TOPCUOĞLU, HALUK RAHMİ2023-08-292023-08-292023-01-01Altin L., TOPCUOĞLU H. R., Gurgen F. S., "Network Congestion Aware Multiobjective Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Fog Environments", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 20231551-3203 scheduling on fog environments surges new challenges compared to scheduling on conventional cloud computing. Various levels of heterogeneity and dynamism cause task scheduling problem is more challenging for fog computing. In this study, we present a multiobjective task scheduling model with a total of five objectives and propose a multiobjective multirank (MOMRank) scheduling algorithm for fog computing. The performance of the proposed strategy is assessed with well-known multiobjective metaheuristics [the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA2)] and a widely used algorithm from the literature, the multiobjective heterogeneous earliest finish time (MOHEFT) algorithm using three common multiobjective metrics. Additionally, we incorporate two task clustering mechanisms to the algorithms in order to improve data transmissions on interconnection networks. Results of empirical evaluations given in performance profiles over all problem instances validate significance of both our algorithm and the integrated extensions for diminishing data transfer costs.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBilgi Sistemleri, Haberleşme ve Kontrol MühendisliğiKontrol ve Sistem MühendisliğiSinyal İşlemeBilgisayar BilimleriBilgi Güvenliği ve GüvenilirliğiMühendislik ve TeknolojiInformation Systems, Communication and Control EngineeringControl and System EngineeringSignal ProcessingComputer SciencesInformation Security and ReliabilityEngineering and TechnologyMühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG)Bilgisayar BilimiMühendislikOTOMASYON & KONTROL SİSTEMLERİBİLGİSAYAR BİLİMİ, BİLGİ SİSTEMLERİMÜHENDİSLİK, ELEKTRİK VE ELEKTRONİKEngineering, Computing & Technology (ENG)COMPUTER SCIENCEENGINEERINGAUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMSCOMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMSENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICFizik BilimleriBilgi sistemiBilgisayar Bilimi UygulamalarıElektrik ve Elektronik MühendisliğiControl and Systems EngineeringPhysical SciencesInformation SystemsComputer Science ApplicationsElectrical and Electronic EngineeringCloud computingComputational modelingCostsEdge computingFog computingJob shop schedulingmetaheuristic techniquesmultiobjective optimizationResource managementTask analysistask schedulingworkflowsNetwork Congestion Aware Multiobjective Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Fog Environmentsarticle10.1109/tii.2023.3299624