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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 118
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Measurement of the top quark mass with lepton+jets final states using p p collisions at √s=13TeV
    (2018-11-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan A., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Asilar E., Bergauer T., Brandstetter J., Brondolin E., Dragicevic M., Erö J., et al.
    © 2018, CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.The mass of the top quark is measured using a sample of t t ¯ events collected by the CMS detector using proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV at the CERN LHC. Events are selected with one isolated muon or electron and at least four jets from data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb-1. For each event the mass is reconstructed from a kinematic fit of the decay products to a t t ¯ hypothesis. Using the ideogram method, the top quark mass is determined simultaneously with an overall jet energy scale factor (JSF), constrained by the mass of the W boson in q q ¯ ′ decays. The measurement is calibrated on samples simulated at next-to-leading order matched to a leading-order parton shower. The top quark mass is found to be 172.25±0.08(stat+JSF)±0.62(syst)GeV. The dependence of this result on the kinematic properties of the event is studied and compared to predictions of different models of t t ¯ production, and no indications of a bias in the measurements are observed.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    MUSiC: a model-unspecific search for new physics in proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV
    (2021-07-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan A., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Bergauer T., Dragicevic M., Erö J., Del Valle A. E., Frühwirth R., Jeitler M., et al.
    © 2021, The Author(s).Results of the Model Unspecific Search in CMS (MUSiC), using proton–proton collision data recorded at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb-1, are presented. The MUSiC analysis searches for anomalies that could be signatures of physics beyond the standard model. The analysis is based on the comparison of observed data with the standard model prediction, as determined from simulation, in several hundred final states and multiple kinematic distributions. Events containing at least one electron or muon are classified based on their final state topology, and an automated search algorithm surveys the observed data for deviations from the prediction. The sensitivity of the search is validated using multiple methods. No significant deviations from the predictions have been observed. For a wide range of final state topologies, agreement is found between the data and the standard model simulation. This analysis complements dedicated search analyses by significantly expanding the range of final states covered using a model independent approach with the largest data set to date to probe phase space regions beyond the reach of previous general searches.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Search for new physics in events with a leptonically decaying Z boson and a large transverse momentum imbalance in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
    (2018-04-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan A., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Asilar E., Bergauer T., Brandstetter J., Brondolin E., Dragicevic M., Erö J., et al.
    © 2018, CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.A search for new physics in events with a Z boson produced in association with large missing transverse momentum at the LHC is presented. The search is based on the 2016 data sample of proton-proton collisions recorded with the CMS experiment at s=13TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb-1. The results of this search are interpreted in terms of a simplified model of dark matter production via spin-0 or spin-1 mediators, a scenario with a standard-model-like Higgs boson produced in association with the Z boson and decaying invisibly, a model of unparticle production, and a model with large extra spatial dimensions. No significant deviations from the background expectations are found, and limits are set on relevant model parameters, significantly extending the results previously achieved in this channel.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Search for pair production of second-generation leptoquarks at root s=13 TeV
