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  • Publication
    Hemodiyaliz ve Periton Diyalizi Tedavisi Alan Hastalarda Uzun Dönemde Gelişen Kognitif ve Fiziksel Bozukluklar.
    Giriş: Diyaliz hastalarında uzun dönemde gelişen kognitif ve fiziksel fonksiyonlardaki gerileme yaşam kalitesinde bozulma ve artmış mortalite ile ilişkilidir. Bu çalışmada hemodiyaliz ve periton diyalizi tedavisi alan hastalarda kognitif ve fiziksel bozuklukları belirleyerek karşılaştırmayı hedefledik. Yöntemler: Çalışmamıza 20 periton diyalizi (PD) ve 24 hemodiyaliz (HD) hastası dahil edildi. Hastaların kognitif bozukluklarını değerlendirmek için MoCA (Montreal Kognitif Değerlendirme) ve MMSE (Mini Mental Durum Değerlendirme) testleri, fiziksel bozuklukları değerlendirmek için Lawton ve Brody EGYA(Enstrümental Günlük Yaşam Aktivitesi) ile Katz GYA (Günlük Yaşam Aktivitesi) testleri kullanılmıştır. Hastaların medikal özgeçmişi, kronik hastalıkları, diyalize başlama tarihleri sorgulandı. Laboratuvar verileri kaydedildi. Bulgular:HD tedavisi alan hastalar daha yaşlıydı (55.3±15.3 vs 48.2±10.1 yıl p=0.036). Grupların demografik ve laboratuvar verileri Tablo 1’de gösterilmiştir. PD hastalarının MoCA (21.9±6.0 vs 16.6±7.1, p=0,008).Lawton ve Brody EGYA (7.6±1.6 vs 6.4±2.4, p=0.025) ve Katz GYA(6.0±0.0 vs 5.5±1.0, p=0.018) skorları HD hastalarından yüksekti. Gruplarının kognitif ve fiziksel fonksiyonları Tablo 2’de karşılaştırılmıştır. Korelasyon analizinde yaş ile MoCA (r= -0.482, p= 0.001), MMSE (r= -0.462, p= 0.002) ve EGYA (r= -0.549, p= 0.001) arasında negatif korelasyon mevcuttu. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada her iki grupta da hastaların önemli bir kısmında kognitif ve fiziksel fonksiyonlarda bozulma mevcuttu. Ancak PD grubunda hastaların kognitif ve fiziksel fonksiyonlarının HD grubuna nazaran daha iyi korunduğunu gösterdik. İlerleyen dönemlerde diyaliz hastalarında gelişecek bu bozuklukların önlenmesi için hastaların yakından takip edilmesi gerekmektedir.
  • Publication
    Cardiac Risk Assessment in Kidney Transplant Candidates: Clinical Usefulness of Different Guidelines
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2019) ÇİNÇİN, AHMET ALTUĞ; Mehdiyev, S.; Velioglu, A.; Arikan, H.; Asicioglu, E.; Cincin, A.; Demirbas, T.; Tinay, I; Ozener, C.; Tuglular, S.
    Although cardiovascular (CV) assessment is recommended to minimize perioperative risk in all potential kidney transplant recipients, the utility and reliability of various assessment methods are not well established. In this study, we investigated the CV evaluations and outcomes of standardized CV assessment protocols (Lisbon and American Society of Transplantation [AST]) in potential kidney transplant recipients. Data were analyzed for 266 end-stage renal disease patients (mean age 45.4 +/- 13 years, female-to-male ratio 126:140) accepted for kidney transplantation wait-listing. Patients were classified as low and high cardiac risk according to their first cardiac evaluation. Major cardiovascular events (CVEs) and deaths were recorded. At the end of follow-up (median 639 days), 72 (27.1%) patients underwent kidney transplantation. A total of 49 patients (18.4%) had CVEs and 42 (15.8%) patients died. Being over 45 years of age and having dialysis vintage over 1 year were found to be independent risk factors for CVEs. Forty-eight out of 60 high-risk patients evaluated with noninvasive tests had negative results. Twelve out of these 48 patients had a CVE in due course. Among 10 patients who underwent coronary angiography, 1 had a CVE and 1 died. The sensitivity and specificity of the AST guidelines (area under the curve = 0.647, P = .005, sensitivity 83%, specificity 54%) were higher than Lisbon. In conclusion, the predictive risk factors for CVEs were age over 45 years and dialysis vintage over a year. Our results also suggest that exercise electrocardiography and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for cardiac evaluation are less sensitive in CVE prediction. We recommend clinicians to use the AST guidelines and to prioritize coronary angiography in pretransplant CV assessment.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Acute Renal Failure due to Bladder Injury after Cesarean Section: Case Report and Review of the Literature
    (TURK NEFROLOJI DIYALIZ TRANSPLANTASYON DERGISI, 2019-11-05) AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; Atas, Dilek Barutcu; Asicioglu, Ebru; Durgay, Meryem; Arikan, Hakki; Koc, Mehmet; Tuglular, Serhan; Ozener, Cetin
