Publication: Reklamın şehir marka imajına etkisi : İstanbul örneği
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Küresel rekabet, günden güne gelişen ve değişen dünya dinamikleriyle beraber yerler de kendilerini işletmeler gibi pazarlamaya gerek duymaktadır. Dünya nüfusunun yarısının şehirlerde yaşadığı düşünüldüğünde şehirlerin bu dinamik yapısı ve insanlarla sürekli etkileşim içinde olması şehirler için de marka ve pazarlama çalışmalarının önemini gözler önüne sermektedir. Şehirler de kendilerini bir diğerinden ayırmak, olumlu bir şekilde hatırlanmak,daha çok ziyaretçi ve yatırımcı çekerek ekonomik olarak kalkınmak için marka şehir olmayı hedeflemektedirler. Stratejik konumu, tarihi, birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapması, kültür ve sanatı, gastronomisi, dinamik ve canlı yapısıyla İstanbul dünya metropolleri arasında yerini almakta ve her yıl yüzbinlerce turist tarafından ziyaret edilmektedir. Özellikle global anlamda pozitif imaj oluşturmak ve yabancı turisti çekmek için de şehri tanıtıcı reklam kampanyaları gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada İstanbul şehri için yapılan reklam çalışmaları şehir markalaması bağlamında incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, İstanbul’un marka imajının sakinler ve turistler tarafından nasıl şekillendiği ve bu imajın reklamlarla ilişkisini analiz etmektir. Araştırma sorunsalları bağlamında çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmış ve derinlemesine mülakat tekniğiyle veri toplanmıştır. Yarı yapılandırılmış, açık uçlu sorular hazırlanarak, 6 şehir sakini ve 6 turist olmak üzere toplam 12 katılımcıyla görüşmelergerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmelerin tematik analizi sonucu 4 ana tema ve 9 alt tema elde edilmiştir. Katılımcıların görüşleri, belirlenen temalar altında betimsel olarak analiz edilerek şehir imajı ve şehrin reklamlardaki temsiline farklı bakış açıları sunulmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucunda, sakinler ve turistlerin birçok noktada benzer görüş ve önerilere sahip olduklarıbulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Ancak şehir sakinleri, şehir deneyimleri ve reklamın yorumlanması noktasında turistlere göre daha detaycı ve eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşmışlardır. İstanbul ile ilgili reklam beğenilse de katılımcılar tarafından reklamın eksiklikleri vurgulanmış ve reklamın şehir deneyimleriyle örtüşme noktasında uyumsuzluklar tespit edilmiştir.
With global competition and the dynamics of the world developing and changing day by day, places also need to market themselves like businesses. Considering that half of the world's population lives in cities, this dynamic structure of cities and their constant interaction with people reveals the importance of branding and marketing activities for cities. Cities aim to become a brand in order to distinguish themselves from one another, to be remembered in a positive way, and to develop economically by attracting more visitors and investors. With itsstrategic location, history, hosting many civilizations, culture and art, gastronomy, dynamic and lively structure, Istanbul takes its place among the world metropolises and visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. In order to create a positive global image and attract foreign tourists, advertising campaigns are carried out to promote the city. In this study, advertising campaigns for the city of Istanbul are analyzed in the context of city branding. The aim of the study is to analyze how the brand image of Istanbul is shaped by residents and tourists and the relationship between this image and advertisements. In the context of the research problematics,qualitative research method was used in the study and data was collected through in-depth interviews. Semi-structured, open-ended questions were prepared and interviews were conducted with a total of 12 participants, 6 city residents and 6 tourists. As a result of the thematic analysis of the interviews, 4 main themes and 9 sub-themes were obtained. The views of the participants were analyzed descriptively under the determined themes and different perspectives on the city image and the representation of the city in advertisements were presented. As a result of the study, it was found that residents and tourists had similar opinions and suggestions at many points. However, residents were more detailed and critical than tourists in terms of their city experiences and interpretation of the advertisement. Although the advertisement about Istanbul was liked, the participants emphasized the shortcomings of the advertisement and incompatibilities were identified in terms of overlapping the advertisement with the city experiences.
With global competition and the dynamics of the world developing and changing day by day, places also need to market themselves like businesses. Considering that half of the world's population lives in cities, this dynamic structure of cities and their constant interaction with people reveals the importance of branding and marketing activities for cities. Cities aim to become a brand in order to distinguish themselves from one another, to be remembered in a positive way, and to develop economically by attracting more visitors and investors. With itsstrategic location, history, hosting many civilizations, culture and art, gastronomy, dynamic and lively structure, Istanbul takes its place among the world metropolises and visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. In order to create a positive global image and attract foreign tourists, advertising campaigns are carried out to promote the city. In this study, advertising campaigns for the city of Istanbul are analyzed in the context of city branding. The aim of the study is to analyze how the brand image of Istanbul is shaped by residents and tourists and the relationship between this image and advertisements. In the context of the research problematics,qualitative research method was used in the study and data was collected through in-depth interviews. Semi-structured, open-ended questions were prepared and interviews were conducted with a total of 12 participants, 6 city residents and 6 tourists. As a result of the thematic analysis of the interviews, 4 main themes and 9 sub-themes were obtained. The views of the participants were analyzed descriptively under the determined themes and different perspectives on the city image and the representation of the city in advertisements were presented. As a result of the study, it was found that residents and tourists had similar opinions and suggestions at many points. However, residents were more detailed and critical than tourists in terms of their city experiences and interpretation of the advertisement. Although the advertisement about Istanbul was liked, the participants emphasized the shortcomings of the advertisement and incompatibilities were identified in terms of overlapping the advertisement with the city experiences.
Reklam, Yer Markalama, Şehir Markalama, Şehir İmajı, İstanbul. Advertising, Place Branding, City Branding, City Image, İstanbul.