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Publication Open Access Doğum Sürecinde Gebelere Verilen Fiziksel Desteğin Doğum Sonuçlarına Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi(2020-12-01) BAYRI BİNGÖL, FADİME; DEMİRGÖZ BAL, MELTEM; KARAKOÇ, AYŞE; BİNGÖL F., DEMİRGÖZ BAL M., YILMAZ T., KARAKOÇ A., Küçükoğlu S., ÇİFTÇİ R., MUTLU E., ARI Z.Amaç: Bu araştırma, doğum sürecinde sunulan fiziksel desteğin doğum sürecine etkilerini incelemek amacı yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma randomize kontrollü deneysel bir çalışmadır. Çalışma grubuna alınan her bir gebeye tüm süreç boyunca yanından ayrılmadan, bireyselleştirilerek, non-farmakolojik yöntemleri kullanılarak doğrudan yardım edilmiştir. Kontrol grubuna seçilen gebelere rutin hastane prosedürleri uygulanarak eşzamanlı değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına alınan tüm gebelere doğum öncesinde Wijma Doğum Beklentisi/Deneyimi Ölçeği A (W-DEQ) ve doğumdan sonra Wijma Doğum Beklentisi/Deneyimi Ölçeği (W-DEQ) B versiyonu ve Doğumda Anne Memnuniyetini Değerlendirme Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Doğum sürecinde fiziksel destek sunulan gebelerin travay sürecinde indüksiyon gereksiniminin azaldığı (p=0.033) belirlendi. Çalışma grubunun travay süresi ortamalası 657.93±283.69 dk. iken, kontrol grubunun 1062.43±673.11 dk. olduğu ve aralarındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu (p=0.004) belirlendi. Doğum sonrasında ise epizyotomi (p=0.000) ve fundal bası oranının (p=0.000) azaldığı, annelerin doğum korkusunu daha az yaşadıkları (p=0.001) ve doğum memnuniyetlerinin daha yüksek olduğu (p=0.001) saptandı. Sonuç: Doğumun aktif fazında uygulanan fiziksel desteğin doğum sürecini olumlu yönde etkilediği belirlendi. Anahtar kelimeler: Doğum, intrapartum bakım, fiziksel destek, anne memnuniyetiPublication Open Access Clinical outcomes in peritoneal dialysis with refractory peritonitis: significance of the day 5 cell count(2024-01-01) BERKE MENTEŞE, İLAY; BARUTÇU ATAŞ, DİLEK; TUĞCU, MURAT; ARIKAN, İZZET HAKKI; VELİOĞLU, ARZU; AŞICIOĞLU, EBRU; BERKE İ., BARUTÇU ATAŞ D., TUĞCU M., Arikan H., VELİOĞLU A., AŞICIOĞLU E.Background: Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis is a common and severe complication of peritoneal dialysis, associated with high morbidity and mortality. However, there’s a lack of research on refractory peritonitis, which is difficult to manage and has a poor prognosis. Our study aimed to investigate factors affecting clinical outcomes in peritoneal dialysis patients with refractory peritonitis over a 12-year period at a medical faculty hospital in Turkey. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study at a single center from January 2009 to December 2020, involving 135 patients with 236 episodes of refractory peritonitis. The average age of the patient cohort was 53.0 ± 15.9 years, and 72 (53.4%) of the patients were male. The leading identified causes of end-stage kidney disease were glomerulonephritis, hypertensive glomerulosclerosis, and diabetic nephropathy. Data on microbiological etiology, dialysate white blood cell counts, and patient demographics were analyzed to identify catheter removal risk factors. Statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Results: Comparative analysis between patients with and without catheter loss revealed no significant differences in gender, age, presence of diabetes, prior hemodialysis, or duration of peritoneal dialysis. However, multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that a dialysate white blood cell count exceeding 1000/mm3 on day 5 and hospitalization had a positive association with catheter loss, while the presence of gram-positive bacterial growth had an inverse correlation. Conclusion: Our study shows that fifth-day dialysate white blood cell count predicts refractory peritonitis outcomes. Future research should focus on developing tools to manage catheter removal proactively and enhance patient prognosis.Publication Open Access Lise Öğrencilerinde Ergen Öznel İyi Oluş İle Olumlu Gelecek Beklentisi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi(2013-06-01) KARAKOÇ, AYŞE; BAYRI BİNGÖL, FADİME; KARACA, SEMRA; KARAKOÇ A., BİNGÖL F., KARACA S.