ÖZTÜRK, ZUHALTOPCUOĞLU, HALUK RAHMİ2023-07-042023-07-042022-11-01ÖZTÜRK Z., TOPCUOĞLU H. R., Kandemir M. T., "Studying error propagation on application data structure and hardware", JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, cilt.78, sa.17, ss.18691-18724, 20220920-8542https://hdl.handle.net/11424/290665As technology scales, transistors become smaller and aggressive power optimization techniques combined with high operation frequencies and performance-enhancing microarchitectural techniques are employed to achieve increasingly higher performance and power efficiencies. Unfortunately, these developments make the modern systems more vulnerable to soft errors, which are becoming a critical issues in both hardware and software domains. Motivated by this observation, in this work, we propose, implement, and evaluate two error propagation metrics in order to characterize error propagation at both software and hardware levels. The first metric aims to measure error propagation on program data structures, whereas the second one measures the fraction of corrupted locations in the cache memory structure for a given period of time. We evaluate our proposed metrics by performing an empirical study of two application programs using both single-threaded and multi-threaded executions, and varying various experimental parameters such as thread count, error rate, location of errors, and architectural parameters. Our extensive experimental analysis reveals that error propagation over program data structures is highly dependent on application behavior.Further, depending on the cache parameters used, propagation of errors on cache can exhibit different patterns. This paper also discusses how our observed error propagation trends in program data structures and data caches are correlated with each other, focusing in particular on the differences in error propagation speeds in application data structures and data caches.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBilgi Sistemleri, Haberleşme ve Kontrol MühendisliğiSinyal İşlemeBilgisayar BilimleriBiyoenformatikDonanımMühendislik ve TeknolojiInformation Systems, Communication and Control EngineeringSignal ProcessingComputer SciencesbioinformaticsEquipmentEngineering and TechnologyBİLGİSAYAR BİLİMİ, DONANIM VE MİMARLIKBilgisayar BilimiMühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG)BİLGİSAYAR BİLİMİ, TEORİ VE YÖNTEMMÜHENDİSLİK, ELEKTRİK VE ELEKTRONİKMühendislikCOMPUTER SCIENCE, HARDWARE & ARCHITECTURECOMPUTER SCIENCEEngineering, Computing & Technology (ENG)COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODSENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICENGINEERINGGenel MühendislikDonanım ve MimariTeorik Bilgisayar BilimiGenel Bilgisayar BilimiMühendislik (çeşitli)Elektrik ve Elektronik MühendisliğiBilgisayar Bilimi (çeşitli)Bilgisayar Bilimi UygulamalarıFizik BilimleriGeneral EngineeringHardware and ArchitectureTheoretical Computer ScienceGeneral Computer ScienceEngineering (miscellaneous)Electrical and Electronic EngineeringComputer Science (miscellaneous)Computer Science ApplicationsPhysical SciencesSoft errorsError propagationFault injectionReliabilityMulti-threadingSOFT ERRORSVULNERABILITYPERFORMANCESYSTEMSStudying error propagation on application data structure and hardwarearticle7817186911872410.1007/s11227-022-04625-x