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  • Publication
    The effects of therapeutic exercises on pain, muscle strength, functional capacity, balance and hemodynamic parameters in knee osteoarthritis patients: a randomized controlled study of supervised versus home exercises
    (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2017) ACAR, GÖNÜL; Colak, Tugba Kuru; Kavlak, Bahar; Aydogdu, Onur; Sahin, Emir; Acar, Gonul; Demirbuken, Ilksan; Sari, Zubeyir; Colak, Ilker; Bulut, Guven; Polat, M. Gulden
    The aim of the study was to compare the effects of low-intensity exercise programs for lower extremities, either supervised or at home, on pain, muscle strength, balance and the hemodynamic parameters of knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients. This randomized study included 78 patients with knee OA in 2 groups of supervised and home-based exercise program. Exercises were applied to the first group in the clinic as a group exercise program and were demonstrated to the second group to be performed at home. Before and after the 6-week exercise program, assessment was made of pain, quadriceps and hamstring muscle strengths, 6-min walk test (6MWT), and non-invasive hemodynamic parameters. Results of the 78 patients, 56 completed the study. Pain, muscle strength, and 6MWT scores showed significant improvements in both groups. There were also significant differences in the amount of change in pain and muscle strength (pain: p = 0.041, Rqdc: 0.009, Lqdc: 0.013, Rhms: 0.04) which indicated greater improvements in the supervised group. The balance scores of supervised group showed a significant improvement (p = 0.009). No significant change was determined in hemodynamic parameters of either group. Conclusion according to the results of this study showed that low-intensity lower extremity exercises conducted in a clinic under the supervision of a physiotherapist were more effective than home-based exercises in reducing post-activity pain levels and improving quadriceps and right hamstring muscle strength. Both the supervised and home exercise programs were seen to be effective in reducing rest pain and increasing 6 MW distance in knee osteoarthritis patients.
  • Publication
    Ev ortamında ebeveyn gözetimi altında uygulanan hareket gözlem tedavisinin hemiparetik serebral palside el becerisi ve kullanımı üzerine etkisi: Olgu sunumu
    (2023-09-11) CAN, HİLAL BAŞAK; ACAR, GÖNÜL; CAN H. B., ACAR G.
    Hareket Gözlem Tedavisi (HGT), hemiparetik serebral palsili (HSP) çocuklarda üst ekstremite fonksiyonunu iyileştirmek amacıyla bir video klip yoluyla birinci perspektiften sunulan amaca yönelik hareketlerin izlenip sonrasında taklit edilmesiyle uygulanabilen bir rehabilitasyon yöntemidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ebeveyn gözetimi altında ev ortamında uygulanan HGT’nin 8 yaşındaki HSP’li çocuğun el becerisi ve kullanımı üzerine etkisini göstermekti. Olguya konvansiyonel fizyoterapiye ek olarak 3 hafta, haftada 5 gün toplam 15 seans ebeveyn gözetiminde HGT uygulandı. Ebeveyne HGT’nin evde nasıl uygulanacağıyla ilgili bir kılavuz verildi ve ilk seans fizyoterapist eşliğinde ZOOM Cloud Meetings uygulamasıyla gerçekleştirildi. Çocuk Kaba Motor Fonksiyon Sınıflama Sistemine göre seviye II, El Becerileri Sınıflandırma Sistemine göre düzey III ve House Fonksiyonel Sınıflandırma Sistemine göre seviye 5 idi. Tedavi öncesinde ve tedavi sonrasında kutu ve blok testi ve Minnesota el beceri testi ile çocuğun el becerisi ve Çocukların El Kullanım Deneyimi Anketi (ÇEDA) ve ABILHAND-Kids ile el kullanımı değerlendirildi. Tedavi öncesinde kutu ve blok testi sonucu etkilenmemiş el için 29 ve etkilenmiş el için 20 iken tedavi sonrası sırasıyla 32 ve 26 idi. Minnesota el beceri testi yerleştirme alt testinin tamamlanma süresi tedavi öncesinde etkilenmemiş el için 144 saniye ve etkilenmiş el için 229 saniye iken tedavi sonrası sırasıyla 125 saniye ve 215 saniye idi. Minnesota el beceri testi döndürme alt testinin tamamlanma süresi tedavi öncesinde 309 saniye iken tedavi sonrası 269 saniye idi. ÇEDA kavrama etkinliği puanı tedavi öncesi 40 iken tedavi sonrası 41, yaşıtlarına göre zaman kullanımı puanı tedavi öncesi 44 iken tedavi sonrası 56 ve aktivite yaparken rahatsızlık hissi deneyimi puanı tedavi öncesi 45 iken tedavi sonrası 59 idi. ABILHAND-Kids puanı tedavi öncesi 26 iken tedavi sonrası 27 idi. Tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası sonuçlar karşılaştırıldığında ebeveyn gözetimi altında uygulanan HGT’nin el becerisi ve kullanımında olumlu yönde değişikliklere neden olduğu gözlendi. HGT’nin HSP’li çocukların rehabilitasyon programına eklenmesinin yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir.