    A 31-year-old woman who had an uncomplicated cesarean section five days prior to admission presented with abdominal distention. Evaluation revealed acute renal failure and abdominal ascites. Diagnostic paracentesis showed urinary ascites, which confirmed a bladder injury. The patient was conservatively treated by placement of a Foley catheter that resulted in complete resolution of the renal failure.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Toll-like receptor expression in monocytes in patients with chronic kidney disease and haemodialysis: relation with inflammation
    (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2011-03-01) AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; Koc, Mehmet; Toprak, Ahmet; Arikan, Hakki; Odabasi, Zekaver; Elbir, Yesim; Tulunay, Aysin; Asicioglu, Ebru; Eksioglu-Demiralp, Emel; Glorieux, Griet; Vanholder, Raymond; Akoglu, Emel
    Background. Inflammation is one of the main contributors to atherosclerosis in haemodialysis (HD) patients. Activation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) leads to inflammatory response. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the expression of TLRs on monocytes and relate their expression with inflammation in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and HD patients. Methods. Thirty-four age- and gender-matched controls and stage 3-4 CKD patients and thirty-two HD patients were included in each study group. The effect of HD on the expression of Toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2) and Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4) on CD14(+) monocytes was determined at the beginning (baseline), during (120 min) and following (300 min and 24 h) HD and compared with control and stage 3-4 CKD groups. The HD procedure was performed by using low-flux polysulphone dialysers. In addition, serum IL-6 levels were evaluated in both groups at baseline and after a HD session. Results. The percentage of CD14(+) monocytes expressing TLR-2 were similar in all of the study groups, whereas the percentage of CD14(+) monocytes expressing TLR-4 were significantly lower in both stage 3-4 CKD and HD patients at baseline than in controls. The mean fluorescence intensities (MFI) of TLR-2 were significantly lower in controls than in stage 3-4 CKD and HD patients at baseline. The MFI of TLR-4 was similar in all of the groups. The percentage of CD14(+) monocytes expressing TLR-2 did not change during and after HD. The MFI of TLR-2 decreased at 120 min of HD compared with baseline (1837 +/- 672 vs 1650 +/- 578, P < 0.05), and recovered back to baseline values at 300 min and at 24 h post-HD. MFI of TLR-4 increased at 24 h compared with baseline (941 +/- 294 vs 1087 +/- 441, P < 0.05). Serum IL-6 levels correlated with MFI of TLR-2 and TLR-4 in stage 3-4 CKD patients and in HD patients at baseline and after HD in univariate analysis. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that MFI of TLR-2 was an independent determinant of serum IL-6 concentrations in stage 3-4 CKD and in HD patients at baseline, at 300 min and at 24 h post-HD. Conclusions. Our study demonstrates that TLR-2 is associated with the inflammatory response of non-dialysed and dialysed CKD patients.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Low bone density, vertebral fracture and FRAX score in kidney transplant recipients: A cross-sectional cohort study
    (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2021-04-30) VELİOĞLU, ARZU; Velioglu, Arzu; Kaya, Burcu; Aykent, Basar; Ozkan, Bige; Karapinar, Melis Sevil; Arikan, Hakki; Asicioglu, Ebru; Bugdayci, Onur; Yavuz, Dilek Gogas; Tuglular, Serhan
    Background Kidney transplantation (KT) recipients are at increased risk of low bone density (LBD) and fractures. In this retrospective study, we investigated bone mineral density (BMD), vertebral fractures, calculated risk for major osteoporotic fractures (MOF), and hip fractures in the KT recipients. Patients-method Patients who completed at least one year after KT were included in the analysis. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were recorded. Measurements of BMD were performed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Vertebral fractures were assessed using semi-quantitative criteria with conventional radiography. The ten-year risk for MOF and hip fracture were calculated using the FRAX@ tool with BMD. Results One hundred fifty-three KT recipients were included in the study. The population included 77 women. The mean age at evaluation was 46,511,9 years. Seventy-eight (50.9%) patients had normal femoral neck BMD while osteoporosis and osteopenia at the femoral neck were present in 12 (7.8%) and 63 (41.1%) of the patients, respectively. Age at evaluation was the risk factor for LBD (OR 1.057; 95% CI 1.024-1.091; p = 0.001). In female KT recipients, LBD was principally affected by menopausal status whereas in males, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor use and lower BMI levels were the risk factors. The prevalent vertebral fracture was found in 43.4% of patients. In multivariate analysis, only steroid use (OR 0.121; 95% CI 0.015-0.988; p = 0.049) was found to be associated with prevalent fracture. Among all KT recipients, 1.9% had a high MOF probability (>= 20% risk of fracture), and 23.5% had high hip fracture probability (>= 3% risk of hip fracture) according to FRAX. Conclusion Exploring the prevalence of LBD and vertebral fracture and the risk factors would help clinicians to modify long-term follow-up strategies. Furthermore, the high hip fracture risk probability in our cohort suggested that there is a need for longitudinal studies to confirm the validity of the FRAX tool in the transplant population.