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18 results
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Publication Metadata only Quali̇ty of li̇fe evaluation wi̇th turki̇sh version of eortc c30 and br 23 questionnaires in breast cancer patients following radiotherapy(2014-09-30) ÖZGEN, ZERRİN; ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; KUŞCU, MEHMET KEMAL; Özgen Z., Atasoy B. M., Karaüç G., Kuşcu M. K.Publication Metadata only Farkli radyoterapi̇ tekni̇kleri̇n üst batın yerleşmli̇ tümörleri̇n tedavi̇si̇nde dozi̇metri̇k açıdan karşılaştırılması(2014-04-23) ÖZGEN, ZERRİN; ADLI, MUSTAFA; ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; Dağlı A., Özgen Z., Güneyli O., Adlı M., Karaüç G., Atasoy B. M.Publication Metadata only Grad III anaplasti̇k gli̇al tümör tanili hastalarda radyoterapi̇yle eş zamanli adjuvan temozolami̇d sonuçlari tek merkez deneyi̇mi̇(2014-05-23) ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; ÖZGEN, ZERRİN; DANE, FAYSAL; Sahibov E., Atasoy B. M., Şeker A., Özgen Z., Dane F., Ziyal M. İ., Abacıoğu U.Publication Metadata only Rektum kanseri̇ tanisiyla preoperati̇f kemoradyoterapi̇ uygulanan hastalarda geç dönem anal sfi̇nkter fonksi̇yonunun kli̇ni̇k ve manometri̇k değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ ve yaşam kali̇tesi̇ İle İli̇şki̇si̇(2014-04-23) ÖZGEN, ZERRİN; ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; Özgen Z., Özden S., Atasoy B. M., Özyurt H., İmeryüz N.Publication Metadata only Kanser tanisi alan hastalarda poli̇kli̇ni̇k şartlarinda üç farkli test İle nütri̇syonel durum değerlendi̇rmesi̇(2012-04-19) ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; ÖZGEN, ZERRİN; DANE, FAYSAL; YUMUK, PERRAN FULDEN; Atasoy B. M., Aygör H. A., Günaydın D., Özlen T., İbrahimov R., Özgen Z., Dane F., Yumuk P. F.Publication Metadata only Treatment outcomes of breast cancer patients older than 65 years old received local radiotherapy(2014-09-30) ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; ÖZGEN, ZERRİN; YUMUK, PERRAN FULDEN; UĞURLU, MUSTAFA ÜMİT; KAYA, HANDAN; GÜLLÜOĞLU, MAHMUT BAHADIR; Atasoy B. M., Kefeli A., Özgen Z., Rzayev R., Yumuk P. F., Uğurlu M. Ü., Kaya H., Arıbal M. E., Güllüoğlu M. B.Publication Metadata only Does neoadjuvant chemoradiation maintain a functional anal sphincter and a good qualty of li̇fe in rectal cancer patients(2014-11-25) ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; Özgen Z., Özden S., Atasoy B. M., Özyurt H., İmeryüz N.Publication Metadata only The role of radiotherapy in intracranial hemangiopericytoma: TROD CNS group study 07-008(2022-05-01) ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; Kaydihan N., Guney Y., Yazici G., Erpolat P., Kamer S., Atasoy B. M., Aslan D., ATALAR B., Demircioglu F., Dincbas F. O., et al.Publication Metadata only Lenfoplazmosi̇ti̇k lenfomanin santral si̇ni̇r si̇stemi̇ tutulumu olgu sunumu(2012-04-19) ÖZGEN, ZERRİN; ATAGÜNDÜZ, IŞIK; BOZKURT, SÜHEYLA; ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; Özgen Z., Adıgüzel C., Karaüç G., Özden S., Atagündüz I., Gül D., Pepedil F., Bozkurt S., Atasoy B. M.Publication Metadata only Quali̇ty of li̇fe depression and anxiety levels and social support perceiving in caregivers of turkish cancer patients under radiotherapy(2014-11-15) ATASOY, BESTE MELEK; KUŞCU, MEHMET KEMAL; Özgen Z., Atasoy B. M., Üçünçü Kefeli A., Kuşcu M. K., Akgün Z.Background: Knowingly, cancer causes stress and burden not only to the patient but also to their caregivers. Due to increased stress patients caregivers’ immune system is affected, mortality rates are increased. During illness family caregivers had more anxiety, depression, exhaustion, role conflict, social isolation and burden. There have been a few works done for patients’ caregivers’ quality of life status in our country Aim: Cancer patients’ caregivers may have psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and quality of life (QOL) may decreases. In this study, we examined the caregivers QOL and assed the overall effect of general anxiety and depression levels, and social support perceiving on this issue. Methods: A total of 90 caregivers invited to this study. They were asked to complete cancer Turkish version of caregiver quality of life scale (CQOLC), multidimensional scale of perceived social support (MSPSS) and hospital anxiety and depression scale (HAD) which is used frequently in clinic psychiatry. Results: The burden score and MSPSS total score was worse in caregivers, that are living together with the patients than those are living, separately (p < 0.005). In male caregivers, HAD depression score was higher (p = 0.012) and CQOLC disruptiveness score was less (p = 0.014) than women caregivers. In correlation analysis we found a negative correlation between CQOLC total score and HAD anxiety and depression scores. QOL decreases when anxiety and depression scores increase. There was a significant correlation between anxiety score and total, family, friend subscales of MSPSS. Conclusions: Cancer is a stressful experience not only to the patient but also to the caregivers and leads to social, physical and psychological problems and disrupts the quality of life.