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  • Publication
    Effect of casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate and calcium glycerophosphate on incisors with molar-incisor hypomineralization: A cross-over, randomized clinical trial
    BACKGROUND:Within the scope of minimally invasive dentistry, the use of different biocompatible remineralization agents on incisors affected by molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) gains importance. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effect of casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate (CPP-ACFP) and calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP) in mineral density (MD) of white/creamy and yellow/brown demarcated opacities on incisors affected by MIH by means laser fluorescence (LF). METHODS:As a cross-over, randomized trial, twenty-two children with 167 incisors affected by MIH were recruited and randomly assigned to one of the two different agents and crossed over to other agents with two weeks washout in between. Incisors were examined by using LF at all before and after three months periods. RESULTS:The results of the paired t-tests for determining the period effect between the baseline findings showed significant difference in white/creamy and yellow/brown demarcated opacities of LF values for both groups (p < 0.05). The difference between both groups according to after categorization of 20% increasing in MD in the percent of change before and after application on LF values; was not found statistically significant in white/creamy (p = 0.970) and yellow/brown (p = 0.948) opacities. CONCLUSIONS:The primary outcome was CPP-ACFP and CaGP had a positive effect in decreasing hypomineralization on MIH-affected enamel for three months period. Keywords: Molar incisor hypomineralization, minimally invasive dentistry, remineralization, preventive dentistry, casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate, calcium glycerophosphate
  • Publication
    Molar-İncisiv Hipomineralizasyonu olan çocuklarda Türk çocuk ağız sağlığı etki profili kısa formunun (COHIP-SF 19) doğrulaması
    (2023-07-06) TUĞCU, NİHAN; KARGÜL, BETÜL; DURMUŞ, BAŞAK; BEKİROĞLU, GÜLNAZ NURAL; Tuğcu N., Bekiroğlu G. N., Kargül B., Durmuş B.
  • Publication
    Farklı remineralizasyon ajanlarının yapay mine lezyonları üzerinde iki farklı kantitatif floresan sistemine göre etkisi
    (2023-07-07) ÖZSALİH BİLSEL, SEDA; KARGÜL, BETÜL; BEKİROĞLU, GÜLNAZ NURAL; YILMAZ, MÜESSER AHU; Özsalih Bilsel S., Kargül B., Doğan S., Bekiroğlu G. N., Yılmaz M. A.
  • Publication
    Büyük azı-keser hipomineralizasyonu görülen çocuklarda “Çocuk Ağız-Diş Sağlığı Etki Profili-Kısa Form (COHIP-SF 19)” un Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Two-Year Survival of High-Viscosity Glass Ionomer in Children with Molar Incisor Hypomineralization
    (KARGER, 2020-05-15) DURMUŞ, BAŞAK; Durmus, Basak; Sezer, Berkant; Tugcu, Nihan; Caliskan, Cansu; Bekiroglu, Nural; Kargul, Betul
    Objective: We assessed the clinical survival of a high-viscosity glass ionomer (HVGI) at the 2-year follow-up to restore molar incisors severely affected by hypomineralization after selective carious tissue removal (SCR). The null hypothesis tested was that there are no differences in the overall survival times in the categories of the variables of interest. Methods: A total of 134 fully erupted first molar incisors with hypomineralization, cavitated and with moderate-to-deep carious lesions without hypersensitivity or pain (MIH treatment need index 2a-c), were included in the study. HVGI (Equia Forte (R); GC, Tokyo, Japan) restorations were applied after SCR to soft carious dentin. The follow-up lasted 2 years. The end point was defined as the absence of endodontic and restorative complications. Two-year, and 18-, 12-, and 6-month survival probabilities and standard errors were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Survival probabilities according to patient gender, jaw, and lesion severity groups were compared using the log-rank test. Restorations were evaluated using the modified US Public Health Service criteria. Results: HVGI restorations showed cumulative survival probabilities of 95.5% at 6 months, 94% at 12 months, 87.5% at 18 months, and 87.5% at 24 months. Survival probabilities according to patient gender, jaw, and lesion severity groups were not statistically significantly different (p > 0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted. Conclusion: Following SCR, HVGI restoration provided moderate survival probabilities, suggesting that the SCR technique is effective.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Assessment of self reported oral health attitudes and behaviors of a group of dental students using the Hiroshima University - dental behavioural inventory in Turkey
    (2023-08-01) ŞEN YAVUZ, BETÜL; BEKİROĞLU, GÜLNAZ NURAL; KARGÜL, BETÜL; Şen Yavuz B., Şener M., Bekiroğlu G. N., Kargül B.
    Purpose: Dental students play a crucial role in promoting positive oral health attitudes and behaviors among their relatives and patients. Students\" self reported oral health behaviors may tend to improve as they progress in their dental education. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the difference in self reported oral health behavior and attitudes of a group of Turkish first and final-year students using the Hiroshima University Dental Behavioural Inventory.Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 237 students, including first and final-year, studying at XXX University Faculty of Dentistry, were invited. Of these, 187 students (108 first, 73 final-year) agreed to participate. Eleven students (7 first-year, 4 final-year) who did not fill out the questionnaire were excluded. The Hiroshima University Dental Behavioural Inventory was used to measure the behaviors and attitudes of the students regarding oral and dental health. Additionally, three items other than HU-DBI were added to the questionnaire. The analysis was conducted using the Chi-square test, and Independent t-test.Results: The responses of 178 students (107 first-year, 69 final-year; 122 female, 54 male) were analyzed. The self reported oral health behavior scores of the final-year students (6.21 ± 1.54) were statistically higher than the scores of the first-year students (5.03 ± 1.76) (p < 0.001). Although the score was slightly higher in females (5.57 ± 1.96) compared to males (5.33 ± 1.27), the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.334).Conclusions: According to the results of this study, education may have a significant positive effect on self reported oral health behavior and attitude of dental students. Based on the findings of university-based evaluations as this study, curricula that can gain positive attitudes to students and oral hygiene programs aimed at improving students\" self-care should be developed from the early years. However, further studies that also evaluate the effect of possible confounding variables on oral health behavior should be done to clearly highlight the impact of education.Keywordsdental student,education level,health-behavior