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Publication Metadata only C3 Glomerulopatisi(Güneş Kitabevi, 2022-08-01) TUĞCU, MURAT; VELİOĞLU, ARZU; Tuğcu M., Velioğlu A.Publication Open Access The Longitudinal Evolution of Post-COVID-19 Outcomes Among Hemodialysis Patients in Turkey(2022-06-01) TUĞCU, MURAT; ÖZTÜRK S., Turgutalp K., ARICI M., Gorgulu N., Tonbul H. Z., EREN N., GENÇER V., Ayli M. D., Pembegul I., Dolarslan M. E., et al.Introduction: Hemodialysis (HD) patients have increased risk for short-term adverse outcomes of COVID-19. However, complications and survival at the post-COVID-19 period have not been published extensively.Methods: We conducted a national, multicenter observational study that included adult maintenance HD patients recovered from confirmed COVID-19. A control HD group without COVID-19 was selected from patients in the same center. We investigated the characteristics and outcomes in the follow-up of HD patients and compare them with the non-COVID-19 group.Results: A total of 1223 patients (635 patients in COVID-19 group, 588 patients in non-COVID-19 group) from 47 centers were included in the study. The patients\" baseline and HD characteristics were almost similar. The 28th-day mortality and mortality between 28th day and 90th day were higher in the COVID-19 group than non-COVID-19 group (19 [3.0%] patients vs. none [0%]; 15 [2.4%] patients vs. 4 [0.7%] patients, respectively). The presence of respiratory symptoms, rehospitalization, need for home oxygen therapy, lower respiratory tract infection, and arteriovenous (AV) fistula thrombosis was significantly higher in the COVID-19 group in both the first 28 days and between 28 and 90 days. In the multivariable analysis, age (odds ratio [OR] [95% CI]: 1.029 [1.004-1.056]), group (COVID-19 group vs. non-COVID-19 group) (OR [95% CI]: 7.258 [2.538-20.751]), and vascular access type (tunneled catheter/AV fistula) (OR [95% CI]: 2.512 [1.249-5.051]) were found as independent parameters related to 90-day mortality.Conclusion: In the post-COVID-19 period, maintenance HD patients who have had COVID-19 have increased rehospitalization, respiratory problems, vascular access problems, and high mortality compared with the non-COVID-19 HD patients.Publication Metadata only Sepsiste serum laktat yüksekliği-sidemi ilişkisinin böbrek fonksiyonları penceresinden incelenmesi(2022-12-08) TUĞCU, MURAT; AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; ARIKAN, İZZET HAKKI; BARUTÇU ATAŞ, DİLEK; TUĞLULAR, ZÜBEYDE SERHAN; VELİOĞLU, ARZU; Karadağ H., Berke Menteşe İ., Barutçu Ataş D., Tuğcu M., Aşıcıoğlu E., Velioğlu A., Tuğlular Z. S. , Arıkan İ. H.Publication Metadata only Kronik hemodiyaliz hastalarında bnt162b2 ve coronavac’a karşı hümoral yanıt: çok merkezli prospektif kohort çalışması(2022-11-09) TUĞLULAR, ZÜBEYDE SERHAN; TUĞCU, MURAT; Mirioğlu Ş., Kazancıoğlu R., Cebeci E., Eren N., Sakacı T., Alagöz S., Tuğcu M., Tuğlular Z. S., Sümbül B., Seyahi N., et al.Giriş: Kronik hemodiyaliz (HD) hastalarında SARS-CoV-2 için geliştirilmiş olan inaktif aşılara dair veriler hala sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada, kronik HD hastalarında CoronaVac’ın uyardığı hümoral yanıtları BNT162b2 ile kıyaslayarak araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntemler: COVID-19 geçirmemiş ve BNT162b2 veya CoronaVac ile aşılanmayı planlayan erişkin kronik HD hastaları bu çok merkezli prospektif kohorta dahil edildi. Katılımcılardan