Öznel iyi oluş bireylerin belli açılardan yaşamlarını değerlendirmelerini içerir (Eryılmaz 2010a, Dierer 2003). Ergenlerin kişilik gelişimi açısından öznel iyi oluş anlamlı bir gösterge olabilecek ve ergenin geleceğe ilişkin beklentileri ile ilişkili olabilecektir. Çalışmada, lise öğrencisi ergenlerin öznel iyi oluşları ile olumlu gelecek beklentileri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi, cinsiyet ve okul başarısı açısından değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma İstanbul’da iki lisede okuyan 14-19 yaş grubu ergenlerle (n=1208) kurum izinleri ve katılımcılardan aydınlatılmış onam alınarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler Ergen Öznel İyi Oluşu Ölçeği (EÖİÖ) ve Olumlu Gelecek Beklentisi Ölçeği (OGBÖ) kullanılarak toplanmış ve ortalama, standart sapma, yüzdelik, spearman korelasyon, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U analizleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Ergenlerin yaş ortalaması 16.66±1.20’dir. EÖİÖ toplam puan ortalamaları 49.53±7.80, OGBÖ toplam puan ortalamaları 19.24±3.73’tür. Ergenlerin öznel iyi oluş düzeyleri arttıkça olumlu gelecek beklentisi de artmaktadır. Ergenlerin cinsiyetleri açısından ile öznel iyi oluş ve olumlu gelecek beklentisi arasında bir fark bulunmamaktadır. Ergenlerin kendilerini başarılı bulduklarında öznel iyi oluş açısından kendilerini daha olumlu değerlendirdikleri ve gelecekten daha olumlu beklentileri olduğu söylenebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Öznel İyi Oluş, Olumlu Gelecek Beklentisi, Adolesan, Okul BaşarısıPublication Open Access The effect of mindfulness-based group skill training for mothers who have children with intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A feasibility study(2024-01-01) ÜNSAL, GÜL; Budak M. İ., ÜNSAL G.Objectives: This study aimed to assess the effects of mindfulness-based skill training on stress, cognitive emotion regulation (CER), and mindfulness levels in these mothers. Methods: The study was conducted in Türkiye and is a single-arm, mixed-method feasibility study. Thirty-one mothers were given a 6-week online mindfulness-based group skill training. Although the study started with 43 mothers, it was completed with 31 mothers due to drop-outs (5) and a lack of follow-up (7) measurements and analyses were made. Perceived stress scale (PSS), mindfulness attention awareness scale and CER scale were used in the study. Results: The study had a strong recruitment rate of 71.66%. A statistically significant difference was found in the PSS scores of the participants at the pretest and post-test. There was no statistically significant difference between baseline and follow-ups in the Mindful attention awareness scale score and CER questionnaire score. Conclusion: It can be noted that the mindfulness-based skill training program given online during the COVID-19 period is effective in reducing the stress levels of mothers of children with intellectual disabilities. Keywords: COVID-19; intellectual disability; mindfulness; mother; stress.Publication Metadata only Imide-yne click polymerization: a new and versatile tool for the toolbox of X-yne click polymerization(2024-01-01) ÇAKMAKÇI, EMRAH; Aslanturk O., Sagdic G., ÇAKMAKÇI E., Durmaz H., Günay U. S.The Michael reaction, a cornerstone in organic chemistry, continues to revolutionize the field with its unparalleled versatility in forming carbon-carbon, carbon-oxygen, carbon-nitrogen, and carbon-sulfur bonds, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in complex molecule and macromolecule construction. In this study, imide-yne reaction was employed at the macromolecular level for the first time to prepare linear poly(imide ester)s. A