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  • Publication
    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis due to ceftriaxone: Report of a pediatric case with recurrence after positive patch test
    (WILEY, 2019) SALMAN, ANDAÇ; Salman, Andac; Yucelten, Deniz; Cakici, Ozlem Akin; Kadayifci, Eda Kepenekli
    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is seen uncommonly in children and sometimes shows atypical clinical features in this population. Patch testing can be used effectively in children for the confirmation of the culprit drug in cases of multiple drug use. Here, we report a rare, pediatric case of ceftriaxone-induced AGEP confirmed by patch testing with subsequent recurrence of the skin eruption.
  • Publication
    Ev içi temaslı beş çocuk olguda çoklu ilaca dirençli tüberkülozun yönetimi
    (2022-03-17) ERDEM ERALP, ELA; GÖKDEMİR, YASEMİN; KEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ, EDA; Parlak B., Yılmaz D., Ergenç Z., Yılmaz S., Aslan S., Babalık A., Erdem Eralp E., Gökdemir Y., Kepenekli Kadayifci E.
  • Publication
    The impact of vitamin B12 deficiency on infant gut microbiota
    (SPRINGER, 2020) ERZİK, CAN; Boran, Perran; Baris, Hatice Ezgi; Kepenekli, Eda; Erzik, Can; Soysal, Ahmet; Dinh, Duy M.
    Although physiologic and neurologic consequences of micronutrient deficiencies have been addressed extensively, less is known about their impact on developing gut microbiota. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common micronutrient deficiency in infants. We aimed to analyze the gut microbial composition of exclusively breastfed infants aged between 4 and 6 months with and without vitamin B12 deficiency by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In a subgroup of infants with vitamin B12 deficiency, stool samples are recollected and reanalyzed after vitamin B12 supplementation. A total of 88 infants' stool samples (median age 4 months [IQR 4-5], 50% males) were analyzed, of which 28 (31.8%) were vitamin B12 sufficient and 60 (68.2%) were vitamin B12 insufficient. Comparisons between vitamin B12-sufficient and vitamin B12-insufficient infants revealed no evidence of differences in the microbiota. Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes were the most abundant phyla in all groups. There was no difference between the pre- and post-treatment composition of gut microbiota. Conclusion: Vitamin B12-deficient infants have similar gut microbial composition as vitamin B12-sufficient infants. Since the samples were collected at an early period of life and the exposure to deficiency was relatively short, it may be possible that the effects were not fully established.
  • Publication
    Epidemiologic and microbiologic evaluation of nosocomial infections associated with Candida spp in children: A multicenter study from Istanbul, Turkey
    (MOSBY-ELSEVIER, 2016) KEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ, EDA; Sutcu, Murat; Salman, Nuran; Akturk, Hacer; Dalgic, Nazan; Turel, Ozden; Kuzdan, Canan; Kadayifci, Eda Kepenekli; Sener, Dicle; Karbuz, Adem; Erturan, Zayre; Somer, Ayper
    Background: The purpose of this study was to establish species distribution of Candida isolates from pediatric patients in Istanbul, Turkey, and to determine risk factors associated with nosocomial Candida infections. Methods: This study was conducted between June 2013 and June 2014 by participation of 7 medical centers in Istanbul. Candida spp strains isolated from the clinical specimens of pediatric patients were included. Clinical features were recorded on a standardized data collection sheet. Results: A total of 134 systemic Candida infections were identified in 134 patients. The patients were admitted in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units (41.8% and 9.7%, respectively) and in pediatric wards (48.5%). Candida albicans was the most prevalent species (47%), followed by Candida parapsilosis (13.4%), Candida tropicalis (8.2%), Candida glabrata (4.5%), Candida lusitaniae (3.7%), Candida kefyr (2.2%), Candida guilliermondii (1.5%), Candida dubliniensis (0.7%), and Candida krusei (0.7%). Types of Candida infections were candidemia (50.7%), urinary tract infection (33.6%), surgical site infection (4.5%), central nervous system infection (3.7%), catheter infection (3.7%), and intra-abdominal infection (3.7%). In multivariate analysis, younger age (1-24 months) and detection of non-albicans Candida spp was found to be risk factors associated with candidemia (P = 0.040; odds ratio [OR], 4.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06-15.86; and P = 0.02; OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.10-5.53, respectively). Conclusions: This study provides an update for the epidemiology of nosocomial Candida infections in Istanbul, which is important for the management of patients and implementation of appropriate infection control measures. (C) 2016 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Publication
    Antifungal susceptibility, species distribution and risk factors associated with mortality of invasive candidiasis in children in Turkey: A six-year retrospective, single-centre study
    (MASSON EDITEUR, 2021) KEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ, EDA; Yakut, N.; Kepenekli, E.; Ergenc, Z.; Baran, E.; Cerikcioglu, N.
