Publication: Nuri Demirağ ve Türk havacılığına katkıları
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Bu çalışma, Nuri Demirağ’ın Türkiye Cumhuriyet’inin ilk yıllarında ülke kalkınmasına verdiği diğer katkıların yanı sıra, bilhassa Türk havacılığını batı ülkeleri seviyesi ve hatta daha ilerisine taşıma çabalarını, Türk havacılık tarihini de kronolojik bir surette birlikte değerlendirerek, ortaya koymayı amaçlamakta, aynı zamanda bu çok yönlü, vizyon sahibi ve vatansever iş adamının, ülke kalkınmasına yönelik çabalarının adeta akamete uğratılmasında rol alan siyasi, iktisadi ve sosyal nedenlerin ortaya çıkarılması hedeflenmektedir.Türk havacılığının geçmişi ve kronolojik gelişimi değerlendirilirken, bu gelişimin Nuri Demirağ’ın fikirleri ve vizyonuna etkisi, Nuri Demirağ’ın bu gelişime katkıları, katkılarının hayallerine göre sınırlı kalmasındaki nedenler birlikte ele alınarak irdelenmesi tasarlanmıştır. Nuri Demirağ, küllerinden doğmuş ve yeni kurulmuş bir ülkenin, gelişmiş batı ülkelerinin refah seviyesini yakalamasının ekonomik kalkınmadan, bunun da siyasi ve ekonomik ve teknolojik olarak tam bağımsız bir ülkeden geçtiğini çok iyi kavramış, çağdaşı birkaç müteşebbis gibi, çok iyi incelenmesi gereken ve bu inceleme sonucunda ortaya çıkacak sonuçların, geçmişimize olduğu kadar, bu günümüze ve yarınımıza da ışık tutacağı bir şahsiyettir.Son olarak amaçlanan asıl hedef, bu ufuk açıcılıkla, Nuri Demirağ örneğinde olduğu gibi zaman zaman ülke kalkınmasına ket vuran siyasi ve sosyal nedenlerin açıkça ortaya konarak, toplumda bu nedenlere ve yaklaşımlara karşı farkındalık oluşturup, ülke insanına yeni hedefler ve ufuklar kazandırmaktır. Bunun yanı sıra iktisadi bir çalışma olması sebebiyle de, geçmişimizden ibret alınmasını sağlayıp, günümüzde devam etmekte olan ve teze konu Nuri Demirağ’ın neredeyse 90 yıl gecikmeye uğramış vizyonunun bizlere ışık olarak milyarlarca dolarlık bir sektör olan havacılıkta dışa bağımlılığı en aza indirmesidir.
This study aims to highlight Nuri Demirağ's contributions to the development of the Republic of Turkiye in its early years, particularly his efforts to elevate Turkish aviation to the level of Western countries and beyond, by evaluating the history of Turkish aviation chronologically. It also seeks to identify the political, economic, and social reasons that seemingly thwarted the efforts of this multifaceted, visionary, and patriotic businessman towards national development.While evaluating the past and chronological development of Turkish aviation, the study plans to examine the impact of Nuri Demirağ’s ideas and vision on this development, his contributions to this progression, and the reasons why his contributions were limited compared to his dreams. Nuri Demirağ understood very well that the newly established nation, rising from its ashes, needed economic development to match the prosperity levels of advanced Western countries, which required complete political, economic, and technological independence. Like a few of his contemporaries, he is a figure who needs to be thoroughly studied, and the findings from this study will shed light not only on our past but also on our present and future.The primary goal is to bring about awareness in society against the political and social reasons that occasionally hinder national development, as exemplified by Nuri Demirağ. By creating this awareness, it aims to inspire new goals and horizons for the country's people. Additionally, as an economic study, it intends to ensure that lessons are learned from our past. By addressing the nearly 90-year-delayed vision of Nuri Demirağ, it aims to minimize dependency on foreign countries in the aviation sector, which is worth billions of dollars today.
This study aims to highlight Nuri Demirağ's contributions to the development of the Republic of Turkiye in its early years, particularly his efforts to elevate Turkish aviation to the level of Western countries and beyond, by evaluating the history of Turkish aviation chronologically. It also seeks to identify the political, economic, and social reasons that seemingly thwarted the efforts of this multifaceted, visionary, and patriotic businessman towards national development.While evaluating the past and chronological development of Turkish aviation, the study plans to examine the impact of Nuri Demirağ’s ideas and vision on this development, his contributions to this progression, and the reasons why his contributions were limited compared to his dreams. Nuri Demirağ understood very well that the newly established nation, rising from its ashes, needed economic development to match the prosperity levels of advanced Western countries, which required complete political, economic, and technological independence. Like a few of his contemporaries, he is a figure who needs to be thoroughly studied, and the findings from this study will shed light not only on our past but also on our present and future.The primary goal is to bring about awareness in society against the political and social reasons that occasionally hinder national development, as exemplified by Nuri Demirağ. By creating this awareness, it aims to inspire new goals and horizons for the country's people. Additionally, as an economic study, it intends to ensure that lessons are learned from our past. By addressing the nearly 90-year-delayed vision of Nuri Demirağ, it aims to minimize dependency on foreign countries in the aviation sector, which is worth billions of dollars today.
Nuri Demirağ, Türk Havacılığı, Türkiye İktisadi Kalkınma Süreci, Türk Tayyare Cemiyeti. Nuri Demirağ, Turkish Aviation, Turkey’s National Economical Development Plan, Turkish Aeronautical Association