wide range of bisimides and dipropiolates were reacted through imide-yne click polymerization in the presence of 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2] octane (DABCO) at room temperature. The polymerizations proceed in an anti-Markovnikov fashion, yielding the E-isomer as the major product. Polymers were obtained in high yields and their molecular weights were found to be in the range of 5.64-12.67 kDa. The remaining unreacted double bonds in the linear polymers were found to undergo further functionalization with thiols using a strong organocatalyst 1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene (TBD), which was also supported by a model study. Post-polymerization modification study prompted us to prepare imide-yne monomers that can react with dithiols to synthesize poly(imide thioether)s through nucleophilic thiol-ene click reaction using TBD as the catalyst. The obtained polymers displayed a wide range of glass transition temperatures and thermal stability. Thus, it can be said that the proposed method enables the synthesis of new polyimide-based structures with tailorable thermal properties. It is believed that the proposed strategy will make a significant contribution to expanding the versatility of active alkyne chemistry at the macromolecular level.Publication Open Access Small Steps to the Big Picture for Health-Promoting Applications Through the Use of Chickweed (Stellaria media): In Vitro, In Silico, and Pharmacological Network Approaches(2024-01-01) ŞENKARDEŞ, İSMAİL; Cusumano G., Flores G. A., Cetiz M. V., Kurt U., Ak G., Saka E., Aly S. H., Eldahshan O. A., Singab A. N., Zengin G., et al.Stellaria media L., also called chickweed, is widespread in all parts of the world. In the present study, we investigated the biological properties and chemical profiles of different extracts (ethyl acetate, ethanol, ethanol/water, and water) of S. media. The chemical profiles were examined using UHPLC/MS/MS technique. Regarding the biological properties, antioxidant properties as well as enzyme-inhibiting and cytotoxic effects of the extracts were demonstrated by in vitro methods. To obtain further information about the structure-ability relationship, network pharmacology and molecular docking were also performed. Twelve phenolic compounds were identified in the extracts and most of them were flavonoids (apigenin, kaempferol derivatives, etc.). The water extract showed the best free radical scavenging activity, while the ethanol was the most active in reducing power tests. When inhibiting AChE, the ethyl acetate extract showed the best inhibitory effect. The water extract has a good cytotoxic effect on HepG2 (cell viability: 33.9% at a concentration of 100 g/mL). The analysis, performed using the STRING database, included these 45 cancer-associated targets. The identified hub genes were TP53, CDKN2A, PTEN, KRAS, and HRAS. In molecular docking analysis, acacetin-O-hexoside-O-deoxyhexoside and napigenin-7-O-hexoside exhibit remarkable binding energies with proteins. Consequently, S. media can be potential raw materials for designing functional formulations in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical industries.Publication Open Access Exome sequencing of 20,979 individuals with epilepsy reveals shared and distinct ultra-rare genetic risk across disorder subtypes(2024-10-01) TÜRKDOĞAN, DİLŞAD; Berkovic S. F., Neale B. M., Zsurka G., Zizovic M., Zimprich F., Zara F., Zahnert F., Zagaglia S., YÜCESAN E., Yolken R., et al.Identifying genetic risk factors for highly heterogeneous disorders such as epilepsy remains challenging. Here we present, to our knowledge, the largest whole-exome sequencing study of epilepsy to date, with more than 54,000 human exomes, comprising 20,979 deeply phenotyped patients from multiple genetic ancestry groups with diverse epilepsy subtypes and 33,444 controls, to investigate rare variants that confer disease risk. These analyses implicate seven individual genes, three