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    C-reactive protein to albumin ratio is associated with disease activity in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis
    Objective/Aim: C-reactive protein to albumin ratio (CAR) has recently been recognized as an independent prognostic marker for vasculitides. This study aims to investigate CAR and its relationship with disease activity and damage in prevalent ANCA associated vasculitis (AAV) patients. Methods: Fifty-one patients with AAV and 42 age-sex-matched healthy controls were enrolled in this crosssectional study. Birmingham vasculitis score (BVAS) was used to assess vasculitis activity and vasculitis damage index (VDI) to provide information on disease damage. Results: The median (25th-75th) age of the patients were 55 (48-61) years. CAR was significantly higher in AAV patients than controls (1.9±2.7 vs 0.7±0.4; p=0.006). The 75th percentile of BVAS was defined as high BVAS (BVAS≥5) and ROC curve analysis showed that CAR≥0.98 predicted BVAS≥5 with 70.0% sensitivity and 68.0% specificity (AUC:0.660, CI: 0.482-0.837, p=0.049). When patients with CAR≥0.98 were compared to those without, BVAS [5.0 (3.5-8.0) vs. 2.0 (0-3.25), p<0.001], BVAS≥5 [16 (64.0%) vs 4 (15.4%) patients, p:0.001], VDI [4.0 (2.0-4.0) vs. 2.0 (1.0-3.0), p=0.006], and CAR [1.32 (1.07-3.78) vs. 0.75 (0.60-0.83), p<0.001] were higher whereas albumin [3.8 (3.1-4.3) vs. 4.1 (3.9-4.4) g/dL, p=0.025] and haemoglobin [12.1 (10.4-13.4) vs. 13.0 (12.5-14.2) g/dL, p=0.008] were lower. Multivariate analysis revealed that BVAS [OR(95% CI):1.313 (1.003-1.719), p=0.047] was an independent factor associated with CAR≥0.98 in patients with AAV. Furthermore, correlation analysis showed that CAR significantly correlated with BVAS (r: 0.466, p=0.001). Conclusion: In this study, we observed that CAR was significantly associated with disease activity in AAV patients and can be used to monitor disease activity
  • Publication
    Waist circumference is associated with carotid intima media thickness in peritoneal dialysis patients
    (SPRINGER, 2013) VELİOĞLU, ARZU; Asicioglu, Ebru; Kahveci, Arzu; Arikan, Hakki; Koc, Mehmet; Tuglular, Serhan; Ozener, Cetin Ishak
    Atherosclerosis is responsible for the high mortality rate in end-stage renal disease patients. Defining risk factors for atherosclerosis may lead to reduction in cardiovascular disease through modification of these factors. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients are subjected to high glucose loads on a daily basis, which results in considerable weight gain and an increase in waist circumference (WC). WC as an indicator of abdominal obesity is a risk factor for atherosclerosis in the general population. Carotid artery intima media thickness (CIMT) measurement is a reliable method for the detection of early atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between WC and CIMT and to define risk factors associated with CIMT in PD patients. Fifty-five PD patients and 40 healthy controls were included. Atherosclerosis was assessed using measurement of CIMT. Fasting blood was collected for analysis. Anthropometric parameters (age, weight, BMI, and WC) were measured. Peritoneal dialysis patients had higher WC (93.9 +/- A 1.7 vs. 87.3 +/- A 1.2 cm, p < 0.05) and CIMT (0.70 +/- A 0.02 vs. 0.57 +/- A 0.01 mm, p < 0.01) than the control group. On univariate analysis, age, WC, plaque formation, and D/P creatinine were positively correlated with CIMT, whereas residual renal function, albumin, ultrafiltration volume, and D/D0 glucose were negatively correlated. On multivariate analysis, only age, WC, and plaque formation showed correlation (p < 0.001). Carotid artery intima media thickness is associated with age, plaque formation, and WC in PD patients. WC measurement is a simple, inexpensive, reproducible, and reliable method of evaluating atherosclerosis risk in PD patients and should be assessed at every visit. Appropriate counsel should be provided to patients with greater WC who are deemed to be at risk for atherosclerosis.
