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  • Publication
    The relationships of motor-evoked potentials to hand dexterity, motor function, and spasticity in chronic stroke patients: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
    (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2016) AKYÜZ, GÜLSEREN DERYA; Cakar, Engin; Akyuz, Gulseren; Durmus, Oguz; Bayman, Levent; Yagci, Ilker; Karadag-Saygi, Evrim; Gunduz, Osman Hakan
    The standardization of patient evaluation and monitoring methods has a special importance in evaluating the effectiveness of therapeutic methods using drugs or rehabilitative techniques in stroke rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between clinical instruments and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-evoked neurophysiological parameters in stroke patients. This study included 22 chronic post-stroke patients who were clinically assessed using the Motricity Index (MI), finger-tapping test (FTT), Motor Activity Log (MAL) 28, Brunnstrom motor staging and Ashworth Scale (ASH). Motor-evoked potential (MEP) latency and amplitude, resting motor threshold (rMT) and central motor conduction time (CMCT) were measured with TMS. Shorter MEP-latency, shorter CMCT, higher motor-evoked potential amplitude, and diminished rMT exhibited significant correlations with clinical measures evaluating motor stage, dexterity, and daily life functionality. rMT exhibited a negative correlation with hand and lower extremity Brunnstrom stages (r = -0.64, r = -0.51, respectively), MI score (r = -0.48), FTT score (r = -0.69), and also with amount of use scale and quality of movement scale of MAL 28 scores (r = -0.61, r = -0.62, respectively). Higher MEP amplitude and diminished rMT showed positive correlations with reduced ASH score (r = -0.65, r = 0.44, respectively). The TMS-evoked neurophysiologic parameters including MEP latency, amplitude, rMT and CMCT generally have positive correlation with clinical measures which evaluate motor stage, dexterity and daily life functionality. Additionally, spasticity has also remarkable relationships with MEP amplitude and rMT. These results suggest that TMS-evoked neurophysiological parameters were useful measures for monitoring post-stroke patients.
  • Publication
    Early effect of nasal salmon calcitonin on the bone marker Crosslaps
    (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2006) AKYÜZ, GÜLSEREN DERYA; Ofluoglu, D; Karadag-Saygi, E; Canbulat, C; Gunduz, OH; KUL-Panza, E; Akyuz, G
    The aim of this study was to investigate the early effect of nasal salmon calcitonin on a bone-resorption marker, Crosslaps, in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. In this randomized, single-blind and placebo-controlled study we included 78 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, between 45 and 65 years of age, with at least 5 years duration of menopause. Patients were randomly divided into two groups, the treatment and the placebo groups. Patients in the treatment group were given 100 IU day(-1)nasal salmon calcitonin, 1,000 mg day(-1)s elemental calcium, and 400 IU day(-1) vitamin D. Patients in the placebo group took only 1,000 mg day(-1)elemental calcium, and 400 IU day(-1) vitamin D. The outcome measurements were urinary deoxypyridinoline, serum alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and Crosslaps. The treatment group consisted of 39 patients whose mean age was 60.4 +/- 6 years and the placebo group included 39 patients with a mean age of 60.5 +/- 4.9 years. There was no significant difference between two groups in terms of demographic characteristics. The results of bone marker measurements were analyzed statistically. Crosslaps levels in the treatment group were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than in the placebo group. Other bone marker levels at the end of the study were not significantly lower (P > 0.05) than those at baseline in both treatment and placebo groups, however. Salmon calcitonin affects bone turnover within a few months and bone-resorption markers such as Crosslaps can be used to monitor the effect of nasal salmon calcitonin in the early phase of treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  • Publication
    Effects of dynamic lycra orthosis as an adjunct to rehabilitation after botulinum toxin-A injection of the upper-limb in adults following stroke: A single-blinded randomized controlled pilot study
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020) KARADAĞ SAYGI, NAİME EVRİM; Giray, Esra; Atalay, Kardelen Gencer; Eren, Nurullah; Gunduz, Osman Hakan; Karadag-Saygi, Evrim
    Background: Dynamic lycra splints are proposed to modify hypertonicity due to their characteristics - neutral warmth, circumferential pressure, and creating a low-intensity prolonged stretch on hypertonic muscles - to contribute to increased sensory awareness of the involved limb. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dynamic lycra orthosis as an adjunct to botulinum toxin-A injection and rehabilitation of the upper-limb in adults following stroke. Methods: Patients who had suffered a stroke more than three months previously were randomized into two groups: lycra sleeve plus rehabilitation (n = 10) and only-rehabilitation group (n = 10). After botulinum toxin injection, both groups underwent an upper-limb rehabilitation program. The intervention group wore a lycra sleeve for eight hours a day, five days a week for three weeks in addition to the rehabilitation program. Fugl Meyer upper-limb motor score, Motricity index, Modified Ashworth scale, Box and Block test, Stroke Impact Scale and change in touch-detection thresholds of the fingers measured via Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments were assessed by blinded investigators at before treatment, post-treatment (at 3 weeks) and three months post-treatment. This trial is registered with, number NCT03546959. Results: There were no differences between groups in terms of Fugl Meyer upper-limb motor score, Motricity Index, Modified Ashworth scale, Box and Block test, Stroke Impact Scale and change in light touch threshold at any follow-up time points. Conclusions: Using lycra splints as an adjunct to an upper-limb rehabilitation program after stroke did not provide additional benefit in spasticity, upper-limb motor function, light touch threshold of fingers or stroke-specific quality-of-life.
  • Publication
    Effects of fluoroscopy-guded intraartcular injecton, suprascapular nerve block, and combnaton therapy n hemplegc shoulder pan: a prospective double-blnd, randomzed clncal study
    (SPRINGER-VERLAG ITALIA SRL, 2019) MİDİ, İPEK; Sencan, Savas; Celenlioglu, Alp Eren; Karadag-Saygi, Evrim; Midi, Ipek; Gunduz, Osman Hakan
    ObjectiveTo investigate the effect and superiority of fluoroscopy-guided intraarticular shoulder injection (IAI), suprascapular nerve block (SSNB), and combination treatment in hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP).DesignWe included 30 patients diagnosed with HSP. Patients were divided into three groups: IAI, SSNB, and combination treatment. Patients were assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS) prior to the injection and at hour 1, week 2, and month 2 after the injection, with goniometry at two angles at the moment that pain started and maximum passive range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder and Modified Barthel Index prior to the injection, at week 2 and month 2 after the injection.ResultsSignificant decrease in the VAS and increase in shoulder passive ROMs were detected at all follow-ups in groups. In comparison, there was no significant difference in VAS scores. Change in the internal rotation at the moment that pain started was found to be higher in the patients treated with the combined method than the other methods. Change in maximum passive ROMs was similar between treatment groups.ConclusionIAI, SSNB, and the combination treatments are reliable and effective treatment modalities that provide pain relief and an increase in shoulder passive ROMs in HSP.