gene sets and four copy number variants at exome-wide significance. Genes encoding ion channels show strong association with multiple epilepsy subtypes, including epileptic encephalopathies and generalized and focal epilepsies, whereas most other gene discoveries are subtype specific, highlighting distinct genetic contributions to different epilepsies. Combining results from rare single-nucleotide/short insertion and deletion variants, copy number variants and common variants, we offer an expanded view of the genetic architecture of epilepsy, with growing evidence of convergence among different genetic risk loci on the same genes. Top candidate genes are enriched for roles in synaptic transmission and neuronal excitability, particularly postnatally and in the neocortex. We also identify shared rare variant risk between epilepsy and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Our data can be accessed via an interactive browser, hopefully facilitating diagnostic efforts and accelerating the development of follow-up studies.Publication Open Access Phytochemical analysis and in vitro biological activity assessment of extracts from Micromeria myrtifolia(2024-01-01) ŞENER, TARIK EMRE; ERÇALIK YALÇINKAYA, ŞEBNEM; ŞENER T. E., M O., E R., M E., D T., KAYA A. M., Ö K., ERÇALIK YALÇINKAYA Ş., B Y. N., Hk E.In this study, the antioxidant capacity, the effect on anti-acetylcholinesterase and anti-urease enzyme inhibition, and kidney stone-reducing effects of different extracts from M.myrtifolia. In addition, the phytochemical content of the bioactive methanol extract was analyzed by HPLC-DAD. The methanol extract showed strong DPPH (IC50:0.036 mg/mL) radical scavenging, Cu (II) ion (6.535 mmTroloxE) and Fe3+ (6.476 FeSO4) ion reducing antioxidant activity compared to other extracts. The methanol extract contained the highest amount of phenolic (400 mgGAE) and flavonoid (2.519 QuE) compounds. Moreover, the methanol extract had significant anticholinesterase (78.935%), anti-urease (71.014%) and calcium oxalate anti-crystallization (18.22%, 37.427%) activities. The findings show that all extracts exhibited varying amounts of antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The bioactive methanol extract contained rosmarinic acid (31.35 µg), quercetin (12.99 µg) and chlorogenic acid (3.55 µg). The analyzed compounds are thought to contribute significantly to the pharmacological effect of the methanol extract.Publication Open Access Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel benzocoumarin derivatives as potent inhibitors of MAO-B activity(2024-11-15) MELETLİ, FURKAN; DEMİR, SERAP; DANIŞ, ÖZKAN; MELETLİ F., Gündüz C., Alparslan M. M., ATTAR A., DEMİR S., İskit E., DANIŞ Ö.The continued research of novel reversible inhibitors targeting monoamine oxidase (MAO) B remains crucial for effectively symptomatic treatment of Parkinson\"s disease. In this study we synthesized and evaluated a new series of 3-aryl benzo[g] and benzo[h] coumarin derivatives as MAO-B inhibitors. Compound A6 has been found to display the most potent inhibitory activity and selectivity against the MAO-B isoform (IC50 = 13 nM and SI = >7693.31 respectively). Inhibition mode of A6 on MAO-B was predicted as mixed reversible inhibition with a Ki value of 3.274 nM. Furthermore, in order to elaborate structure–activity relationships, the binding mode of A6 was investigated by molecular docking simulations.Publication Metadata only Çocukluk Çağı Tüberkülozunda Antibiyotik Seçimi(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2024-10-01) CANİZCİ ERDEMLİ, PINAR; Aslan Tuncay S., Canizci Erdemli P., Hatipoğlu N.Pediatrik tüberküloz (TB), on beş yaşın altındaki çocuklar için önde gelen ölüm nedenlerinden biridir. Yüzde onu beş yaşın altında olmak üzere yılda 1,1 milyon çocuk tüberküloz ile enfekte olmaktadır. Çocuklarda ölüm oranlarını azaltmak için yüksek riskli grupları tanımlamak, tanı yöntemlerini iyileştirmek ve tedavi seçenekleri sunmak çok