    Invasive candidiasis (IC) is a life-threatening fungal infection with high morbidity and mortality. In this study, we aimed to investigate the Candida species distribution and antifungal drug susceptibility and to identify the risk factors associated with IC mortality in children. We conducted a retrospective, single-centre study of paediatric IC in patients from a tertiary care hospital in Turkey between January 2013 and February 2019. A total of 56 Candida isolates underwent antifungal susceptibility testing performed by Sensititre YeastOne YO10 panel, and the demographic and clinical data of 65 patients were examined during the study period. The most commonly isolated species was Candida albicans in 30 patients (46%), followed by C. parapsilosis in 25 patients (38%) and C. tropicalis in three patients (5%). According to the antifungal drug susceptibility testing, C. albicans was fully susceptible to fluconazole and the other antifungal agents (100%). None of the isolates displayed resistance to anidulafungin, micafungin, flucytosine, posaconazole, voriconazole or itraconazole. There were low rates of resistance to fluconazole (1.8%), caspofungin (1.8%) and micafungin (1.8%). In addition, 5.3% of the Candida isolates were susceptible in a dose-dependent manner to itraconazole, 3.6% were susceptible to voriconazole and fluconazole and 1.8% were susceptible to anidulafungin. The mortality rate of IC was 15.4%. Thrombocytopenia after IC treatment was significantly associated with mortality in the multivariate analysis. These results, which help determine the species distribution, antifungal susceptibility patterns and risk factors for mortality, could make a significant contribution to the management of these challenging infections, including choosing appropriate empirical antifungal therapy. (C) 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
  • Publication
    Incidence of MIS-C and the Comorbidity Scores in Pediatric COVID-19 Cases
    (2021) KARAHASAN, AYŞEGÜL; Ergenc, Zeynep; Kepenekli, Eda; Çetin, Ece; Ersoy, Ayşenur; Korkmaz, Billur; Selçik, Raziye; Sarınoglu, Rabia Can; Karahasan, Aysegül
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to determine the incidence of multisystem ınflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) in pediatric coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and to define the relationships between the need for hospitalization, the development of MIS-C, and Charlson (CCI) and Pediatric comorbidity index (PCI) scores. METHODS: All pediatric COVID-19 cases between March 25, 2020, and December 28, 2020, in the Marmara University Pendik Training and Research Hospital were enrolled. Patients who needed hospitalization were determined. Hospital records were reexamined to identify those diagnosed as having MIS-C. CCI and PCI were used to validate the comorbidity status. RESULTS: Among 2055 pediatric COVID-19 cases, 1340 were included in the study. Two hundred thirteen patients (15.9%) had at least one comorbidity. All the patients or their parents were interviewed about the need for hospitalization, except for the acute period. Six patients had MIS-C, which corresponds to a MIS-C incidence of 0.4%. The need for hospitalization increased in the patients with comorbidities (p<0.05). No correlation was found between the comorbidity scores and the development of MIS-C. The need for hospitalization increased in the patients with CCI scores of ≥2 and PCI scores of ≥4 (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our study is the first to examine the incidence of MIS-C, which was 0.4%, by long-term follow-up of pediatric COVID-19 cases and to demonstrate that the CCI and PCI can be used to predict the need for hospitalization and prognosis of pediatric patients with COVID-19.
