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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Osteocalcin and cross‑linked C‑terminal telopeptide of type I collagen in gingival crevicular fluid during piezocision accelerated orthodontic tooth movement: A randomized split‑mouth study
    (2023-04-01) YILDIRIM, HATİCE SELİN; KURU, LEYLA; Yıldırım H. S., Ateş M., Oktay Gün I., Kuru B., Çakırer B., Kuru L.
    Background: Piezocision, a minimally invasive surgical procedure, has been used to accelerate tooth movement. Aim: The aim of this randomized split‑mouth study was to evaluate gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) osteocalcin (OC) and type I collagen cross‑linked C‑terminal telopeptide (ICTP) levels during canine distalization with and without piezocision acceleration. Material and Methods: Fifteen systemically healthy subjects (M:F 7:8, 16.27 ± 1.14 years) requiring extraction of maxillary first premolars before retraction of canines were included in the study. Piezocisions were randomly carried out on one of the maxillary canines while bilateral canines served as controls. Canine distalization was conducted using closed‑coil springs applying a force of 150 g/side by using miniscrews as anchorage. GCF sampling was performed from maxillary canine mesial and distal sites at baseline, 1, 7, 14, and 28 days. The GCF levels of OC and ICTP were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The rate of tooth movement was evaluated at 2‑week intervals. Results: The amounts of canine distalization from baseline to 14 and 28 days in the piezocision group were significantly higher than the control group (P < 0.05). The GCF OC level of the piezocision group on the tension side and the ICTP level of the same group on the compression side were higher than the respective sides of the control group on day 14 (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Piezocision was found to be an effective treatment procedure for accelerating canine distalization accompanied by increased levels of OC and ICTP.Keywords: ICTP, osteocalcin, piezosurgey, tooth movement
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Türkiye’deki diş hekimlerinin perspektifinden dentin hassasiyetinin prevalansı, etiyolojisi, tanı ve tedavi yaklaşımları: Anket çalışması
    (2023-05-01) YILDIRIM, HATİCE SELİN; KURU, LEYLA; Doğan Ç., Yıldırım H. S., Kuru L.
    GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Dentin hassasiyeti (DH), yetişkin popülasyonu etkileyen ve diş hekimlerinin klinikte sıklıkla karşılaştıkları ağrılı bir durumdur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’deki diş hekimlerinin DH hakkındaki görüş, davranış ve tutumlarını anket aracılığıyla değerlendirmektir.YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Önceki çalışmalardan Türkçe’ye çevrilerek düzenlenen 27 soruyu içeren bu anket, Survey Monkey programında oluşturuldu. Türk Diş Hekimleri Birliği’ne kayıtlı diş hekimlerine e-posta yoluyla gönderilen anketi 217 katılımcı eksiksiz yanıtladı. Veriler tanımlayıcı istatistik, ki-kare ve Fisher exact test kullanılarak analiz edildi.BULGULAR: Hekimlerin %58.06’sı uyguladıkları tedaviler içinde DH tedavisi oranının %10’dan az ve %70.97’si kliniklerine DH şikayeti ile başvuran hastaların sıklıkla 30-39 yaş aralığında olduğunu bildirdi. Hekimlerin %64.52’sinin, hassasiyetin dentin tübüllerindeki sıvı akışı nedeniyle sinirlerin uyarılmasından kaynaklandığını düşündüğü ve %93.03’ünün hava ile uyarma yöntemiyle tanı koyduğu saptandı. Hekimler, hassasiyet tedavisinde en çok zemin hazırlayıcı faktörlerin giderilmesi (%89.40) ve evde hassasiyet giderici ajanların uygulanması (%88.48) seçeneklerini tercih ettiler. Zemin hazırlayıcı faktörlerin giderilmesi, flor verniği, periodontal cerrahi işlemler ve lazer uzman hekimler tarafından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı daha fazla uygulanmaktaydı (p<0.05). Meslekte geçirdiği süre 10 yıldan az olan hekimler, daha tecrübeli hekimlere kıyasla daha çok hassasiyet giderici ajan önermekte ve rezin uygulamaktaydılar (p<0.05). Tedavi sonrası şikayetlerin genellikle 1 hafta içinde geçtiği ve %96.77 oranında nüks ile karşılaşıldığı belirtildi.TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Sonuç olarak, ankete katılan Türkiye’deki diş hekimlerinin çoğunluğunun DH hakkında güncel bilgilere sahip olduğu görülmekle birlikte, hekimler DH tedavisinin başarılı ve uzun süreli sağlanamadığını belirtmişlerdir. Bu çalışma DH’nin ülkemizde çalışan diş hekimleri tarafından hala çözülmesi zor bir sorun olarak görüldüğünü ortaya koymaktadır.