önemlidir; ancak çocuklarda TB tespiti, özgün olmayan semptomlar ve balgam örnekleri toplamanın güç olması nedeniyle zorlayıcıdır. Mevcut tanı araçlarının çocuklarda TB\"yi tespit etmedeki duyarlılığı düşüktür; bu da yetersiz tanıya ve tedavide gecikmelere yol açmaktadır. Ek olarak, çocuk dostu anti-TB ilaçlarının olmaması ve uzun tedavi süresi, durumu daha da karmaşık hale getirmektedir. Bu zorlukları aşabilmek için, hızlı moleküler testler veya yeni biyobelirteçler gibi gelişmiş tanı yöntemlerinin ve anti-TB ilaçlarının çocuk dostu formülasyonlarının geliştirilmesine ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çabalar, gelecekte pediatrik tüberküloz yükünü azaltmaya ve etkilenen çocuklar için klinik tabloyu iyileştirmeye yardımcı olabilir.Publication Open Access Impact of Geopolitical Unrest on Surgical Delays and Outcomes in Immigrant Populations With Cleft Lip and Palate(2024-01-01) GÜRAY, ŞEYDA; GÜRAY Ş., EVİN N., Sifil M. K., YILDIZ K., Güneren E.Background: Geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East have led to mass migrations, with Turkey becoming a major host country. This influx has strained the health care system, particularly regarding specialized care for conditions like cleft lip and palate (CLP). Timely intervention is crucial for optimal outcomes, but cultural, socioeconomic, and logistical barriers often cause delays, impacting physical, functional, and psychosocial development. Methods: This retrospective study analyzed 72 immigrant pediatric CLP patients treated in Turkey between 2012 and 2022. Data on demographics, medical history, surgical interventions, complications, and treatment delays were collected. Surgical timing was compared with American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association guidelines, and the impact of socioeconomic status on delays was assessed. Results: Seventy-two patients underwent a total of 91 surgical interventions, including 29 cleft lip repairs, 22 cleft palate repairs, 6 pharyngeal flaps, 15 fistula closures, 8 corrections of secondary lip scars and whistling deformities, and 11 alveolar bone graftings. A majority (73.6%) had poor socioeconomic status. The average delays for cleft lip, cleft palate, and alveolar bone grafting surgeries were 5.3±4, 7.3±6.1, and 34.1±23.5 months, respectively, and were significantly longer for patients with poor socioeconomic status (P=0.00502, 0.030741, and 0.041878). The average delay for pharyngeal flap surgery, performed in patients with poor socioeconomic status (except for one), was 43.7±14.1 months. Conclusions: This study highlights the challenges and disparities in CLP care for immigrant children in Turkey due to geopolitical conflict. While surgical complication rates are similar to established data, delays in treatment, especially among those with lower socioeconomic status, are a significant concern. The findings emphasize the need for comprehensive, culturally sensitive care and systemic interventions to improve access and outcomes for this vulnerable population. Key Words: Cleft lip and palate, geopolitical conflict, health care access, immigrant, refugee, socioeconomic status, surgical outcomes, treatment delay, TurkeyPublication Metadata only Images of Byzantium in Count Belisarius(2024-10-12) ÇELİK, SİREN; Çelik S.Publication Metadata only Smart Drawer : Yenilikçi Çekmeceli Depolama Sistemi ve PI Kontrolör ile Çekmecelerin Konum Kontrolü(2023-09-04) TÜRKELİ, SERKAN; TÜRKELİ S., İKİZOĞLU S., Karataş E., Kurt K. K., Atay T., Çiçek M. A.Akıllı dolaplar, endüstriyel depolama alanında inovatif ve kullanıcı odaklı bir çözüm olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. ”Smart Drawer”, pazarda bulunan ürünlerden daha düşük maliyete ve satış fiyatına sahip olması, kullanımın gerçekleşeceği kurumun mevcut dolap sistemini ve üretim şeklini büyük ölçekte değiştirmemesi, sade bir arayüze sahip olması ve sağlamlıktan ödün vermemesi sayesinde öne çıkan ürünlerden bir tanesidir. Bu sistem, Debian