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Publication Metadata only Temel beslenme bilimi(ANKARA NOBEL TIP KİTABEVLERİ, 2021-01-01) ÇELİK, ZEHRA MARGOT; SARIKAYA, BUSE; İSLAMOĞLU, AYŞE HÜMEYRA; SABUNCULAR, GÜLEREN; BAŞOĞLU, İZEL AYCAN; ÇELİK Z. M. , SARIKAYA B., İSLAMOĞLU A. H. , SABUNCULAR G., BAŞOĞLU İ. A.Publication Metadata only Risk Status of Type 2 Diabetes of Working and Non-Working Women Based on Their Dietary Habits(2022-10-23) İSLAMOĞLU, AYŞE HÜMEYRA; ÇELİK, ZEHRA MARGOT; İSLAMOĞLU A. H., ÇELİK Z. M.Introduction: The working status of individuals may indirectly affect their lifestyles and dietary habits. Improper dietary habits may also cause many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. In this study, it was aimed to determine the type 2 diabetes risk of working and non-working women aged between 20-59 years based on their dietary habits. Material-Method: The study was carried out with a total of 203 volunteer women – 115 working and 88 nonworking. A general questionnaire and Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) questionnaire were completed by the participants. Diabetes risks were determined according to the FINDRISC scores of the participants, and compared with their working status and dietary habits. Results: There was no significant difference between the FINDRISC scores of the participants and their working status (p>0.05), but there were significant differences between their working status and their eating habits (p<0.05). It was found that working women preferred meals that were easy and took a short time to prepare like ready-to-eat or heat-and-eat, while non-working women preferred meals that took longer to prepare like home-made meals (p<0.01). In addition, working women ate out more often than non-working women (p<0.01) and on meal basis; it was determined that working women mostly ate their evening meals out, while non-working women ate their lunch out (p<0.01). Conclusion: Although no direct relationship was found between working status and type 2 diabetes risk, the results may suggest that the working status of individuals can affect their eating habits.Publication Metadata only Evaluation of malnutrition risk of inpatients in a research and training hospital: A cross-sectional study(ELSEVIER, 2021) İSLAMOĞLU, AYŞE HÜMEYRA; Celik, Zehra Margot; Islamoglu, Ayse Humeyra; Sabuncular, Guleren; Toprak, Hatice Selcen; Gunes, Fatma EsraBackground & aims: Malnutrition is one of the most important factors affecting the prognosis of inpatients. The aim of this study is to determine the malnutrition risk of hospitalized patients and to examine the relationship between the presence of malnutrition and other parameters. Methods: The study included 162 inpatients over the age of 25 who were staying in the hospital's internal medicine service for 7 days or more and who volunteered to participate in the study. A demographic-information questionnaire, consisting of 5 sections, a 24-h food recall record, NRS-2002, NRI and Beck Depression Inventory was given to patients during bedside interviews. After obtaining the necessary permission, the anthropometric measurements and biochemical parameter values of the patients were taken from their files. All statistical analyzes were performed by researchers with the SPSS package program. Results: Of 162 patients (48.8% female, 51.2% male), 24.7% were at risk for malnutrition according to NRS-2002 and 66.7% of the patients were not depressive, based on the Beck Depression Inventory scale. The malnutrition risk was higher (60.0%) in patients who had been hospitalized for more than 15 days (p = 0.010). The majority of those with malnutrition had no problems preventing them from eating (32.5%), were found to be not depressive (52.5%) and were in the normal range of body mass index (57.5%) (p = 0.002, p = 0.034, p = 0.001; respectively). Nutrient intake was lower in patients with a higher malnutrition risk, but the difference was insignificant (p > 0.05). Albumin levels (p = 0.028) and total protein levels (p = 0.015) were significantly lower in patients who were at risk of malnutrition. While overweight patients showed higher levels of serum albumin (p < 0.001), CRP levels were found to be lower in overweight patients (p < 0.001). Conclusions: It was found that the majority of patients with malnutrition were in the normal range for BMI. Nutritional intake and biochemical parameters should be followed closely in patients who are at risk of malnutrition. Depression can be a cause for insufficient nutrition and should be evaluated, particularly in patients whose length of hospital stay is greater than 7 days. (C) 2020 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Publication Open Access Interprofessional approaches in research planning training: Multidisciplinary perspective in oral and dental health(2023-12-01) BAYRAM, FERİT; SABUNCULAR, GÜLEREN; ÇELİK, ZEHRA MARGOT; İSLAMOĞLU, AYŞE HÜMEYRA; AKTAÇ, ŞULE; Bayram F., Şahin C., Sabuncular G., Çelik Z. M., İslamoğlu A. H., Aktaç Ş., Konrot A. K.Objectives: This study evaluates the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary educational intervention in improving the perceptions of interdisciplinary education, research competency, and research anxiety among postgraduate students in various health disciplines. Materials and Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted at Marmara University during November 2023. A two-day training program, “Multidisciplinary Approach to Oral and Dental Health” was conducted, involving educators and postgraduate students from dentistry, speech and language therapy, nutrition and dietetics. The program consisted of four modules, combining didactic training and workshops. Data were collected pre-post-intervention using validated