ÖZTÜRK ÖZENER, HAFİZEASLAN, BEGÜMAĞRALI, ÖMER BİRKANULUCAN, KORKUTYILDIRIM, HATİCE SELİNKURU, LEYLA2023-04-032023-04-032022-06-01Ozener H., ASLAN B., Eken B. F., AĞRALI Ö. B., Yildrim H. S., Altunok E. C., ULUCAN K., KURU L., "Single nucleotide polymorphisms in IL-1A RS1800587, IL-1B RS1143634 and vitamin D receptor rs731236 in stage III grade B/C periodontitis", BALKAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS, cilt.25, sa.1, ss.51-60, 20221311-0160https://avesis.marmara.edu.tr/api/publication/67233a42-81c3-4143-85ee-2a6b5899609e/filehttps://hdl.handle.net/11424/288050The purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of interleukin (IL)-1A (rs1800587), IL-1B (rs1143634) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) (TaqI, rs731236) gene polymorphisms in the Turkish population and their association with Stage III Grade B/C periodontitis. Systemically and periodontally healthy individuals (N = 100) and Stage III Grade B/C periodontitis patients (N=100) based on clinical and radiographic examination were included in this research. Clinical attachment level, probing depth, bleeding on probing, plaque and gingival indices of the subjects were measured. Genotyping of IL-1A (rs1800587), IL-1B (rs1143634) and VDR (rs731236) polymorphisms was conducted by Real Time PCR. Allelic and genotypic distributions of IL-1A (rs1800587) gene polymorphism were not associated with periodontitis (p > 0.05). In IL-1B (rs1143634) gene polymorphism, the C allele was detected more frequently in healthy individuals compared with the periodontitis patients (p=0.045). CC genotype and C allele in VDR (rs731236) gene polymorphism was higher in periodontitis patients (p=0.031, p=0.034, respectively). In comparison with Grade B periodontitis patients and healthy subjects, CC genotype and C allele were observed more frequently in the Grade B periodontitis in terms of alleles (C/T) and genotypes for VDR (rs731236) polymorphism (p=0.024, p=0.008, respectively). This study presents that the VDR (rs731236) polymorphism are associated with enhanced susceptibility to Stage III periodontitis in the Turkish population. Furthermore, VDR (rs731236) polymorphism may be used as an identification criteria to discriminate Grade B and Grade C in Stage III periodontitis.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTıpDahili Tıp BilimleriTıbbi GenetikYaşam BilimleriMoleküler Biyoloji ve GenetikSağlık BilimleriTemel BilimlerMedicineInternal Medicine SciencesMedical GeneticsLife SciencesMolecular Biology and GeneticsHealth SciencesNatural SciencesGENETİK VE KALITIMYaşam Bilimleri (LIFE)GENETICS & HEREDITYMOLECULAR BIOLOGY & GENETICSLife Sciences (LIFE)Genetik (klinik)Moleküler BiyolojiGenetikGenetics (clinical)Molecular BiologyGeneticsInterleukin-1alphaInterleukin-1betaVitamin D receptorPeriodontitisPolymorphismINTERLEUKIN-1 GENE POLYMORPHISMSPERI-IMPLANT DISEASESAGGRESSIVE PERIODONTITISSUSCEPTIBILITY TESTASSOCIATIONCLASSIFICATIONCLUSTERSAMPLERISKSingle nucleotide polymorphisms in IL-1A RS1800587, IL-1B RS1143634 and vitamin D receptor rs731236 in stage III grade B/C periodontitisarticle251516010.2478/bjmg-2022-0005