  • Publication
    El rehabilitasyonu için geliştirilen robotik harici el iskelet sisteminin sağlıklı bireyler üzerinde test edilmesi
    (2021-04-17) ACAR, GÖNÜL; BAL, ABDULLAH; BAŞPINAR, ULVİ; BAKIR, BARKIN; Yıldız E., Kısacık M., BAL A., BAKIR B., BAŞPINAR U., Bayrak F., ACAR G.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Association between the physical activity level and the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
    (2015) ÖZGÜL, BAHAR; Çolak, Tuğba Kuru; Acar, Gönül; Dereli, E. Elçin; Özgül, Bahar; Demirbüken, İlkşan; Alkaç, Çiğdem; Polat, M. Gülden
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Relationship between sitting posture, sitting balance and upper extremity functions in children with spina bifida
    (2021-12-01) ACAR, GÖNÜL; Atalay G., ACAR G.
    Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between the sitting posture, sitting balance and upper extremity functions of children with Spina Bifida (SB). Methods: Thirty-one children with SB, and aged 5-18 years, were included the study. Their physical and clinical characteristics were recorded. Seated Postural Control Measure (SPCM), Pedalo® Balance Measurement System, Sitting Assessment for Children with Neuromotor Dysfunction (SACND), Modified Functional Reach Test (MFRT) and Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT) were used. Results: There was a significant correlation between JTHFT results and the other test results, i.e. Pedalo® (r = -0.478, p=0.007), SACND (r=0.399, p=0.026) and MFRT (r = -0.598, p<0.01). There was no correlation between JTHFT and SPCM (p˃0.05). In Pedalo®, MFRT, SACND, SPCM scores, significant differences were observed between the levels of lumbar and sacral lesions. Conclusion: In children with SB, upper extremity functions and functional independence can be increased by improving sitting postures and sitting balance starting from the early period. We believe that studies searching for sitting mechanisms and exercises that may improve the sitting abilities and hand functions of children with SB are needed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Serebral palsi açısından yüksek riskli bebeklerde “genel hareketler analizi”nin (GHA) gözlemciler arası tutarlılığının değerlendirilmesi
    (2022-01-01) ACAR, GÖNÜL; KOCAMAN C., ALTUNALAN T., Özbek S. Ö. , Yılmaz A., Bol H., Özker E., Madi B., ACAR G.
  • Publication
    The relationship between objective balance, perceived sense of balance, and fear of falling in stroke patients
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2017) ACAR, GÖNÜL; Oguz, Semra; Demirbuken, Ilksan; Kavlak, Bahar; Acar, Gonul; Yurdalan, Saadet Ufuk; Polat, Mine Gulden
    Objective: The objective of our study was to investigate the relationship between objective balance, fear of falling, and perceived sense of balance (PSB) in stroke patients. Methods: Seventy patients aged 18-65 years with chronically developed hemiplegia or hemiparesis were enrolled in the study. Patients' objective balance scores, fear of falling, and PSB were obtained using the berg balance scale (BBS), the falls efficacy scale (FES), and a visual analog scale, respectively. The Standard Mini-Mental Examination was performed to exclude patients with mental disorders from the study. Results: There was a moderate negative correlation between PSB and BBS scores (p = 0.001, rho = -0.588); a strong negative correlation between BBS and FES scores (p = 0.001, rho = -0.808); and a strong positive correlation between PSB and FES scores (p = 0.001, rho = 0.714). We found that BBS scores had negative correlation with PBS scores in left hemiplegic patients while there was no any relationship between BBS and PBS scores in right hemiplegic patients. Conclusion: PSB assessment, besides the BBS, should be considered among the routine assessment methods that enable the rehabilitation team to be aware of patients' balance capacities.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Efficacy of neurodevelopmental treatment combined with the Nintendo (R) Wii in patients with cerebral palsy
    (SOC PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE, 2016) ACAR, GÖNÜL; Acar, Gonul; Altun, Gamze Polen; Yurdalan, SaadetUfuk; Polat, Mine Gulden
    [Purpose] The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of Nintendo (R) Wii games in addition to neurodevelopmental treatment in patients with cerebral palsy. [Subjects and Methods] Thirty hemiparetic cerebral palsy patients (16 females, 14 males; mean age, 6-15 years) were included in the study and divided into two groups: a neurodevelopmental treatment+Nintendo Wii group (group 1, n=15) and a neurodevelopmental treatment group (group 2, n=15). Both groups received treatment in 45-minute sessions 2 days/week for six weeks. Use of the upper extremities, speed, disability and functional independence were evaluated using the Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test, Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test, ABILHAND-Kids test, and Pediatric Functional Independence Measure (self-care) before and after treatment. [Results] There were statistically significant improvements in all parameters for group 1 and group 2 (except quality of function) after six weeks of treatment. Intergroup analysis showed that group 1 was superior to group 2 in mean change differences in the Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test. [Conclusion] Our results showed that neurodevelopmental treatment is effective for improving hand functions in hemiplegic cerebral palsy. To provide a enjoyable, motivational, safe, and effective rehabilitation program, the Nintendo (R) Wii may be used in addition to neurodevelopmental treatment.
  • Publication
    Harflerle cerebral palsy
    (Boyut Yayın Grubu, 2022-04-01) ACAR, GÖNÜL; Acar G.