    (2019-02-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan A. M., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Asilar E., Bergauer T., Brandstetter J., Dragicevic M., Eroe J., Del Valle A. E., et al.
    A search for pair production of second-generation leptoquarks is performed using proton-proton collision data collected at root s = 13 TeV in 2016 with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1). Final states with two muons and two jets, or with one muon, two jets, and missing transverse momentum are considered. Second-generation scalar leptoquarks with masses less than 1530(1285) GeVare excluded for ss = 1.0(0.5), where ss is the branching fraction for the decay of a leptoquark to a charged lepton and a quark. The results of the search are also interpreted as limits on the pair production of long-lived top squarks in an R-parity violating supersymmetry model that has a final state with two muons and two jets. These limits represent the most stringent limits to date on these models.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Study of excited Lambda(0)(b) states decaying to Lambda(0)(b)pi(+)pi(-) in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
    (ELSEVIER, 2020-04) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Ambrogi, F.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Eroe, J.; Del Valle, A. Escalante; Flechl, M.; Fruehwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Kraetschmer, I; Liko, D.; Madlener, T.; Mikulec, I; Rad, N.; Schieck, J.; Schoefbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C-E; Zarucki, M.; Drugakov, V; Mossolov, V; Gonzalez, J. Suarez; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Di Croce, D.; Janssen, X.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Pieters, M.; Sfar, H. Rejeb; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; Chhibra, S. S.; D'Hondt, J.; De Clercq, J.; Lontkovskyi, D.; Lowette, S.; Marchesini, I; Moortgat, S.; Python, Q.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Delannoy, H.; Dorney, B.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Moureaux, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Vannerom, D.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Khvastunov, I; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Verbeke, W.; Vermassen, B.; Vit, M.; Bruno, G.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Delcourt, M.; Giammanco, A.; Lemaitre, V; Prisciandaro, J.; Saggio, A.; Vischia, P.; Zobec, J.; Alves, G. A.; Correia Silva, G.; Hensel, C.; Moraes, A.; Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E.; Carvalho, W.; Chinellato, J.; Da Coelho, E.; Da Costa, E. M.; Silveira, G. G.; De Jesus Damiao, D.; De Oliveira Martins, C.; Fonseca De Souza, S.; Malbouisson, H.; Martins, J.; Matos Figueiredo, D.; Medina Jaime, M.; Melo De Almeida, M.; Mora Herrera, C.; Mundim, L.; Nogima, H.; Prado Silva, W. L.; Rebello Teles, P.; Rosas, L. J. Sanchez; Santoro, A.; Sznajder, A.; Thiel, M.; Tonelli Manganote, E. J.; Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.; Vilela Pereira, A.; Bernardes, C. A.; Calligaris, L.; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R.; Gregores, E. M.; Lemos, D. S.; Mercadante, P. G.; Novaes, S. F.; Padula, Sandra S.; Aleksandrov, A.; Antchev, G.; Hadjiiska, R.; Iaydjiev, P.; Misheva, M.; Rodozov, M.; Shopova, M.; Sultanov, G.; Bonchev, M.; Dimitrov, A.; Ivanov, T.; Litov, L.; Pavlov, B.; Petkov, P.; Petrov, A.; Fang, W.; Gao, X.; Yuan, L.; Ahmad, M.; Hu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Chen, G. M.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, M.; Jiang, C. H.; Leggat, D.; Liao, H.; Liu, Z.; Spiezia, A.; Tao, J.; Yazgan, E.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, J.; Agapitos, A.; Ban, Y.; Chen, G.; Levin, A.