  • Publication
    Sepsiste serum laktat yüksekliği-sidemi ilişkisinin böbrek fonksiyonları penceresinden incelenmesi
    (2022-12-08) TUĞCU, MURAT; AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; ARIKAN, İZZET HAKKI; BARUTÇU ATAŞ, DİLEK; TUĞLULAR, ZÜBEYDE SERHAN; VELİOĞLU, ARZU; Karadağ H., Berke Menteşe İ., Barutçu Ataş D., Tuğcu M., Aşıcıoğlu E., Velioğlu A., Tuğlular Z. S. , Arıkan İ. H.
  • Publication
    Osteoporosis in Lung Transplantation Candidates: Association With 6-minute Walking Test and Body Mass Index
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2016) AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; Balci, M. K.; Ari, E.; Vayvada, M.; Salturk, C.; Asicioglu, E.; Yeginsu, A.; Kutlu, C. A.
    Background. Osteoporosis is a well-recognized complication in lung transplantation because of steroid use and immobilization. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of osteoporosis and risk factors associated with osteoporosis in lung transplantation candidates. Methods. The bone mineral density of 174 patients with various end-stage lung diseases was assessed at the pretransplantation period. Osteoporosis risk factors were analyzed with the consideration to principal diagnosis, demographic, and clinical parameters of lung disease, lung function tests and mobility test (6-minute walking test). A multivariate analysis was conducted to determine various demographic and clinical risk factors associated with bone mass loss in the pretransplant period. Results. The prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia was 46% and 35%, respectively, in the study population. Osteoporotic patients have lower body mass index and lower 6 minute walking distance than patients without osteoporosis. In addition, they have higher pulmonary artery pressure and history of noninvasive mechanical ventilation than in patients without osteoporosis. There was a significant negative correlation between the 6-minute walking test, body mass index, and the presence of osteoporosis in the study population. Multivariate logistic regression analysis confirmed that 6-minute walking test (odds ratio, 0.996) and body mass index (odds ratio, 0.847) were significantly and negatively correlated with the presence of osteoporosis. Conclusions. A significant proportion of patients with end-stage lung diseases have osteopenia or osteoporosis pretransplantation. This is the first study to demonstrate that 6-minute walking distance and bone mineral density independently predict osteoporosis in lung transplant candidates.
  • Publication
    Decreased Serum Selenium Levels are Correlated with Diminished Coronary Flow Reserve Among Hemodialysis Patients
    (HUMANA PRESS INC, 2013) AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; Atakan, Aydin; Macunluoglu, Beyza; Kaya, Yuksel; Ari, Elif; Demir, Halit; Asicioglu, Ebru; Kaspar, Cigdem
    Cardiovascular diseases are the main reason of high mortality among hemodialysis patients. Decreased serum selenium levels may have a role in accelerated atherosclerosis in this patient group. The hypothesis of this study was to show a correlation between decreased serum selenium levels and coronary flow reserve as an indicator of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in HD patients. Seventy-one chronic hemodialysis patients and age 65 and sex-matched healthy controls were included in the study. Plasma selenium levels were measured by spectrophotometry, and coronary flow reserve was assessed by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. Serum selenium levels (34.16 +/- 6.15 ng/ml vs. 52.4 +/- 5.51 ng/ml, P < 0.001) and coronary flow reserve values (1.73 +/- 0.11 vs. 2.32 +/- 0.28, P < 0.001) were significantly lower in hemodialysis patients compared with controls, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between coronary flow reserve and serum levels of selenium (r = 0.676, P < 0.001). A linear regression analysis showed that serum levels of selenium were independently and positively correlated with coronary flow reserve (regression coefficient = 0.650, P < 0.05). This study was the first to show a positive and independent correlation between decreased selenium levels and diminished coronary flow reserve as an indicator of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in hemodialysis patients. Our data suggest that decreased serum selenium levels may facilitate the development of endothelial dysfunction and disruption of coronary flow reserve which occur before the development of overt atherosclerosis.