ipana, Gumgumix, ROCS, Ozone). Microhardness measurements were conducted initially. All samples were then immersed in a demineralization solution for 72 hours to induce initial caries. Then, microhardness measurements were repeated, and pH cycles were carried out for one-week. Finally, microhardness measurements and SEM-EDS analyses were performed. Ipana+Ozone exhibited the highest microhardness value, which was statistically significant compared to other groups except ROCS+Ozone (p < 0.05). Distilled water, Gumgumix+Ozone, and Gumgumix displayed the lowest microhardness values. Ozone application with remineralization agents led to higher precipitation of Ca ions. The demineralized group showed the lowest Ca, P, and F ions. While Ipana +Ozone and ROCS+Ozone had the highest Ca ions, Gumgumix+Ozone had the highest P ions. Within the study’s limitations, it can be concluded that ozone gas positively impacts the remineralization process in initial caries lesions. Additionally, mineral-containing products demonstrated a noteworthy capacity to reverse the demineralization process.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMühendislik ve TeknolojiEngineering and TechnologyMühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG)MühendislikMÜHENDİSLİK, ÇEVREEngineering, Computing & Technology (ENG)ENGINEERINGENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTALÇevre MühendisliğiFizik BilimleriÇevre KimyasıEnvironmental EngineeringPhysical SciencesEnvironmental ChemistryInitial CariesOzoneremineralizationROCS Mineral GelEvaluation of the Effect of Different Remineralizing Agents and Ozone Application on Artificial Carisesarticle10.1080/01919512.2024.2355879