aşılanmadan önce ve 2 doz aşıdan 1 ile 3 ay sonra serum örnekleri alındı. Virüsün reseptör bağlayıcı bölgesine karşı gelişen anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antikorları ölçüldü ve ≥50 AU/ml pozitif kabul edildi. Aşılanmaya rağmen yaşanan COVID-19 enfeksiyonları ve aşıdan sonra gelişen advers olaylar kaydedildi. Bulgular: Doksan iki hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi ve 68’i (% 73.9) başlangıçta seronegatifti. BNT162b2 ve CoronaVac sırasıyla 38 (% 55.9) ve 30 (% 44.1) hastaya uygulandı, bu iki grubun başlangıçtaki özellikleri genel olarak benzerdi (Tablo 1). Birinci ayda seropozitiflik oranı BNT162b2 grubunda % 93.1 iken CoronaVac grubunda % 88’di (p=0.519), antikor seviyeleri ise BNT162b2 grubunda daha yüksekti (p<0.001). Üçüncü ayda seropozitiflik oranı (% 96.4 ile % 78.3, p=0.045) ve antikor seviyeleri (p=0.001) BNT162b2 grubunda CoronaVac’a kıyasla daha yüksek bulundu (Tablo 2). Beş hasta (% 7.4) aşılanmaya rağmen COVID-19 yaşadı ancak hepsi sekelsiz iyileşti. Advers olaylar BNT162b2 ile daha sık görüldü, fakat tamamı hafif seyirliydi. Çoklu lineer regresyon modeli sadece aşı seçiminin (BNT162b2) hümoral yanıtla ilişkili olduğunu gösterdi (β=0.272, p=0.038). Başlangıçta seropozitif olan hastalar (n=24) tüm ölçüm noktalarında daha yüksek antikor seviyelerine sahipti. Sonuç: BNT162b2 ve CoronaVac naif kronik HD hastalarında hümoral yanıtları uyarmaktadır, ancak bu yanıtlar BNT162b2 ile daha güçlü ve uzun ömürlüdür. Her iki aşı da başlangıçta seropozitif olan hastalarda yüksek antikor seviyelerini sağlamaktadır (Bu çalışma Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje numarası: 20210613)Publication Open Access Low serum 25-OH vitamin D levels are associated with increased D/P creatinine ratio in peritoneal dialysis patients(2021-09-01) BARUTÇU ATAŞ, DİLEK; TUĞCU, MURAT; VELİOĞLU, ARZU; ARIKAN, İZZET HAKKI; AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; BARUTÇU ATAŞ D., AYKENT M. B., ARIKAN İ. H., TUĞCU M., VELİOĞLU A., AŞICIOĞLU E.Low 25-OH vitamin D levels have been linked to peritonitis and cardiovascular mortality in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. In this study we aimed to investigate the association of 25-OH vitamin D levels with peritoneal membrane characteristics in chronic PD patients. Consecutive 103 PD patients were enrolled in this retrospective study. Peritoneal dialysate to plasma (D/P) creatinine increase more than 0.1 with time were accepted as significant according Roc curve analysis. Patients with and without an increase in the D/P creatinine ratio of 0.1 were classified as Group 1 and Group 2, respectively. The relationship between baseline 25-OH vitamin D and peritoneal membrane characteristics were investigated. Mean age of the patients was 53.4±14.9 years and duration of PD was 72.1±50.3 months. There were thirty (29.1%) patients in Group 1. The duration of PD [73.5 (52.3-133.8) vs 49.0 (33.5-94.0) months, p:0.008]; hemoglobin [11.4 (10.4-12.2) vs. 10.2 (9.4-11.0) g/dL, p:0.001]and PTH [500.5 (254.5-748.3) vs 329.0 (205.0-549.5)ng/mL, p:0.047] levels were significantly higher in Group 1, whereas 25-OH vitamin D levels [5.0 (3.0-9.3) vs 7.8 (4.5-11.1)μg/L, p:0.027] and CRP [4.0 (3.0-7.2) vs. 8.0 (3.0-13.5)mg/L, p:0.028] were significantly lower. Multivariate analysis revealed duration of PD [Exp(B):1.012 (95%CI:1.001-1.022), p:0.028]; hemoglobin [Exp(B):1.756 (95%CI:1.199-2.571), p:0.004]; C-reactive protein (CRP) [Exp(B):0.882 (95%CI:0.789-0.985), p:0.026] and 25-OH vitamin D [Exp(B):0.853 (95%CI:0.754-0.965), p:0.012] were independent predictors of an increase in D/P creatinine ratio in PD patients. Increased D/P creatinine ratio was negatively correlated with 25-OH vitamin D level (r: -0.217, p:0.028). Lower levels of initial 25-OH vitamin D were associated with an increase in D/P creatinine ratio over-time.Publication Metadata only Böbrek Nakli Dirençli Akut Rejeksiyon Tedavisinde Ekulizumab Deneyimi(2022-12-08) TUĞCU, MURAT; BARUTÇU ATAŞ, DİLEK; TUĞLULAR, ZÜBEYDE SERHAN; VELİOĞLU, ARZU; Berke Menteşe İ., Barutçu Ataş D., Tuğcu M., Tuğlular Z. S. , Velioğlu A.Publication Metadata only Kronik antikor aracılı rejeksiyonda rituksimab ve plazmaferez/intravenöz immünglobulin kombinasyonun etkinliğini(2014-10-15) TUĞCU, MURAT; ATA, PINAR; RUHİ B. Ç., KASAPOĞLU U., TUĞCU M., CAN Ö., ATA P., Gümrükçü G., TİTİZ M. İ.Publication Metadata only Yaşlılık ve böbrek(Akademisyen Kitabevi A.Ş., 2021-01-01) KOÇ, MEHMET; TUĞCU, MURAT; KOÇ M., TUĞCU M.Publication Metadata only The longıtudınal evolutıon of covıd-19 outcomes among hemodıalysıs patıents: a natıonwıde multıcentre controlled study(2022-05-01) TUĞCU, MURAT; Ozturk S., TURGUTALP K., ARICI M., Gorgulu N., TONBUL H. Z. , EREN N., GENÇER V., Ayli D., Pembegul I., Dolarslan M. E. , et al.; Dahili Tıp Bilimleri BölümüPublication Open Access A case of alport syndrome with pregnancy-related atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, andcrescentic glomerulonephritis(2021-05-01) BERKE MENTEŞE, İLAY; TUĞCU, MURAT; VELİOĞLU, ARZU; TUĞLULAR, ZÜBEYDE SERHAN; BERKE MENTEŞE İ., TUĞCU M., VELİOĞLU A., Nazlı İ., TUĞLULAR Z. S.BACKGROUND: Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is one of the most important complications in pregnant patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) causing clinical deterioration. However, little is known about the pregnancy course in women with Alport syndrome (AS). CASE: A 28-week pregnant, 22-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic because of widespread edema. Her medical history was notable only for hearing impairment. On examination, vital signs were normal except for the blood pressure (150/90 mmHg). There were diffuse crackles at the lung bases, and 3þ pitting edema in both legs. Lab results revealed heavy proteinuria with 11 gr/day and isomorphic erythrocytes with granular casts in microscopic urine examination. An emergency c-section was performed due to severe preeclampsia at 30 weeks’ gestation. After delivery, her edema did not improve, serum creatinine and lactate dehydrogenase levels elevated, anemia and thrombocytopenia developed (Table 1). Additional tests revealed negative Coombs test, schistocytes on peripheral smear and normal ADAMTS13 level. There was no pathology in serological studies. She received four sessions of plasmapheresis therapy, and with the diagnosis of aHUS, eculizumab therapy was started. Despite improving thrombocytopenia and anemia, serum creatinine levels continued to rise and her urine output decreased. A kidney biopsy was performed (Figure 1). In the light microscopy, 11 of 15 glomeruli had circumferential cellular crescents and 4 had partial cellular crescents. The sample had no findings consistent with TMA. No staining was seen with IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q, j and k in immunofluorescence.
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