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Li, Q.; Mao, Y.; Qian, S. J.; Wang, D.; Wang, Q.; Xiao, M.; Avila, C.; Cabrera, A.; Florez, C.; Gonzalez Hernandez, C. F.; Segura Delgado, M. A.; Mejia Guisao, J.; Ruiz Alvarez, J. D.; Salazar Gonzalez, C. A.; Vanegas Arbelaez, N.; Giljanovic, D.; Godinovic, N.; Lelas, D.; Puljak, I; Sculac, T.; Antunovic, Z.; Kovac, M.; Brigljevic, V; Ferencek, D.; Kadija, K.; Majumder, D.; Mesic, B.; Roguljic, M.; Starodumov, A.; Susa, T.; Ather, M. W.; Attikis, A.; Erodotou, E.; Ioannou, A.; Kolosova, M.; Konstantinou, S.; Mavromanolakis, G.; Mousa, J.; Nicolaou, C.; Ptochos, F.; Razis, P. A.; Rykaczewski, H.; Saka, H.; Tsiakkouri, D.; Finger, M.; Finger, M., Jr.; Kveton, A.; Tomsa, J.; Ayala, E.; Carrera Jarrin, E.; Assran, Y.; Elgammal, S.; Bhowmik, S.; De Oliveira, A. Carvalho Antunes; Dewanjee, R. K.; Ehataht, K.; Kadastik, M.; Raidal, M.; Veelken, C.; Eerola, P.; Forthomme, L.; Kirschenmann, H.; Osterberg, K.; Voutilainen, M.; Brucken, E.; Garcia, F.; Havukainen, J.; Heikkila, J. K.; Karimaki, V; Kim, M. S.; Kinnunen, R.; Lampen, T.; Lassila-Perini, K.; Laurila, S.; Lehti, S.; Linden, T.; Siikonen, H.; Tuominen, E.; Tuominiemi, J.; Luukka, P.; Tuuva, T.; Besancon, M.; Couderc, F.; Dejardin, M.; Denegri, D.; Fabbro, B.; Faure, J. L.; Ferri, F.; Ganjour, S.; Givernaud, A.; Gras, P.; de Monchenault, G. Hamel; Jarry, P.; Leloup, C.; Lenzi, B.; Locci, E.; Malcles, J.; Rander, J.; Rosowsky, A.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Titov, M.; Yu, G. B.; Ahuja, S.; Amendola, C.; Beaudette, F.; Bonanomi, M.; Busson, P.; Charlot, C.; Diab, B.; Falmagne, G.; de Cassagnac, R. Granier; Kucher, I; Lobanov, A.; Perez, C. Martin; Nguyen, M.; Ochando, C.; Paganini, P.; Rembser, J.; Salerno, R.; Sauvan, J. B.; Sirois, Y.; Zabi, A.; Zghiche, A.; Agram, J-L; Andrea, J.; Bloch, D.; Bourgatte, G.; Brom, J-M; Chabert, E. C.; Collard, C.; Conte, E.; Fontaine, J-C; Gele, D.; Goerlach, U.; Grimault, C.; Le Bihan, A-C; Tonon, N.; Van Hove, P.; Gadrat, S.; Beauceron, S.; Bernet, C.; Boudoul, G.; Camen, C.; Carle, A.; Chanon, N.; Chierici, R.; Contardo, D.; Depasse, P.; El Mamouni, H.; Fay, J.; Gascon, S.; Gouzevitch, M.; Ille, B.; Jain, Sa; Laktineh, I. B.; Lattaud, H.; Lesauvage, A.; Lethuillier, M.; Mirabito, L.; Perries, S.; Sordini, V; Torterotot, L.; Touquet, G.; Vander Donckt, M.; Viret, S.; Toriashvili, T.; Tsamalaidze, Z.; Autermann, C.; Feld, L.; Klein, K.; Lipinski, M.; Meuser, D.; Pauls, A.; Preuten, M.; Rauch, M. P.; Schulz, J.; Teroerde, M.; Erdmann, M.; Fischer, B.; Ghosh, S.; Hebbeker, T.; Hoepfner, K.; Keller, H.; Mastrolorenzo, L.; Merschmeyer, M.; Meyer, A.; Millet, P.; Mocellin, G.; Mondal, S.; Mukherjee, S.; Noll, D.; Novak, A.; Pook, T.; Pozdnyakov, A.; Quast, T.; Radziej, M.; Rath, Y.; Reithler, H.; Roemer, J.; Schmidt, A.; Schuler, S. C.; Sharma, A.; Wiedenbeck, S.; Zaleski, S.; Flgge, G.; Ahmad, W. Haj; Hlushchenko, O.; Kress, T.; Mller, T.; Nowack, A.; Pistone, C.; Pooth, O.; Roy, D.; Sert, H.; Stahl, A.; Martin, M. Aldaya; Asmuss, P.; Babounikau, I; Bakhshiansohi, H.; Beernaert, K.; Behnke, O.; Martinez, A. Bermudez; Bin Anuar, A. A.; Borras, K.; Botta, V; Campbell, A.; Cardini, A.; Connor, P.; Rodriguez, S. Consuegra; Contreras-Campana, C.; Danilov, V; De Wit, A.; Defranchis, M. M.; Pardos, C. Diez; Damiani, D. Dominguez; Eckerlin, G.; Eckstein, D.; Eichhorn, T.; Elwood, A.; Eren, E.; Banos, L. I. Estevez; Gallo, E.; Geiser, A.; Grohsjean, A.; Guthoff, M.; Haranko, M.; Harb, A.; Jafari, A.; Jomhari, N. Z.; Jung, H.; Kasem, A.; Kasemann, M.; Kaveh, H.; Keaveney, J.; Kleinwort, C.; Knolle, J.; Kruecker, D.; Lange, W.; Lenz, T.; Lidrych, J.; Lipka, K.; Lohmann, W.; Mankel, R.; Melzer-Pellmann, I-A; Meyer, A. B.; Meyer, M.; Missiroli, M.; Mnich, J.; Mussgiller, A.; Myronenko, V; Adan, D. Perez; Pflitsch, S. K.; Pitzl, D.; Raspereza, A.; Saibel, A.; Savitskyi, M.; Scheurer, V; Schtze, P.; Schwanenberger, C.; Shevchenko, R.; Singh, A.; Ricardo, R. E. Sosa; Tholen, H.; Turkot, O.; Vagnerini, A.; Van De