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  • Publication
    Facial harmony after orthognatic surgery in patients with laterognati (case series)
    (2023-11-10) BAYRAM, FERİT; ÖZKAN, YAŞAR; Fattahzade S., İzmirli Evrenol B., Bayram F., Özkan Y.
    Objective: Providing ideal aesthetics and function in cases with dentofacial deformity and laterognathism is quite complex. Mostly in Class III patients, lower incisors tend to tip lingually and maxillary incisors labially to compansate the occlusion. With addition of laterognathism, improving the occlusal relation, chewing function and profile aesthetics gets even more challenging. For such adult patient cases, orthognathic bilateral sagittal split osteotomy can be used to reposition the jaws to their ideal locations, but it is crucial to take into consideration the patient’s post op occlusal functions and stability, profile and facial appearance preferences during the treatment planning. To achieve the ideal results, you need to plan in a multidiciplinary aspect, patients need to go under orthodontic decompansation treatment to have their ideal dental positions in the alveolar bone. In this case series, we aim to emphasize the importance of the collaboration between orthodontics and surgery in patients with laterognathism and facial disharmony. Materials-Method: In this study three high angle Class III patients with 1-4 mm of mandibular deviation were selected. To correct the angulation and alignment of the teeth first; before the surgery they had an orthodontic treatment; so, after the surgery, it would be easier to have stable occlusion. The patients underwent bilateral sagital split osteotomy. The orthognathic surgery performed by the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry between 2019 and 2022. Digital planning was initially conducted for our patients, and the expected outcomes and facial changes were communicated to them. Subsequently, the surgeries were performed according to the planned adjustments and the splints created for each patient, and aesthetic changes after surgery were evaluated. Conclusion: The results showed that good occlusal relation, and sufficient alveolar bone support was present around the teeth, dental inclinations, soft tissue profile and overall an aesthetic improvement was achieved as planned. This study shows with a multidisiplinary approach and a up to date technological planning, we can predict more precisley our treatment results to increase the aesthetic and functional quality for our patients. To further validate our results, it is necessary to increase the number of patients and conduct clinical trials with longer follow-up periods.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Atypical presentation of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in a young male patient undergoing chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    (2023-12-01) ÖZKAN, YAŞAR; BAYRAM, FERİT; Bayram F., Fattahzade S., Uzay A., Özkan Y.
    This case report aims to highlight the importance of close oral monitoring before and during chemotherapy in patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) to prevent medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). A 22-year-old male patient diagnosed with B-ALL who developed MRONJ during chemotherapy, despite not receiving bisphosphonates or denosumab, was presented. The patient\"s medical history, treatment regimen, clinical examination findings, and treatment outcomes were reported. The patient developed maxillofacial cellulitis during chemotherapy, leading to a diagnosis of stage 3 MRONJ. Conservative treatment was initiated, resulting in the reversion of the disease to stage 1 and stabilization of the progression. The patient achieved remission and underwent prophylactic cranial radiotherapy. This case report presents a unique case of MRONJ in a young patient without prior use of antiresorptive agents or denosumab. It highlights the need for close oral monitoring in patients with B-ALL before and during chemotherapy, as MRONJ can develop in the absence of these medications.
  • Publication
    The effect of antihypertensive drugs on dental implant stability
    (2023-05-12) BAYRAM, FERİT; ÖZKAN, YAŞAR; Öztürk B., Bayram F., Özkan Y.
  • Publication
    Ensuring Function and Aesthetics with Orthognathic Surgery and Dental Implant in Patients with Skeletal Deformity: Case Series
    (2023-05-12) BAYRAM, FERİT; ŞANIVAR ABBASGHOLIZADEH, ZELİHA; ASLAN, YILMAZ UMUT; GÖÇMEN, GÖKHAN; EVREN, BUKET; ÖZKAN, YAŞAR; Kırıştıoğlu Z. B., Bayram F., Şanıvar Abbasgholızadeh Z., Aslan Y. U., Göçmen G., Evren B., Özkan Y.
  • Publication
    Technical note Arthrocentesis of temporomandibular joint with a tragus-supported guide: a technical note
    (CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE, 2020) BAYRAM, FERİT; Gocmen, G.; Bayram, F.; Ozkan, Y.
  • Publication
    Ectopic Tooth in Sublingual Salivary Gland: A Rare Case Report and Surgical Management
    (2023-05-11) BAYRAM, FERİT; ÖZKAN, YAŞAR; Ornağ B., Fettahzade S., Bayram F., Özkan Y.
  • Publication
    Influence of a Biodegradable Synthetic Hydrogel Used as a Guided Bone Regeneration Membrane in Sinus Floor Augmentation
    (MARMARA UNIV, INST HEALTH SCIENCES, 2018) BAYRAM, FERİT; Bayram, Ferit; Gocmen, Gokhan; Ozkan, Yasar
    Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical, histological, and radiological aspects of the polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel membrane and the standard collagen membrane in sinus floor augmentation procedures when the same bone filling material is used. Methods: Fourteen patients (5 men and 9 women) were included in this prospective cohort study. Twenty sinus floor augmentation surgeries were randomly divided into two groups: the study group (n=10) and the control group (n=10). An anorganic bovine graft (Bio-Oss (R), Geistlich Pharma AG, Switzerland) was used in all patients as the bone-filling material. As a protective membrane, a collagen membrane (Bio-Gide (R), Geistlich Pharma AG, Switzerland) was used in the control group patients, as well as a PEG membrane (Membragel (R), Institut Straumann AG, Switzerland) in the study group. After 6 months, the samples were collected during implant site preparation for histopathological evaluation. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the control and the study groups in the histological examination regarding the soft-to-hard tissue ratio. There was no statistically significant difference between the control and study groups in the resonance frequency analysis measurements at different times. No postoperative inflammation or exposure of the membrane was observed in any of the patients. The visual analogue scale scores measured at different times also showed no significant difference. Conclusion: A PEG membrane can be used as an alternative to a collagen membrane as a barrier in sinus floor augmentation procedures.