Publication: Kızılcık (Cornus mas L.) eklenmiş kombuchaların antioksidan içeriğinin ve duyusal özelliklerinin değerlendirmesi
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Amaç: Fermente bir içecek olan kombuchanın pek çok sağlık faydası olduğu bilinmektedir. Piyasada
meyve eklenmiş kombucha türleri bulmak mümkündür, ancak Cornus mas L. (CM) ilaveli bir örneğine
rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmada siyah çay ve yeşil çaydan elde edilen kombuchaya liyofilize kurutulmuş
CM eklenmesinin antioksidan, fenolik madde, flavonoid içeriklerine ve duyusal analizi ile
tüketilebilirliklerine etkisini saptamak amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada hazırlanan mayalardan dört numune [siyah çaylı kombucha (S1), yeşil
çaylı kombucha (S2), CM ilaveli siyah çaylı kombucha (S3) ve CM ilaveli yeşil çaylı kombucha (S4)]
üretilmiştir. Her 500 ml S3 ve S4 için 25 g liyofilize kurutulmuş CM eklenmiştir. Duyusal analizler 13
panelist ile gerçekleştirilmiş ve ilave satın alınan yeşil çaylı (S5) ve siyah çaylı kombuchayla (S6)
beraber, 6 numune viskozite, kıvam, renk, koku, ekşi tat, asidik koku, asidik tat, lezzet ve genel kabul
açısından tek-kör yöntemle değerlendirilmiştir. Toplam fenolik içeriği (mg GAE/100g DM), toplam
flavonoid içeriği (mg CE/g DM), DPPH radikal temizleme aktivitesi, ABTS temizleme etkinliği ve
FRAP testi yapılmıştır. Tüm veriler SPSS 25.0 programıyla değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Duyusal analiz sonucunda, kriterler içinde en yüksek puan ortalamasını alan S4’ün renk
kriteri olmuştur (4,61±0,62) ve en düşük puanı alan S1’den (3,07±1,03) istatistiksel olarak farklıdır
(p<0,05). Genel kabul edilebilirlik kriterinde en yüksek puanı S2, en düşük puanı S5 almış, numuneler
arasında istatistiksel fark bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). Siyah ve yeşil çaylı kombuchalara CM ilavesi fenolik
içeriğini sırasıyla %92,74 ve %46,14; flavonoid içeriğini %37,5 ve %37,1 artırmıştır. Siyah ve yeşil
çaylı kombuchalara CM eklenmesi antioksidan aktivitelerde sırasıyla DPPH ile %70,59 ve %37,04;
ABTS yönteminde %122,22 ve %47,89; FRAP ile %37,84 ve %18,37 oranlarında artış sağlamıştır.
Sonuç: Kombuchalara liyofilize kurutulmuş CM eklenmesinin fenolik ve flavonoid içeriğini artırdığı,
en yüksek artışın siyah çaylı kombuchada olduğu bulunmuştur. Duyusal analiz sonucunda, CM
ilavesinin ürün tercihinde önemli bir yeri olan renk kriterini olumlu yönde etkilediği, genel kabulü ise
etkilemediği belirlenmiştir.
