MİDİ, İPEKKARADAĞ SAYGI, NAİME EVRİMGÜNDÜZ, OSMAN HAKANŞENCAN, SAVAŞ2022-03-122022-03-1220191590-1874https://hdl.handle.net/11424/235574ObjectiveTo investigate the effect and superiority of fluoroscopy-guided intraarticular shoulder injection (IAI), suprascapular nerve block (SSNB), and combination treatment in hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP).DesignWe included 30 patients diagnosed with HSP. Patients were divided into three groups: IAI, SSNB, and combination treatment. Patients were assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS) prior to the injection and at hour 1, week 2, and month 2 after the injection, with goniometry at two angles at the moment that pain started and maximum passive range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder and Modified Barthel Index prior to the injection, at week 2 and month 2 after the injection.ResultsSignificant decrease in the VAS and increase in shoulder passive ROMs were detected at all follow-ups in groups. In comparison, there was no significant difference in VAS scores. Change in the internal rotation at the moment that pain started was found to be higher in the patients treated with the combined method than the other methods. Change in maximum passive ROMs was similar between treatment groups.ConclusionIAI, SSNB, and the combination treatments are reliable and effective treatment modalities that provide pain relief and an increase in shoulder passive ROMs in HSP.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessHemiplegiaShoulder painNerve blockIntraarticular injectionINTRAARTICULAR STEROID INJECTIONSTROKE PATIENTSPAINBLINDEffects of fluoroscopy-guded intraartcular injecton, suprascapular nerve block, and combnaton therapy n hemplegc shoulder pan: a prospective double-blnd, randomzed clncal studyarticleWOS:00046550710000410.1007/s10072-019-03733-6306906791590-3478