Publication: Osmanlı Kahire'sinde aile, toplum ve hukuk (1890-1910)
Bu çalışmada Mısır Büyük Şer'iyye Mahkemesi'ne bağlı olarak 1890-1910 tarihleri arasında kaydedilen evlenme ve boşanma belgeleri merkeze alınarak 19. yüzyıl Kahire ölçeğinde Osmanlı ailesi, hukuku ve toplumu incelenmiştir. Araştırma boyunca doğrudan evlenmeye ve boşanmaya ilişkin veri sunan belgeler içerik ve biçim bakımından analiz edilerek modernleşme ve kanunlaşma çabaları bağlamında Osmanlı kayıt geleneği içerisinde konumlandırılmıştır. Ayrıca modernleşme aşamasında görülen çeşitli hukuki, sosyal değişimlerin aile kurumunu hangi açılardan etkilediği tartışılmıştır. Özellikle kanunlaşma çabalarının ailenin kayıt altına alınmasında ne denli etkili olduğuna dikkat çekilmiştir. Kayıtların barındırdığı içerikler ise siyasi, hukuki, iktisadi ve sosyokültürel bir zeminde değerlendirilerek toplumun hususen evlenme ve boşanma tecrübelerinde oluşan görüntüsü ortaya konulmuştur. Kahire'de ikamet eden bir grup kadın ve erkeğin deneyimlerine yakından bakılarak toplumun evlenme ve boşanma pratiklerinde ortak temayülleri ve marjinal tercihleri tespit edilmiştir. Aile birlikteliklerinin kurulması ve dağılması; kişilerin kimlikleri, mehir miktarları, hukuki statüleri, sosyal statüleri, hukuki ehliyetleri, evlilik yaşları, yeniden evlenme süreçleri ve ilişki ağlarını etkileyen maddi unsurlar gibi çeşitli açılardan değerlendirilerek tasvir edilmiştir. Bunlara ek olarak mevcut hukuki değişimlerin aileyi hangi açılardan etkilediği ortaya konulmuştur. Evlenme ve boşanma işlemlerinin en önemli unsurları olan vekâletin ve şahitliğin işlev ve ilişki yönleri tayin edilerek kurumsal ve sosyolojik çerçevesi belirlenmiştir. Tüm bunların yanı sıra defterlerin aktardığı veriler arasında gözlemlenen ve Kahire'nin sosyal hayatına ışık tutan unsurlar, tarihi ve sosyolojik bir zemine oturtularak Kahire toplumuna ilişkin anlatı geliştirilmiştir. 1890-1910 yılları arasında Kahire bölgesini konu alan bu çalışma, Osmanlı kadını, ailesi ve aile hukuku literatürüne katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.
In this study, the Ottoman family, law and society were examined in the example of 19th century Cairo by focusing on the marriage and divorce documents recorded between 1890-1910 by the Great Court of Sharia in Egypt. Throughout the research, documents that provide direct data on marriage and divorce were analyzed in terms of content and form and were positioned within the Ottoman registration tradition in the context of modernization and legalization efforts. Likewise, the aspects in which various legal and social changes seen in the modernization phase that affect family institutions were discussed. Particularly, effectiveness of the legislative efforts in registration of families was pointed out. The contents of the records were evaluated from political, legal, economic, and socio-cultural perspective and an image of society was depicted through marriage and divorce experiences. By taking a close look at the experiences of a group of women and men residing in Cairo, the common tendencies and marginal preferences of the society in marriage and divorce practices were identified. Also, the establishment and dissolution of family were described by evaluating them in various aspects such as the identities of individuals, dowry amounts, legal status, social status, legal capacity, age of marriage, remarriage processes and material factors affecting relationship networks. Moreover, it was revealed in which aspects the existing legal changes affected the family. The institutional and sociological framework of the proxy and testimony which were the most important elements of marriage and divorce procedures were established by determining their functions and their relationship with both parties. In addition, the elements that shed light on the social life of Cairo among the data transmitted by the documents were discussed on a historical and sociological ground and thus a narrative about the society in Cairo was developed. This study on the Cairo region in 1890-1910 aims to contribute to the literature on Ottoman women, families, and family law.
In this study, the Ottoman family, law and society were examined in the example of 19th century Cairo by focusing on the marriage and divorce documents recorded between 1890-1910 by the Great Court of Sharia in Egypt. Throughout the research, documents that provide direct data on marriage and divorce were analyzed in terms of content and form and were positioned within the Ottoman registration tradition in the context of modernization and legalization efforts. Likewise, the aspects in which various legal and social changes seen in the modernization phase that affect family institutions were discussed. Particularly, effectiveness of the legislative efforts in registration of families was pointed out. The contents of the records were evaluated from political, legal, economic, and socio-cultural perspective and an image of society was depicted through marriage and divorce experiences. By taking a close look at the experiences of a group of women and men residing in Cairo, the common tendencies and marginal preferences of the society in marriage and divorce practices were identified. Also, the establishment and dissolution of family were described by evaluating them in various aspects such as the identities of individuals, dowry amounts, legal status, social status, legal capacity, age of marriage, remarriage processes and material factors affecting relationship networks. Moreover, it was revealed in which aspects the existing legal changes affected the family. The institutional and sociological framework of the proxy and testimony which were the most important elements of marriage and divorce procedures were established by determining their functions and their relationship with both parties. In addition, the elements that shed light on the social life of Cairo among the data transmitted by the documents were discussed on a historical and sociological ground and thus a narrative about the society in Cairo was developed. This study on the Cairo region in 1890-1910 aims to contribute to the literature on Ottoman women, families, and family law.
Mısır, Kahire, Osmanlı aile hukuku, evlilik, boşanma, modernleşme, toplum Egypt, Cairo, Ottoman family law, marriage, divorce, modernization, society