scales: Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPS), Research Competency Scale (RCS), and Research Anxiety Scale (RAS). Scores were analyzed using a t-test for pre-test and post-test calculations. In the findings, a p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Initially, 30 participants were registered for the study, but the final analysis was conducted on 26 participants. The statistical analysis indicated significant improvements in the postintervention scores for both the IEPS and the RCS. The average score for IEPS increased from 86.65 before the intervention to 91.04 after (p=.028), and for RCS, it rose from 25.92 to 28.08 (p=.010). However, RAS showed no significant change, with scores averaging 30.85 before and 30.65 after the intervention (p=.710). Conclusions: The intervention effectively enhanced interdisciplinary education perception and research competency among participants, emphasizing the potential of short-term, structured multidisciplinary programs in postgraduate dental education.Publication Metadata only Kızılcık (Cornus mas L.) eklenmiş kombuchaların antioksidan içeriğinin ve duyusal özelliklerinin değerlendirmesi(2023-10-27) ÇELİK, ZEHRA MARGOT; İSLAMOĞLU, AYŞE HÜMEYRA; AKTAÇ, ŞULE; ÇELİK Z. M., İSLAMOĞLU A. H., TEMEL S., YILMAZ M., AKTAÇ Ş.Amaç: Fermente bir içecek olan kombuchanın pek çok sağlık faydası olduğu bilinmektedir. Piyasada meyve eklenmiş kombucha türleri bulmak mümkündür, ancak Cornus mas L. (CM) ilaveli bir örneğine rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmada siyah çay ve yeşil çaydan elde edilen kombuchaya liyofilize kurutulmuş CM eklenmesinin antioksidan, fenolik madde, flavonoid içeriklerine ve duyusal analizi ile tüketilebilirliklerine etkisini saptamak amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada hazırlanan mayalardan dört numune [siyah çaylı kombucha (S1), yeşil çaylı kombucha (S2), CM ilaveli siyah çaylı kombucha (S3) ve CM ilaveli yeşil çaylı kombucha (S4)] üretilmiştir. Her 500 ml S3 ve S4 için 25 g liyofilize kurutulmuş CM eklenmiştir. Duyusal analizler 13 panelist ile gerçekleştirilmiş ve ilave satın alınan yeşil çaylı (S5) ve siyah çaylı kombuchayla (S6) beraber, 6 numune viskozite, kıvam, renk, koku, ekşi tat, asidik koku, asidik tat, lezzet ve genel kabul açısından tek-kör yöntemle değerlendirilmiştir. Toplam fenolik içeriği (mg GAE/100g DM), toplam flavonoid içeriği (mg CE/g DM), DPPH radikal temizleme aktivitesi, ABTS temizleme etkinliği ve FRAP testi yapılmıştır. Tüm veriler SPSS 25.0 programıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Duyusal analiz sonucunda, kriterler içinde en yüksek puan ortalamasını alan S4’ün renk kriteri olmuştur (4,61±0,62) ve en düşük puanı alan S1’den (3,07±1,03) istatistiksel olarak farklıdır (p<0,05). Genel kabul edilebilirlik kriterinde en yüksek puanı S2, en düşük puanı S5 almış, numuneler arasında istatistiksel fark bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). Siyah ve yeşil çaylı kombuchalara CM ilavesi fenolik içeriğini sırasıyla %92,74 ve %46,14; flavonoid içeriğini %37,5 ve %37,1 artırmıştır. Siyah ve yeşil çaylı kombuchalara CM eklenmesi antioksidan aktivitelerde sırasıyla DPPH ile %70,59 ve %37,04; ABTS yönteminde %122,22 ve %47,89; FRAP ile %37,84 ve %18,37 oranlarında artış sağlamıştır. Sonuç: Kombuchalara liyofilize kurutulmuş CM eklenmesinin fenolik ve flavonoid içeriğini artırdığı, en yüksek artışın siyah çaylı kombuchada olduğu bulunmuştur. Duyusal analiz sonucunda, CM ilavesinin ürün tercihinde önemli bir yeri olan renk kriterini olumlu yönde etkilediği, genel kabulü ise etkilemediği belirlenmiştir.Publication Metadata only Çalışan ve çalışmayan kadinlarin beslenme alışkanlıklarına göre ti̇p 2 di̇yabet ri̇sk durumu(2022-10-21) İSLAMOĞLU, AYŞE HÜMEYRA; ÇELİK, ZEHRA MARGOT; İSLAMOĞLU A. H., ÇELİK Z. M.Publication Open Access Evaluation of Nutritional Status of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Receiving Daytime Rehabilitation(2024-05-01) İSLAMOĞLU, AYŞE HÜMEYRA; SABUNCULAR, GÜLEREN; ÇELİK, ZEHRA MARGOT; AKTAÇ, ŞULE; İSLAMOĞLU A. H., SABUNCULAR G., ÇELİK Z. M., AKTAÇ Ş., GÜNEŞ F. E.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status, eating habits and behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder. Methods: This observational study included 109 individuals from Istanbul diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder aged 3-18 years; the patients were receiving daytime rehabilitation. A questionnaire including socio-demographic characteristics, nutritional behavior and eating habits of participants was applied by face-to-face interview method, anthropometric measurements (body weight and height) and food consumption records were taken, using a 24-hour dietary recall taken by the researchers. Results: Of all, 66.1% (n=72) of the participants were male. It was determined that 16.2% (n=6) of the female participants were overweight and 27.0% (n=10) were obese, while 33.3% (n=24) of the male participants were overweight and 29.2% (n=21) were obese. The rate of food selectivity was found to be 59.6%; 28.4% of the participants received additional support during mealtimes, 13.8% followed various special diets, including gluten-free and casein-free diets. Most of the participants’ energy intake (60.6%), vitamin D (100.0%) and calcium (71.6%) were below reference values. The majority of the participants’ vitamin A (92.7%) and sodium (92.7%) intakes were above the recommended values. Conclusion: The findings of the study reveal that children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder have high rates of obesity and food selectivity. The need for additional support at mealtimes, and the inadequate or excessive intake of nutrients are among other nutrition-related problems faced by this population. Keywords: Nutrition, children, autism spectrum disorder