Klundert, M.; Walsh, R.; Wen, Y.; Wichmann, K.; Wissing, C.; Zenaiev, O.; Zlebcik, R.; Aggleton, R.; Bein, S.; Benato, L.; Benecke, A.; Dreyer, T.; Ebrahimi, A.; Feindt, F.; Froehlich, A.; Garbers, C.; Garutti, E.; Gonzalez, D.; Gunnellini, P.; Haller, J.; Hinzmann, A.; Karavdina, A.; Kasieczka, G.; Klanner, R.; Kogler, R.; Kovalchuk, N.; Kurz, S.; Kutzner, V; Lange, J.; Lange, T.; Malara, A.; Multhaup, J.; Niemeyer, C. E. N.; Reimers, A.; Rieger, O.; Schleper, P.; Schumann, S.; Schwandt, J.; Sonneveld, J.; Stadie, H.; Steinbrck, G.; Vormwald, B.; Zoi, I; Akbiyik, M.; Baselga, M.; Baur, S.; Berger, T.; Butz, E.; Caspart, R.; Chwalek, T.; De Boer, W.; Dierlamm, A.; El Morabit, K.; Faltermann, N.; Giffels, M.; Gottmann, A.; Hartmann, F.; Heidecker, C.; Husemann, U.; Iqbal, M. A.; Kudella, S.; Maier, S.; Mitra, S.; Mozer, M. U.; Mueller, D.; Mueller, Th; Musich, M.; Nuernberg, A.; Quast, G.; Rabbertz, K.; Savoiu, D.; Schaefer, D.; Schnepf, M.; Schroeder, M.; Shvetsov, I; Simonis, H. J.; Ulrich, R.; Wassmer, M.; Weber, M.; Whrmann, C.; Wolf, R.; Wozniewski, S.; Anagnostou, G.; Asenov, P.; Daskalakis, G.; Geralis, T.; Kyriakis, A.; Loukas, D.; Paspalaki, G.; Stakia, A.; Diamantopoulou, M.; Karathanasis, G.; Kontaxakis, P.; Manousakis-katsikakis, A.; Panagiotou, A.; Papavergou, I; Saoulidou, N.; Theofilatos, K.; Vellidis, K.; Vourliotis, E.; Bakas, G.; Kousouris, K.; Papakrivopoulos, I; Tsipolitis, G.; Zacharopoulou, A.; Evangelou, I; Foudas, C.; Gianneios, P.; Katsoulis, P.; Kokkas, P.; Mallios, S.; Manitara, K.; Manthos, N.; Papadopoulos, I; Strologas, J.; Triantis, F. A.; Tsitsonis, D.; M Bartok; Chudasama, R.; Csanad, M.; Major, P.; Mandal, K.; Mehta, A.; Pasztor, G.; Suranyi, O.; Veres, G., I; Bencze, G.; Hajdu, C.; Horvath, D.; Sikler, F.; Veszpremi, V.; Vesztergombi, G.; Beni, N.; Czellar, S.; Karancsi, J.; Molnar, J.; Szillasi, Z.; Raics, P.; Teyssier, D.; Trocsanyi, Z. L.; Zilizi, G.; Csorgo, T.; Lokos, S.; Metzger, W. J.; Nemes, F.; Novak, T.; Choudhury, S.; Komaragiri, J. R.; Panwar, L.; Tiwari, P. C.; Bahinipati, S.; Kar, C.; Kole, G.; Mal, P.; Bindhu, V. K. Muraleedharan Nair; Nayak, A.; Sahoo, D. K.; Swain, S. K.; Bansal, S.; Beri, S. B.; Bhatnagar, V; Chauhan, S.; Dhingra, N.; Gupta, R.; Kaur, A.; Kaur, M.; Kaur, S.; Kumari, P.; Lohan, M.; Meena, M.; Sandeep, K.; Sharma, S.; Singh, J. B.; Virdi, A. K.; Bhardwaj, A.; Choudhary, B. C.; Garg, R. B.; Gola, M.; Keshri, S.; Kumar, A.; Naimuddin, M.; Priyanka, P.; Ranjan, K.; Shah, A.; Sharma, R.; Bhardwaj, R.; Bharti, M.; Bhattacharya, R.; Bhattacharya, S.; Bhawandeep, U.; Bhowmik, D.; Dutta, S.; Gomber, B.; Maity, M.; Mondal, K.; Nandan, S.; Purohit, A.; Rout, P. K.; Saha, G.; Sarkar, S.; Sharan, M.; Singh, B.; Thakur, S.; Behera, P. K.; Behera, S. C.; Kalbhor, P.; Muhammad, A.; Pradhan, R.; Pujahari, P. R.; Sikdar, A. K.; Dutta, D.; Jha, V; Mishra, D. K.; Netrakanti, P. K.; Pant, L. M.; Shukla, P.; Aziz, T.; Bhat, M. A.; Dugad, S.; Verma, R. Kumar; Mohanty, G. B.; Sur, N.; Banerjee, S.; Chatterjee, S.; Guchait, M.; Karmakar, S.; Kumar, S.; Majumder, G.; Mazumdar, K.; Sahoo, N.; Sawant, S.; Dube, S.; Kansal, B.; Kapoor, A.; Kothekar, K.; Pandey, S.; Rane, A.; Rastogi, A.; Chenarani, S.; Etesami, S. M.; Khakzad, M.; Najafabadi, M. Mohammadi; Naseri, M.; Hosseinabadi, F. Rezaei; Felcini, M.; Grunewald, M.; Abbrescia, M.; Aly, R.; Aruta, C.; Calabria, C.; Colaleo, A.; Creanza, D.; Cristella, L.; De Filippis, N.; De Palma, M.; Di Florio, A.; Elmetenawee, W.; Fiore, L.; Gelmi, A.; Iaselli, G.; Ince, M.; Lezki, S.; Maggi, G.; Maggi, M.; Merlin, J. A.; Miniello, G.; My, S.; Nuzzo, S.; Pompili, A.; Pugliese, G.; Radogna, R.; Ranieri, A.; Selvaggi,
    A study of excited Lambda(0)(b) baryons is reported, based on a data sample collected in 2016-2018 with the CMS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of up to 140fb(-1). The existence of four excited Lambda(0)(b) states: Lambda(0)(b) (5912)(0), Lambda(0)(b) (5920)(0), Lambda(0)(b) (6146)(0), and Lambda(0)(b) (6152)(0) in the Lambda(0)(b)pi(+)pi(-) mass spectrum is confirmed, and their masses are measured. The Lambda(0)(b)pi(+)pi(-) mass distribution exhibits a broad excess of events in the region of 6040-6100 MeV, whose origin cannot be discerned with the present data. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Recycling of an agricultural bio-waste as a novel cellulose aerogel: a green chemistry study
    (2020-01-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; KAYA M., Tabak A.