temelli olup Python ve JavaScript gibi dillerle kodlanmış olup, sistemde master ve slave olarak iki tip dolap mevcuttur. Kullanıcı yetkilendirmesine dayalı işlemler uygulanmaktadır. Yetkili kullanıcının gerekli komutları sisteme vermesi durumunda step motorun hareket ettirdiği dolabın yatay eksende konum kontrolü PI kontrolör ile sağlanmıştır. Bu yenilikçi akıllı dolap sistemi, endüstriyel depolama alanında verimliliği artırmak ve işletmelerin lojistik süreçlerini iyileştirmek amacıyla tasarlanmıştır.Publication Open Access An Inquiry on the Idea of Wilāyah from al-Sulamī’s Introduction to his Tabaqāt al-Sūfiyya(2024-01-01) GÜMÜŞTEKİN, İSLİM; GÜMÜŞTEKİN İ.Tasavvuf disiplininde biyografi yazımı velâyetin izlerinin velînin hayatı içerisinden aktarımı üzerine kuruludur. Bu yönüyle tasavvuf tabakâtında biyografisi verilen kişi, velâyetin “velî” kimliğinde somutlaştığı bir örnek kabul edilebilir. Günümüze ulaşan en eski sûfî tabakâtı olan Sülemî’nin Tabakâtu’s-sûfiyye’si velî kavramının temsilcilerini anlatması ve kendinden sonra bu literatürde belirleyici bir rol üstlenmesi açısından ayrıcalıklı bir yere sahiptir. Mukaddimelerin yazarın eser içerisinde göstereceği yaklaşımın bir özeti olması, bu bahiste üzerinde durabileceğimiz çerçeveyi belirlememize imkân sağlar. Çünkü bu eserin mukaddimesinde sunulan tablo, tasavvufun temel kavramlarından olan velâyet kavramına ve velînin kimliğine yönelik Sülemî’nin perspektifinin ipuçlarını barındırır. Bu sebeple çalışmamızda Sülemî’nin Tabakâtu’s-sûfiyye’sinin mukaddimesinde “velî” kavramına yapılan atıflara odaklandık ve eser içerisinde kişilerin hayatları üzerinden aktardığı velâyeti dinî-tasavvufî açıdan nasıl konumlandırdığını anlamaya çalıştık. “Velî” kavramının Sülemî’nin düşüncesinde karşılık bulduğu bağlamları yorumlamaya başladığımızda; onun velâyetin meşruiyeti ve nesilden nesile devamlılığı, velîlerin diğer insanlardan farklılaşan hususları ve aralarındaki hiyerarşi, son olarak da kişinin kulluğunun kemaline ulaşması gibi konular üzerinden birbiriyle irtibatlı üç bağlam ortaya koyduğunu gördük. Böylece verilen bu üç bağlam, Sülemî’nin velâyet düşüncesinin arka planına dikkat çekmemizi ve bunun Cüneyd-i Bağdâdî’nin velâyet vurgusu ile hangi açılardan birleştiğini takip etmemizi sağlar. Ayrıca onun Nişabur tasavvuf birikiminin aktarımında kritik rolü, bu konuda Sülemî’ye özgü yaklaşımları daha iyi anlamamıza yardımcı olur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tasavvuf, Tabakât, Sülemî, Velî, VelâyetPublication Open Access Comment on \"Effectiveness of Radiofrequency Ablation of the Genicular Nerves of the Knee for the Management of Intractable Pain from Knee Osteoarthritis\"(2024-09-01) ŞENCAN, SAVAŞ; KOKAR, SERDAR; GÜNDÜZ, OSMAN HAKAN; Dogan N. H., ŞENCAN S., KOKAR S., GÜNDÜZ O. H.We read with great interest the article by Lee et al (1) titled “Effectiveness of radiofrequency ablation of the genicular nerves of the knee for the management of intractable pain from knee osteoarthritis”. In the light of current literature, the article is found to be noteworthy. There is a remarkable emphasis on the choice of blocking the genicular nerves for control of pain originating from the anterior part of the knee joint. The treatment response depends primarily on the correct localization of pain. Therefore, decision making on selecting genicular nerves as target, requires individualized approaches when genicular nerves thought to be responsible for the knee pain, which is consistent with a recent study (2). However, we would like to address some potential concerns particularly about study design and statistical analysis. The section titled “Patients” contains complex phrases about the nature of the study (prospective/retrospective) and informed consent that needs to be clarified. The definition of ≥ 50% pain reduction in pain intensity from baseline value at 6 months after the treatment as a successful treatment outcome is not reused in the rest of the text. The basis of