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  • Publication
    Computerized Image Analysis in Differentiation of Skin Lesions Caused by Electrocution, Flame Burns, and Abrasion
    (WILEY, 2009) İNANICI, MEHMET AKİF; Akyildiz, Elif; Uzun, Ibrahim; Inanici, M. Akif; Baloglu, Huseyin
    In the practice of forensic science, sometimes, it is not easy to understand whether skin lesion is due to electrocution and to differentiate the thermal burns and abrasion-type lesions, especially when electricity source cannot be revealed by death science investigation. Based on the causes of the lesions, cases were classified into three groups. Group 1 included 30 deaths from electrocution. Group 2 included 30 deaths with flame burns. Group 3 included 30 deaths from traffic accident cases, which had abrasions. In this study, epidermal nuclear area, perimeter, nuclear form factor, nuclear minimum axes, nuclear maximum axes, and minimum axes/maximum axes ratio were measured. As a result, we think that computerized image analysis beside light microscopic examination can be useful in the differentiation of the electrocution, flame burn, and abrasion type lesions.