    Cellulose aerogel (CA) isolated from tea stem wastes (TSW) is a good fire retardant and heat insulator, environmentally friendly, thermally stable and highly porous material with a network structure. These outstanding properties have attracted a huge interest in the materials world. In this study, firstly, following delignification and removing hemicellulose, pure raw cellulose was isolated using TSW, hydrogel form of cellulose was prepared by regeneration of cellulose solution, and then, the final product (CA) was produced via freeze-drying. The data results showed that the aerogel had a three dimensionally network structure. Moreover, it can be deduced that thermal durability of the studied CA could be effective because of its fire retardant and heat insulating property. In addition, the production process of CA is easily available at low cost and sustainable.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Search for physics beyond the standard model in events with jets and two same-sign or at least three charged leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13TeV
    (2020-08-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan A., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Bergauer T., Dragicevic M., Erö J., Escalante Del Valle A., Flechl M., Frühwirth R., et al.
    © 2020, CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.A data sample of events from proton-proton collisions with at least two jets, and two isolated same-sign or three or more charged leptons, is studied in a search for signatures of new physics phenomena. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 137fb-1 at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV, collected in 2016–2018 by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The search is performed using a total of 168 signal regions defined using several kinematic variables. The properties of the events are found to be consistent with the expectations from standard model processes. Exclusion limits at 95% confidence level are set on cross sections for the pair production of gluinos or squarks for various decay scenarios in the context of supersymmetric models conserving or violating R parity. The observed lower mass limits are as large as 2.1TeV for gluinos and 0.9TeV for top and bottom squarks. To facilitate reinterpretations, model-independent limits are provided in a set of simplified signal regions.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Search for new phenomena in monophoton final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV
    (ELSEVIER, 2016-04) KAYA, MİTHAT; Khachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Eroe, J.; Friedl, M.; Fruehwirth, R.; Ghete, V. M.; Hartl, C.; Hoermann, N.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; Kiesenhofer, W.; Knuenz, V.; Krammer, M.; Kraetschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Rabady, D.; Rahbaran, B.; Rohringer, H.; Schoefbeck, R.; Strauss, J.; Treberer-Treberspurg, W.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. -E.; Mossolov, V.; Shumeiko, N.; Gonzalez, J. Suarez; Alderweireldt, S.; Bansal, M.; Bansal, S.; Cornelis, T.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, X.; Knutsson, A.; Lauwers, J.; Luyckx, S.; Ochesanu, S.; Rougny, R.; Van De Klundert, M.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Remortel, N.; Van Spilbeeck, A.; Van Remortel, N.; Van Spilbeeck, A.; Blekman, F.; Blyweert, S.; D'Hondt, J.; Daci, N.; Heracleous, N.; Keaveney, J.; Lowette, S.; Maes, M.; Olbrechts, A.; Python, Q.; Strom, D.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Van Onsem, G. P.; Villella, I.; Caillol, C.