  • Publication
    Yenidoğan yoğun bakımdaki bebeklerin karbapenem dirençli gram(-) bakterilerle kolonizasyonundaki risklerin incelenmesi
  • Publication
    The role of human bocavirus on respiratory tract infections in children
    (2023-05-08) İLKİ, ZEYNEP ARZU; ÜLGER, NURVER; KEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ, EDA; Aslan Tuncay S., Ergan B., Ergenç Z., Yılmaz S., Parlak B., Canizci Erdem P., Dizi Işık A., İlki Z. A., Ülger N., Kepenekli Kadayifci E.
  • Publication
    Antifungal consumption, indications and selection of antifungal drugs in paediatric tertiary hospitals in Turkey: Results from the first national point prevalence survey
    (Elsevier Ltd, 2018) KEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ, EDA; Çağlar İ., Devrim İ., Özdemir H., Şahbudak Z., Sönmez G., Buyukcam A., Gulhan B., Kara A., Aygun D.F., Bayram N., Celebi S., Çetin B., Nepesov M.İ., Yilmaz A.T., Kepenekli E., Çiftdogan D.Y., Acar M.K., Yayla B.C., Okumuş C., Ecevit Z., Hatipoglu N., Kuyucu N., Kosker M., Sen S., Karbuz A., Sutcu M., Duramaz B.B., Özen M., Çiftçi E., Alabaz D., Kurugol Z., Kara A., Kanik S., Kilic O., Oncel S., Somer A., Tapisiz A., Belet N., Akcan Ö.M., Türel Ö., Ozkaya A., Tezer H., Cengiz A.B., İnce E., Camcioglu Y., Kocabas E., Arisoy E.S., Salman N.
    Objectives: The aim of this point prevalence survey was to evaluate the consumption, indications and strategies of antifungal therapy in the paediatric population in Turkey. Methods: A point prevalence study was performed at 25 hospitals. In addition to general data on paediatric units of the institutes, the generic name and indication of antifungal drugs, the presence of fungal isolation and susceptibility patterns, and the presence of galactomannan test and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) results were reviewed. Results: A total of 3338 hospitalised patients were evaluated. The number of antifungal drugs prescribed was 314 in 301 patients (9.0%). Antifungal drugs were mostly prescribed in paediatric haematology and oncology (PHO) units (35.2%), followed by neonatal ICUs (NICUs) (19.6%), paediatric services (18.3%), paediatric ICUs (PICUs) (14.6%) and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) units (7.3%). Antifungals were used for prophylaxis in 147 patients (48.8%) and for treatment in 154 patients (50.0%). The antifungal treatment strategy in 154 patients was empirical in 77 (50.0%), diagnostic-driven in 29 (18.8%) and targeted in 48 (31.2%). At the point of decision-making for diagnostic-driven antifungal therapy in 29 patients, HRCT had not been performed in 1 patient (3.4%) and galactomannan test results were not available in 12 patients (41.4%). Thirteen patients (8.4%) were receiving eight different antifungal combination therapies. Conclusion: The majority of antifungal drugs for treatment and prophylaxis were prescribed in PHO and HSCT units (42.5%), followed by ICUs. Thus, antifungal stewardship programmes should mainly focus on these patients within the availability of diagnostic tests of each hospital. © 2018 International Society for Chemotherapy of Infection and Cancer
  • Publication
    Kronik granülomatöz hastalıklı olgularda küf ilişkili invaziv enfeksiyonlar: Tek merkez deneyimi
    (2022-03-17) AYDINER, ELİF; KEPENEKLİ KADAYİFCİ, EDA; ÖZEN, AHMET OĞUZHAN; BARIŞ, SAFA; Ergenç Z., Bilgiç Ertan S., Barış S., Aydıner E., Özen A. O., Aslan S., Yılmaz S., Parlak B., Kepenekli Kadayifci E.