  • Publication
    Periodontolojide postoperatif Ağrı
    (Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, 2023-03-01) KURU, LEYLA; YILDIRIM, HATİCE SELİN; Kuru L., Yıldırım H. S.
    ÖZET Periodontal tedavi işlemleri sırasında veya sonrasında hastalarda ağrı, rahatsızlık ve dentin hassasiyetiduyabileceği beklentisi vardır. Periodontal tedavinin en yaygın uygulanan ve ilk basamağı olandiş yüzeyi temizliği ve kök yüzeyi düzleştirmesi prosedüründe, belirli bir süre hafif ağrı duyulabilmektedir.Periodontal cerrahi tedavilerde ise daha şiddetli ağrı ve rahatsızlık hissi oluşabilmektedir. Ağrıtüm periodontal cerrahi uygulamalarının kaçınılmaz doğal bir sonucudur. Yapılan tüm periodontal tedaviişlemlerinde, hasta konforu ve memnuniyetini artırmak, hastanın tedaviye uyumunu ve iş birliğini sağlamakiçin işlemler sırasında ve sonrasında duyulan ağrıyı azaltmak büyük önem taşımaktadır. Periodontaltedavinin başarısı sadece uygun cerrahi tekniğin seçilmesi ve uygulanmasına değil aynı zamandaağrı başta olmak üzere postoperatif komplikasyonların önlenmesi ve kontrolüne de bağlıdır.Anah tar Ke li me ler: Periodontal hastalıklar; oral cerrahi işlemler; postoperatif ağrıABS TRACT During and following several periodontal procedures, it is normal for patients to experiencediscomfort, postoperative pain, and dentin hypersensitivity. The scaling and root planing procedure,which is the most frequently used treatment and first step of periodontal therapy, may causediscomfort lasting for a short time. Periodontal surgical therapy results in more severe pain and discomfort.Pain is an inevitable outcome of all periodontal surgical procedures. Therefore, it is crucial tolessen the postoperative pain of the patient in order to improve overall level of comfort and satisfaction,promote collaboration and treatment compliance. In addition to application of the proper surgical technique,the effectiveness of periodontal surgery depends on prevention and management of pain and otherpostoperative complications.Keywords: Periodontal diseases; oral surgical procedures; postoperative pain
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Assessment of reliability of three indices measuring gingival overgrowth procjena pouzdanosti triju indeksa za mjerenje hiperplazije gingive
    Objectives: Numerous indices have been used to grade the severity of gingival overgrowth which led to suspicion regarding the results concerning its prevalence and pathogenicity. The aim of this study was to assess the concordance of three different gingival overgrowth indices, which were used wide-ly in previous studies, and check their reliability and reproducibility. Material and Methods: A total of 30 full-mouth plaster casts and 90 intra-oral photographs collected from 30 patients diagnosed with gingival overgrowth were included in our study. Three trained examiners performed measurements twice on plaster casts using gingival hyperplasia index (A index) and hyperplastic index (B index). In-traoral photographs were assessed also twice using (C index). Results: Concordance of intra-exam-iner and inter-examiner reliability of the recorded measurements was carried out for each index using weighted kappa (K), with a confidence interval of 95%. The A index revealed intra-examiner total kappa values between 0.724-0.876 for horizontal measurement and 0.512-0.823 for vertical mea-surement, and inter-examiner total kappa values between 0.255-0.626 horizontally and 0.235-0.279 vertically. The B index presented intra-examiner total kappa values between 0.587-0.868 horizontally and 0.653-0.855 vertically; and inter-examiner total kappa values between 0.393-0.595 and 0.372-0.635 for horizontal and vertical measurements, respectively. The C index achieved the highest intra-examiner concordance with total kappa values between 0.758-0.855 and inter-examiner total kappa values between 0.716-0.804. Conclusions: The C index evaluated through intraoral photographs is considered the most reliable and applicable method to be utilized. The C index is suggested to be used in large scale populations with its definite detailed criteria.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis as adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment in periodontitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial
    (2023-01-01) KURU, LEYLA; KADİR, TANJU; KÖSE, KEMAL NACİ; Özener H. Ö., KURU L., KADİR T., Kuru B.
    © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the clinical and microbiological effects of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DN-173010 containing yogurt as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment in periodontitis patients. Materials and methods: This is a prospective randomized controlled clinical study registered with NCT05408364 under clinical trial registration. Thirty periodontitis patients were divided into 2 groups at random. As adjunctive to supra and subgingival instrumentation, the test group consumed Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DN-173010 containing yogurt while the control group consumed natural yogurt, once daily for 28 days. The plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment level (CAL) were recorded at baseline, 28th day, and 3rd month. Microbiological analysis was performed using culture method by obtaining subgingival plaque samples from 2 periodontal sites with 4≤PD≤6 mm at the same time points. Results: The inter-group comparisons of PI, GI, and BOP as well as the changes between the measurement time points were statistically significant in favor of the test group. There were no significant differences in terms of PD and CAL changes between the study groups at all times (∆baseline–28 days, ∆baseline–3 months) (p>0.05). The number of patients presenting subgingival Bifidobacterium species was significantly greater in the test group than the control group at the 28th day (p<0.05). Conclusions: The administration of probiotics has shown beneficial effects, albeit limited, on clinical and microbiological outcomes in the management of periodontitis patients. Clinical relevance: Daily consumption of probiotic yogurt may be supportive for supra and subgingival instrumentation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Treatment of multiple adjacent gingival recessions using leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin with coronally advanced flap: a 12-month split-mouth controlled randomized clinical trial
    (2024-05-01) KURU, LEYLA; DOĞAN, BAŞAK; Yavuz A., Güngörmek H. S., Kuru L., Doğan B.
    Objective: This split-mouth randomized study aimed to assess efficacy of leucocyte-platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) versus connective tissue graft (CTG) in achieving root coverage (RC) for multiple adjacent gingival recessions (MAGRs) throughout 12-month period. Materials and methods: The study enrolled 59 teeth from 12 patients with Miller Class I MAGRs ≥ 2 mm on bilateral or contralateral sides. Patients were randomly assigned to receive coronally advanced flap (CAF) with either CTG (control) or L-PRF (test) treatment. Various parameters, including plaque and gingival index, clinical attachment level, recession depth, probing depth, recession width (RW), papilla width (PW), keratinized tissue width (KTW), gingival thickness (GT), percentage of RC, complete root coverage (CRC), and location of the relative gingival margin concerning the cemento-enamel junctions (GMCEJ) after CAF, were recorded at baseline, 3-, 6-, and 12-months post-surgery. On June 29, 2021 the study was registred to (NCT04942821). Results: Except KTW and GT gain, all clinical parameters, RC, and CRC were similar between the groups at all follow-up periods (p > 0.05). The higher GT and KTW gains were detected in the control group compared to test group at 12 months (p < 0.05). Both RC and CRC were positively associated with initial PW and GMCEJ, but negatively with initial RW (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The current study concludes that L-PRF were equally effective as CTG in treating MAGRs in terms of RC and CRC. Additionally, RC and CRC outcomes appeared to be influenced by GMCEJ, PW, and RW. Clinical relevance: L-PRF could represent a feasible substitute for CTG in treating MAGRs.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in IL-1A RS1800587, IL-1B RS1143634 and vitamin D receptor rs731236 in stage III grade B/C periodontitis
    The purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of interleukin (IL)-1A (rs1800587), IL-1B (rs1143634) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) (TaqI, rs731236) gene polymorphisms in the Turkish population and their association with Stage III Grade B/C periodontitis. Systemically and periodontally healthy individuals (N = 100) and Stage III Grade B/C periodontitis patients (N=100) based on clinical and radiographic examination were included in this research. Clinical attachment level, probing depth, bleeding on probing, plaque and gingival indices of the subjects were measured. Genotyping of IL-1A (rs1800587), IL-1B (rs1143634) and VDR (rs731236) polymorphisms was conducted by Real Time PCR. Allelic and genotypic distributions of IL-1A (rs1800587) gene polymorphism were not associated with periodontitis (p > 0.05). In IL-1B (rs1143634) gene polymorphism, the C allele was detected more frequently in healthy individuals compared with the periodontitis patients (p=0.045). CC genotype and C allele in VDR (rs731236) gene polymorphism was higher in periodontitis patients (p=0.031, p=0.034, respectively). In comparison with Grade B periodontitis patients and healthy subjects, CC genotype and C allele were observed more frequently in the Grade B periodontitis in terms of alleles (C/T) and genotypes for VDR (rs731236) polymorphism (p=0.024, p=0.008, respectively). This study presents that the VDR (rs731236) polymorphism are associated with enhanced susceptibility to Stage III periodontitis in the Turkish population. Furthermore, VDR (rs731236) polymorphism may be used as an identification criteria to discriminate Grade B and Grade C in Stage III periodontitis.