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Dobur, D.; Favart, L.; Gay, A. P. R.; Grebenyuk, A.; Leonard, A.; Mohammadi, A.; Pernie, L.; Reis, T.; Seva, T.; Thomas, L.; Velde, C. Vander; Vanlaer, P.; Wang, J.; Zenoni, F.; Adler, V.; Beernaert, K.; Benucci, L.; Cimmino, A.; Costantini, S.; Crucy, S.; Dildick, S.; Fagot, A.; Garcia, G.; Mccartin, J.; Rios, A. A. Ocampo; Ryckbosch, D.; Diblen, S. Salva; Sigamani, M.; Strobbe, N.; Thyssen, F.; Tytgat, M.; Yazgan, E.; Zaganidis, N.; Basegmez, S.; Beluffi, C.; Bruno, G.; Castello, R.; Caudron, A.; Ceard, L.; Da Silveira, G. G.; Delaere, C.; du Pree, T.; Favart, D.; Forthomme, L.; Giammanco, A.; Hollar, J.; Jafari, A.; Jez, P.; Komm, M.; Lemaitre, V.; Nuttens, C.; Pagano, D.; Perrini, L.; Pin, A.; Piotrzkowski, K.; Popov, A.; Quertenmont, L.; Selvaggi, M.; Marono, M. Vidal; Garcia, J. M. Vizan; Beliy, N.; Caebergs, T.; Daubie, E.; Hammad, G. H.; Alda Junior, W. L.; Alves, G. A.; Brito, L.; Correa Martins Junior, M.; Dos Reis Martins, T.; Mora Herrera, C.; Pol, M. E.; Carvalho, W.; Chinellato, J.; Custodio, A.; Da Costa, E. M.; De Jesus Damiao, D.; De Oliveira Martins, C.; Fonseca De Souza, S.; Malbouisson, H.; Matos Figueiredo, D.; Mundim, L.; Nogima, H.; Prado Da Silva, W. L.; Santaolalla, J.; Santoro, A.; Sznajder, A.; Tonelli Manganote, E. J.; Vilela Pereira, A.; Bernardes, C. A.; Dogra, S.; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R.; Gregores, E. M.; Mercadante, P. G.; Novaes, S. F.; Padula, Sandra S.; Aleksandrov, A.; Genchev, V.; Iaydjiev, P.; Marinov, A.; Piperov, S.; Rodozov, M.; Sultanov, G.; Vutova, M.; Dimitrov, A.; Glushkov, I.; Hadjiiska, R.; Litov, L.; Pavlov, B.; Petkov, P.; Bian, J. G.; Chen, G. M.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, M.; Cheng, T.; Du, R.; Jiang, C. H.; Plestina, R.; Romeo, F.; Tao, J.; Wang, Z.; Asawatangtrakuldee, C.; Ban, Y.; Li, Q.; Liu, S.; Mao, Y.; Qian, S. J.; Wang, D.; Zou, W.; Avila, C.; Chaparro Sierra, L. F.; Florez, C.; Gomez, J. P.; Moreno, B. Gomez; Sanabria, J. C.; Godinovic, N.; Lelas, D.; Polic, D.; Puljak, I.; Antunovic, Z.; Kovac, M.; Brigljevic, V.; Kadija, K.; Luetic, J.; Mekterovic, D.; Sudic, L.; Attikis, A.; Mavromanolakis, G.; Mousa, J.; Nicolaou, C.; Ptochos, F.; Razis, P. A.; Bodlak, M.; Finger, M.; Finger, M., Jr.; Assran, Y.; Elgammal, S.; Mahmoud, M. A.; Radi, A.; Kadastik, M.; Murumaa, M.; Raidal, M.; Tiko, A.; Eerola, P.; Fedi, G.; Voutilainen, M.; Harkonen, J.; Karimaki, V.; Kinnunen, R.; Kortelainen, M. J.; Lampen, T.; Lassila-Perini, K.; Lehti, S.; Linden, T.; Luukka, P.; Maenpaa, T.; Peltola, T.; Tuominen, E.; Tuominiemi, J.; Tuovinen, E.; Wendland, L.; Talvitie, J.; Tuuva, T.; Besancon, M.; Couderc, F.; Dejardin, M.; Denegri, D.; Fabbro, B.; Faure, J. L.; Favaro, C.; Ferri, F.; Ganjour, S.; Givernaud, A.; Gras, P.; de Monchenault, G. Hamel; Jarry, P.; Locci, E.; Malcles, J.; Neveu, J.; Rander, J.; Rosowsky, A.; Titov, M.; Baffioni, S.; Beaudette, F.; Busson, P.; Charlot, C.; Dahms, T.; Dalchenko, M.; Dobrzynski, L.; Filipovic, N.; Florent, A.; de Cassagnac, R. Granier; Mastrolorenzo, L.; Mine, P.; Mironov, C.; Naranjo, I. N.; Nguyen, M.; Ochando, C.; Paganini, P.; Regnard, S.; Salerno, R.; Sauvan, J. B.; Sirois, Y.; Veelken, C.; Yilmaz, Y.; Zabi, A.; Agram, J. -L.; Andrea, J.; Aubin, A.; Bloch, D.; Brom, J. -M.; Chabert, E. C.; Collard, C.; Conte, E.; Fontaine, J. -C.; Gele, D.; Goerlach, U.; Goetzmann, C.; Le Bihan, A. -C.; Van Hove, P.; Gadrat, S.; Beauceron, S.; Beaupere, N.; Boudoul, G.; Bouvier, E.; Brochet, S.; Montoya, C. A. Carrillo; Chasserat, J.; Chierici, R.; Contardo, D.; Depasse, P.; El Mamouni, H.; Fan, J.; Fay, J.; Gascon, S.; Gouzevitch, M.; Ille, B.; Kurca, T.; Lethuillier, M.; Mirabito, L.; Perries, S.; Alvarez, J. D. Ruiz; Sabes, D.; Sgandurra, L.; Sordini, V.; Donckt, M. Vander; Verdier, P.; Viret, S.; Xiao, H.; Rurua, L.; Autermann, C.; Beranek, S.; Bontenackels, M.; Edelhoff, M.; Feld, L.; Heister, A.; Hindrichs, O.; Klein, K.; Ostapchuk, A.; Raupach, F.; Sammet, J.; Schael, S.; Weber, H.; Wittmer, B.; Zhukov, V.; Ata, M.; Brodski, M.; Dietz-Laursonn, E.; Duchardt, D.; Erdmann, M.; Fischer, R.; Guth, A.; Hebbeker, T.; Heidemann, C.; Hoepfner, K.; Klingebiel, D.; Knutzen, S.; Kreuzer, P.; Merschmeyer, M.; Meyer, A.; Millet, P.; Olschewski, M.; Padeken, K.; Papacz, P.; Reithler, H.; Schmitz, S. A.; Sonnenschein, L.; Teyssier, D.; Thueer, S.; Weber, M.; Cherepanov, V.; Erdogan, Y.; Flugge, G.; Geenen, H.; Geisler, M.; Ahmad, W. Haj; Hoehle, F.; Kargoll, B.; Kress, T.; Kuessel, Y.; Kuensken, A.; Lingemann, J.; Nowack, A.; Nugent, I. M.; Perchalla, L.; Pooth, O.; Stahl, A.; Asin, I.; Bartosik, N.; Behr, J.; Behrenhoff, W.; Behrens, U.; Bell, A. J.; Bergholz, M.; Bethani, A.; Borras, K.; Burgmeier, A.; Cakir, A.; Calligaris, L.; Campbell, A.; Choudhury, S.; Costanza, F.; Pardos, C. Diez; Dolinska, G.; Dooling, S.; Dorland, T.; Eckerlin, G.; Eckstein, D.; Eichhorn, T.; Flucke, G.; Garcia, J. Garay; Geiser, A.; Gunnellini, P.; Hauk, J.; Hempel, M.; Horton, D.; Jung, H.; Kalogeropoulos, A.; Kasemann, M.; Katsas, P.; Kieseler, J.; Kleinwort, C.; Korol, I.; Kruecker, D.; Lange, W.; Leonard, J.; Lipka, K.; Lobanov, A.; Lohmann, W.; Lutz, B.; Mankel, R.; Marfin, I.; Melzer-Pellmann, I. -A.; Meyer, A. B.; Mittag, G.; Mnich, J.; Mussgiller, A.; Naumann-Emme, S.; Nayak, A.; Novgorodova, O.; Ntomari, E.; Perrey, H.; Pitzl, D.; Placakyte, R.; Raspereza, A.; Cipriano, P. M. Ribeiro; Roland, B.; Ron, E.; Sahin, M. Oe.; Salfeld-Nebgen, J.; Saxena, P.; Schmidt, R.; Schoerner-Sadenius, T.; Schroeder, M.; Seitz, C.; Spannagel, S.; Vargas Trevino, A. D. R.; Walsh, R.; Wissing, C.; Martin, M. Aldaya; Blobel, V.; Vignali, M. Centis; Draeger, A. R.; Erfle, J.; Garutti, E.; Goebel, K.; Goerner, M.; Haller, J.; Hoffmann, M.; Hoeing, R. S.; Kirschenmann, H.; Klanner, R.; Kogler, R.; Lange, J.; Lapsien, T.; Lenz, T.; Marchesini, I.; Ott, J.; Peiffer, T.; Perieanu, A.; Pietsch, N.; Poehlsen, J.; Poehlsen, T.; Rathjens, D.; Sander, C.; Schettler, H.; Schleper, P.; Schlieckau, E.; Schmidt, A.; Seidel, M.; Sola, V.; Stadie, H.; Steinbrueck, G.; Troendle, D.; Usai, E.; Vanelderen, L.; Vanhoefer, A.; Barth, C.; Baus, C.; Berger, J.; Boeser, C.; Butz, E.; Chwalek, T.; De Boer, W.; Descroix, A.; Dierlamm, A.; Frensch, F.; Giffels, M.; Gilbert, A.; Hartmann, F.; Hauth, T.; Husemann, U.; Katkov, I.; Kornmayer, A.; Kuznetsova, E.; Pardo, P. Lobelle; Mozer, M. U.; Mueller, Th.; Nuernberg, A.; Quast, G.; Rabbertz, K.; Roecker, S.; Simonis, H. J.; Stober, F. M.; Ulrich, R.; Wagner-Kuhr, J.; Wayand, S.; Weiler, T.; Wolf, R.; Anagnostou, G.; Daskalakis, G.; Geralis, T.; Giakoumopoulou, V. A.; Kyriakis, A.; Loukas, D.; Markou, A.; Markou, C.; Psallidas, A.; Topsis-Giotis, I.; Agapitos, A.; Kesisoglou, S.; Panagiotou, A.; Saoulidou, N.; Stiliaris, E.; Aslanoglou, X.; Evangelou, I.; Flouris, G.; Foudas, C.; Kokkas, P.; Manthos, N.; Papadopoulos, I.; Paradas, E.; Strologas, J.; Bencze, G.; Hajdu, C.; Hidas, P.; Horvath, D.; Sikler, F.; Veszpremi, V.; Vesztergombi, G.; Zsigmond, A. J.; Beni, N.; Czellar, S.; Karancsi, J.; Molnar, J.; Palinkas, J.; Szillasi, Z.; Makovec, A.; Raics, P.; Trocsanyi, Z. L.; Ujvari, B.; Swain, S. K.; Beri, S. B.; Bhatnagar, V.; Gupta, R.; Bhawandeep, U.; Kalsi, A. K.; Kaur, M.; Kumar, R.; Mittal, M.; Nishu, N.; Singh, J. B.; Kumar, Ashok; Kumar, Arun; Ahuja, S.; Bhardwaj, A.; Choudhary, B. C.; Kumar, A.; Malhotra, S.; Naimuddin, M.; Ranjan, K.; Sharma, V.; Banerjee, S.; Bhattacharya, S.; Chatterjee, K.; Dutta, S.; Gomber, B.; Jain, Sa.; Jain, Sh.; Khurana, R.; Modak, A.; Mukherjee, S.; Roy, D.; Sarkar, S.; Sharan, M.; Abdulsalam, A.; Dutta, D.; Kailas, S.; Kumar, V.; Mohanty, A. K.; Pant, L. M.; Shukla, P.; Topkar, A.; Aziz, T.; Banerjee, S.; Bhowmik, S.; Chatterjee, R. M.; Dewanjee, R. K.; Dugad, S.; Ganguly, S.; Ghosh, S.; Guchait, M.; Gurtu, A.; Kole, G.; Kumar, S.; Maity, M.; Majumder, G.; Mazumdar, K.; Mohanty, G. B.; Parida, B.; Sudhakar, K.; Wickramage, N.; Bakhshiansohi, H.; Behnamian, H.; Etesami, S. M.; Fahim, A.; Goldouzian, R.; Khakzad, M.; Najafabadi, M. Mohammadi; Naseri, M.; Mehdiabadi, S. Paktinat; Hosseinabadi, F. Rezaei; Safarzadeh, B.; Zeinali, M.; Felcini, M.; Grunewald, M.; Abbrescia, M.; Calabria, C.; Chhibra, S. S.; Colaleo, A.; Creanza, D.; De Filippis, N.; De Palmaa, M.; Fiore, L.; Iaselli, G.; Maggi, G.; Maggi, M.; My, S.; Nuzzo, S.; Pompili, A.; Pugliese, G.; Radogna, R.; Selvaggi, G.; Sharma, A.; Silvestris, L.; Venditti, R.; Abbiendi, G.; Benvenuti, A. C.; Bonacorsi, D.; Braibant-Giacomelli, S.; Brigliadori, L.; Campanini, R.; Capiluppi, P.; Castro, A.; Cavallo, F. R.; Codispoti, G.; Cuffiani, M.; Dallavalle, G. M.; Fabbri, F.; Fanfani, A.; Fasanella, D.; Giacomelli, P.; Grandi, C.; Guiducci, L.; Marcellini, S.; Masetti, G.; Montanari, A.; Navarria, F. L.; Perrotta, A.; Primavera, F.; Rossi, A. M.; Rovelli, T.; Siroli, G. P.; Tosi, N.; Travaglini, R.; Albergo, S.; Cappello, G.; Chiorboli, M.; Costa, S.; Giordano, F.; Potenza, R.; Tricomi, A.; Tuve, C.; Barbagli, G.; Ciulli, V.; Civinini, C.; D'Alessandro, R.; Focardi, E.; Gallo, E.; Gonzi, S.; Gori, V.; Lenzi, P.
