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  • Publication
    Potentially Beneficial Effect of Hydroxychloroquine in a Patient with a Novel Mutation in Protein Kinase C delta Deficiency
    (SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, 2015) ÖZEN, AHMET OĞUZHAN; Kiykim, Ayca; Ogulur, Ismail; Baris, Safa; Salzer, Elisabeth; Karakoc-Aydiner, Elif; Ozen, Ahmet Oguzhan; Garncarz, Wojciech; Hirschmugl, Tatjana; Krolo, Ana; Yucelten, Ayse Deniz; Boztug, Kaan; Barlan, Isil B.
    Protein kinase C delta (PRKCD) has essential functions in controlling B-cell proliferation and apoptosis, development of B-cell tolerance and NK-cell cytolitic activity. Human PRKCD deficiency was recently identified to be causative for an autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome like disorder with significant B-cell proliferation particularly of immature B cells. Here we report a child with a novel mutation in PRKCD gene who presented with CMV infection and an early onset SLE-like disorder which was successfully treated with hydroxychloroquine.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Immune system defects in DiGeorge syndrome and association with clinical course
    (WILEY, 2019-11) ÖZEN, AHMET OĞUZHAN; Nain, Ercan; Kiykim, Ayca; Ogulur, Ismail; Kasap, Nurhan; Karakoc-Aydiner, Elif; Ozen, Ahmet; Baris, Safa
    We evaluated 18 DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) patients and aimed to investigate the immunological changes in this population. DGS patients with low naive CD4(+)T and CD8(+)T cells were defined as high-risk (HR) patients, whereas patients with normal numbers of naive CD4(+) and CD8(+)T cells were defined as standard risk (SR) patients. Level of serum IgM, CD3(+) T cell counts and percentages of class-switched memory B cells were significantly low in HR group compared to SR ones. Severe infections and persistent hypoparathyroidism were detected significantly higher in HR group. Patients with reduced percentages of class-switched B cells had earlier onset of infection, lower blood IgM, lower CD4(+) and CD8(+)T counts than patients with normal class-switched memory B cells. Decreased levels of IgM were associated with low numbers of naive CD4(+) and recent thymic emigrants T cells. Monitoring the immune changes of patients with DGS would be useful to predict the severe phenotype of disease.