Publication: Molla Ali Girdarî’nin el-Hediye fi İlmi'ş Şeri'ye fi Vakti'l Cumhuriye adlı kitabının tahkik ve tahlili
Tez konusu yaptığımız el yazma eser, 1881 - 1939 tarihleri arasında yaşamış, hem Osmanlı ve hem de Cumhuriyet dönemine yetişmiş ve doğu medreselerinde dini tedrisat yapmış olan Molla Ali Gırdarî’nin, el-Hediye fi İlmi'ş Şeri'ye fi Vakti'l Cumhuriye adlı kitabıdır. Eser, Şafii fıkhında bir ders kitabı olması amacıyla Arapça yazılmış olup, muhteva bakımından ilmihal düzeyinde sayılabilir. Eserin hedef kitlesi öncelikli olarak ilme yeni başlayan öğrenciler olsa da, özellikle toplumda yaygın olan bazı hususları öne çıkarmış olması sebebiyle, bir miktar fıkıh tedrisatı görmüş öğrencilerin de yararlanabileceği bir içeriğe sahiptir. Müellif hattı tek nüsha olan el yazma üzerindeki çalışmamız ise, hem tahkik ve hem de tahlil çalışmasıdır. İki ana bö-lüme ayırdığımız çalışmanın ilk kısmında eseri değerlendirdik. Bu bölümde müellifin hayatı, eserleri ve ilmi çalışmalarıyla ilgili ulaşabildiğimiz bilgi ve bulguları verdikten sonra çalışılan eserin önemi, amacı, müellife aidiyeti, telif sebebi, konuların tertibi, müellifin yöntemi, eserini yazarken başvurduğu kaynaklar incelendi ve konuların tertibine göre muhtevayla ilgili tahlil incelemesi yapıldı. Çalışmanın ikinci kısmında ise, tahkikli metin yer almaktadır.
The manuscript that is the subject of our thesis is Alhadiyyat fī Ilmi Alshariyyat fī Waqti Aljumhuriyyat by Mullah Ali Girdari, who lived between 1881 and 1939, grew up in both the Ottoman and Republican periods and taught religion in eastern madrasas. The work was writ-ten in Arabic in order to be a textbook in Shafi'i jurisprudence and can be considered at the level of ilmihal in terms of content. Although the target audience of the work is primarily be-ginner students, it has a content that students who have some fiqh education can also benefit from, especially since it emphasizes some issues that are common in society. Our study on the manuscript, which is the only copy of the author's calligraphy, is both an investigation and an analysis. In the first part of the study, which we divided into two main parts, we evaluated the work. In this part, after giving the information and findings we could reach about the aut-hor's life, works and scholarly works, the importance of the work, its purpose, its belonging to the author, the reason for its composition, the organization of the subjects, the author's met-hod, the sources he used while writing his work, and the analysis of the content according to the organization of the subjects. In the second part of the study, the edited text is included.
The manuscript that is the subject of our thesis is Alhadiyyat fī Ilmi Alshariyyat fī Waqti Aljumhuriyyat by Mullah Ali Girdari, who lived between 1881 and 1939, grew up in both the Ottoman and Republican periods and taught religion in eastern madrasas. The work was writ-ten in Arabic in order to be a textbook in Shafi'i jurisprudence and can be considered at the level of ilmihal in terms of content. Although the target audience of the work is primarily be-ginner students, it has a content that students who have some fiqh education can also benefit from, especially since it emphasizes some issues that are common in society. Our study on the manuscript, which is the only copy of the author's calligraphy, is both an investigation and an analysis. In the first part of the study, which we divided into two main parts, we evaluated the work. In this part, after giving the information and findings we could reach about the aut-hor's life, works and scholarly works, the importance of the work, its purpose, its belonging to the author, the reason for its composition, the organization of the subjects, the author's met-hod, the sources he used while writing his work, and the analysis of the content according to the organization of the subjects. In the second part of the study, the edited text is included.
Fıkıh, Şafii fıkhı, medrese, el yazma Fiqh, Shafi'i fiqh, madrasah, handwritten manuscript