    Results are presented from a search for new physics in final states containing a photon and missing transverse momentum. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.6 fb(-1) collected in proton-proton collisions at root s = 8 TeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC. Nodeviation from the standard model predictions is observed for these final states. New, improved limits are set on dark matter production and on parameters of models with large extra dimensions. In particular, the first limits from the LHC on branon production are found and significantly extend previous limits from LEP and the Tevatron. An upper limit of 14.0 fb on the cross section is set at the 95% confidence level for events with a monophoton final state with photon transverse momentum greater than 145 GeV and missing transverse momentum greater than 140 GeV. (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Search for new physics in dijet angular distributions using proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV and constraints on dark matter and other models
    (2018-09-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan A., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Asilar E., Bergauer T., Brandstetter J., Brondolin E., Dragicevic M., Erö J., et al.
    © 2018, CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.A search is presented for physics beyond the standard model, based on measurements of dijet angular distributions in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV. The data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb-1. The observed distributions, corrected to particle level, are found to be in agreement with predictions from perturbative quantum chromodynamics that include electroweak corrections. Constraints are placed on models containing quark contact interactions, extra spatial dimensions, quantum black holes, or dark matter, using the detector-level distributions. In a benchmark model where only left-handed quarks participate, contact interactions are excluded at the 95% confidence level up to a scale of 12.8 or 17.5TeV, for destructive or constructive interference, respectively. The most stringent lower limits to date are set on the ultraviolet cutoff in the Arkani–Hamed–Dimopoulos–Dvali model of extra dimensions. In the Giudice–Rattazzi–Wells convention, the cutoff scale is excluded up to 10.1TeV. The production of quantum black holes is excluded for masses below 5.9 and 8.2TeV, depending on the model. For the first time, lower limits between 2.0 and 4.6TeVare set on the mass of a dark matter mediator for (axial-)vector mediators, for the universal quark coupling gq= 1.0.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Search for new long-lived particles at root s=13 TeV
    (2018-05-01) KAYA, MİTHAT; Sirunyan A. M., Tumasyan A., Adam W., Ambrogi F., Asilar E., Bergauer T., Brandstetter J., Brondolin E., Dragicevic M., Eroe J., et al.
    A search for long-lived particles was performed with data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.6 fb(-1) collected at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the CMS experiment in 2015. The analysis exploits two customized topological trigger algorithms, and uses the multiplicity of displaced jets to search for the presence of a signal decay occurring at distances between 1 and 1000 mm. The results can be interpreted in a variety of different models. For pair-produced long-lived particles decaying to two b quarks and two leptons with equal decay rates between lepton flavors, cross sections larger than 2.5 fb are excluded for proper decay lengths between 70-100 mm for a long-lived particle mass of 1130 GeV at 95% confidence. For a specific model of pair-produced, long-lived top squarks with R-parity violating decays to a b quark and a lepton, masses below 550-1130 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence for equal branching fractions between lepton flavors, depending on the squark decay length. This mass bound is the most stringent to date for top squark proper decay lengths greater than 3 mm. (C) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.