Objective: Kombucha, a fermented beverage, is known to have many health benefits. It is possible to find fruit-added kombucha teas in the market, but there are no samples with Cornus mas L. (CM) addition to our knowledge. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of adding lyophilized dried CM to kombucha made from black tea and green tea on its antioxidant, phenolic substance, flavonoid contents, and its palatability by sensory analysis. Materials and Methods: Four samples [black tea kombucha (S1), green tea kombucha (S2), black tea kombucha with added CM (S3) and green tea kombucha with added CM (S4)] were produced from the prepared yeasts. For every 500 ml of S3 and S4, 25 g of lyophilized dried CM was added. Sensory analyses were carried out with 13 panelists and 6 samples, together with additional purchased green tea (S5) and black tea kombucha (S6), were evaluated for viscosity, consistency, color, odor, sour taste, acidic odor, acidic taste, flavor and overall acceptance by single-blind method. Total phenolic content (mg GAE/100g DM), total flavonoid content (mg CE/g DM), DPPH radical scavenging activity, ABTS scavenging activity and FRAP test were performed. All data were evaluated with SPSS 25.0 program. Results: As a result of the sensory analysis, S4 had the highest mean score in the color criteria (4.61±0.62) and was statistically different from S1 (3.07±1.03) which had the lowest score (p<0.05). In the general acceptability criteria, S2 scored the highest and S5 scored the lowest and there was no statistical difference between the samples (p>0.05). The addition of CM to black and green tea kombuchas increased phenolic content by 92.74% and 46.14% and flavonoid content by 37.5% and 37.1%, respectively. Addition of CM to black and green tea kombucha increased antioxidant activities by 70.59% and 37.04% by DPPH, 122.22% and 47.89% by ABTS, 37.84% and 18.37% by FRAP, respectively. Conclusion: It was found that the addition of lyophilized dried CM to kombuchas increased the phenolic and flavonoid content, with the highest increase in black tea kombucha. As a result of sensory analysis, it was determined that the addition of CM positively affected the color criteria, which has an important role in product preference, while it did not affect the general acceptance.
Objective: Kombucha, a fermented beverage, is known to have many health benefits. It is possible to find fruit-added kombucha teas in the market, but there are no samples with Cornus mas L. (CM) addition to our knowledge. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of adding lyophilized dried CM to kombucha made from black tea and green tea on its antioxidant, phenolic substance, flavonoid contents, and its palatability by sensory analysis. Materials and Methods: Four samples [black tea kombucha (S1), green tea kombucha (S2), black tea kombucha with added CM (S3) and green tea kombucha with added CM (S4)] were produced from the prepared yeasts. For every 500 ml of S3 and S4, 25 g of lyophilized dried CM was added. Sensory analyses were carried out with 13 panelists and 6 samples, together with additional purchased green tea (S5) and black tea kombucha (S6), were evaluated for viscosity, consistency, color, odor, sour taste, acidic odor, acidic taste, flavor and overall acceptance by single-blind method. Total phenolic content (mg GAE/100g DM), total flavonoid content (mg CE/g DM), DPPH radical scavenging activity, ABTS scavenging activity and FRAP test were performed. All data were evaluated with SPSS 25.0 program. Results: As a result of the sensory analysis, S4 had the highest mean score in the color criteria (4.61±0.62) and was statistically different from S1 (3.07±1.03) which had the lowest score (p<0.05). In the general acceptability criteria, S2 scored the highest and S5 scored the lowest and there was no statistical difference between the samples (p>0.05). The addition of CM to black and green tea kombuchas increased phenolic content by 92.74% and 46.14% and flavonoid content by 37.5% and 37.1%, respectively. Addition of CM to black and green tea kombucha increased antioxidant activities by 70.59% and 37.04% by DPPH, 122.22% and 47.89% by ABTS, 37.84% and 18.37% by FRAP, respectively. Conclusion: It was found that the addition of lyophilized dried CM to kombuchas increased the phenolic and flavonoid content, with the highest increase in black tea kombucha. As a result of sensory analysis, it was determined that the addition of CM positively affected the color criteria, which has an important role in product preference, while it did not affect the general acceptance.
Kombucha, kızılcık, cornus mas, antioksidan, siyah çay, yeşil çay, cornelian cherry, antioxidant, black tea, green tea
ÇELİK Z. M., İSLAMOĞLU A. H., TEMEL S., YILMAZ M., AKTAÇ Ş., \"Kızılcık (Cornus mas L.) Eklenmiş Kombuchaların Antioksidan İçeriğinin ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Değerlendirmesi\", ICONFOOD'23 2nd International Congress On Food Researches, Sivas, Türkiye, 17 Ekim 2023, ss.782-783