classification of patients into 2 groups with numeric rating scale (NRS) 6 or NRS ≥ 7 should be explained. A research determining cut-off points on NRS in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain showed that NRS scores ≤ 5 correspond to mild, scores of 6–7 to moderate and scores ≥ 8 to severe pain, and that cut-off points are affected by catastrophizing tendency (3). Also, comparing of groups containing one value and multiple values may lead to bias. There is a semi-quantitative scoring tool for knee osteoarthritis called MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score (MOAKS) by Hunter et al (4). It would have been more practical to use MOAKS instead of developing a new MRI grading system that consists of the same criteria except for subchondral cyst. And considering that not every patient with knee osteoarthritis has a magnetic resonance imaging, radiographic correlation with Kellgren-Lawrence scale could have contributed more. There is a discrepancy in the number of cases. In Tables 2 and 3, the total number of cases in the rows “Hyaline cartilage defect tibia (P)” is 53, but the total sample size is stated to be 50. Most importantly, the lack of regression analysis and limited results about within/ between group variation over time, require review of statistical analysis.Publication Open Access Oncological Outcomes of Chromophobe Versus Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: Results from A Contemporary Turkish Patient Cohort(2024-01-01) TİNAY, İLKER; Cetin T., Celik S., Sozen S., Ozen H., AKDOĞAN B., ASLAN G., BALTACI S., SÜER E., Bayazit Y., Izol V., et al.Purpose: To compare the oncological outcomes of clear cell RCC (ccRCC), which is common in renal cell carcinomas (RCC), and chromophobic RCC (chRCC), which is less common, and to define the factors affecting survival in the Turkish patient population for both RCC subclassifications. Materials and Methods: Patients with a pathologically confirmed RCC diagnosis after radical or partial nephrectomy in the Turkish Urooncology Association (TUOA), Urological Cancers Database-Kidney (UroCaD-K), were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with ccRCC and chRCC were included in the study. Primary outcomes of this study are recurrence-free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) for each histological subtype. Results: Data from 5300 patients in the TUOA UroCaD-K are reviewed and a total of 2560 patients (2225 in the ccRCC group and 335 in the chRCC group) are included in the final analysis. In the comparison of the groups, tumor size was greater both radiologically and pathologically in chRCC (p=0.019 vs 0.002 respectively). Recurrence-free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) rates are worse in ccRCC subgroup. In the evaluation of risk factors; pathological stage, local invasion and Fuhrmann grade were found to be significant for recurrence in ccRCC. Age, body mass index and pathological stage were the risk factors affecting overall mortality (OM). Pathological tumor size was an independent risk factor for recurrence in chRCC, while age was analyzed as the only parameter affecting OM. Conclusion: chRCC oncological data and OS, CSS and RFS rates were found to be better than ccRCC in the Turkish patient population.Publication Open Access The Effect of Tideglusib Application on Type 1 and Type 3 Collagen Expressions by Human Dental-Pulp Derived Stem Cells: A Preliminary Study.(2024-09-01) AĞRALI, ÖMER BİRKAN; Güler C., Yilmaz A. M., Kuru L., Ozen B., Agrali Ö. B.Background: Although Tideglusib cytotoxicity studies and its effects on human dental pulp‑derived stem cells (DPSCs) have been examined in previous studies, there is no study investigating the expression of type 1 collagen and type 3 collagen by Tideglusib. Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Wnt signaling activation using Tideglusib execution on human DPSC to determine its potential efficacy in collagen expression. Methods: Stem cell isolation was performed from five human third molar wisdom tooth pulps. DPSCs identified in only one sample were treated with 50 nM Tideglusib for 24 h and 1 week. Axin‑2, type 1 and type 3 collagen expressions were evaluated by Western blot analysis. DPSCs without treatment served as a negative control. The Mann‑Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis. Results: The levels of type 1 collagen and Axin‑2 in the test group were significantly higher than those in the control group at 24 h (P = 0.000, P = 0.001, respectively). Compared to the control group, a slight increase in type 3 collagen expression was observed in the test group at 24 h (P value = 0.063). Application of 50 nM Tideglusib for 1 week revealed marked decreases in type 1 and type 3 collagen expressions (P = 0.029, P = 0.038, respectively). In contrast, there was a significant increase in the level of Axin‑2 (P = 0.000) compared to the control group. Conclusion: The fact that Wnt signaling pathway activation obtained by Tideglusib application on DPSCs confirmed by the finding in the increase of Axin‑2 at short and long‑term evaluation periods which is resulted in the increase in the type 1 collagen expression at 24 h and decrease at 1 week together with the decrease in type 3 collagen expression at 1 week warrants further studies to evaluate the effect of Tideglusib on extracellular matrix expression. Keywords: Dental pulp, GSK‑3 inhibitor, periodontal regeneration, stem cell, Tideglusib, Wnt signaling pathwayPublication Open Access Exploring the Nexus between Religiosity and Environmental Behaviors including Waste Management and Active Environmentalism: Empirical Findings from Turkish and Jordanian Muslim Samples(2024-09-01) AYTEN, ALİ; HUSSAIN, AMJAD MAHMUD; AYTEN A., Ferhan H., Husssain A.This article investigates the nuanced interplay between religiosity and environmental behaviors, specifically waste management and active environmentalism, within the context of two distinct Muslim societies. Drawing upon correlational survey methodology and employing questionnaire techniques, data were collected from 355 individuals aged 18 to 59, with a demographic composition comprising 50.4% Turkish Muslims (N=179) and 49.6% Jordanian Muslims (N=176). The mean age of the sample is 25.6 (SD= 7.75). Utilizing measures such as the “Environmental Behavior Scale”, and “Brief Religiosity Scale”, the study sheds light on the differential impact of religiosity on environmental practices across socio-cultural contexts. Results revealed a positive correlation between religiosity and both waste management and active environmentalism among the Jordanian sample, whereas a positive association was observed solely between religiosity and waste management within the Turkish sample. The implications of these findings are discussed, alongside recommendations for future research endeavors in this domain.Publication Open Access A novel predictor of persistent ocular hypotony after pars plana vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: The initial intraocular pressure difference between the eye with RRD and the fellow eye(2025-01-01) ÖZGÜR, EMRAH GÖKAY; Tokuç E. Ö., KARABAŞ V. L., Seyyar S. A., Emengen E. B., Güray A. B., Dinçer K. A., Önder C. D., ÖZGÜR E. G.Purpose: To evaluate the predictive value of initial intraocular pressure difference of the detached and fellow eyes of patients with complex rhegmatogenous retinal detachment on postoperative persistent ocular hypotony. Methods: This retrospective observational study included 538 eyes of 538 unilateral complex rhegmatogenous retinal detachment patients with a proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade of C-1 or higher, treated with silicone oil endotamponade following pars plana vitrectomy. The patients were divided into Group A (patients having silicone oil removal without ocular hypotony; n=504) and Group B (patients with persistent ocular hypotony following silicone oil removal [n=8, 23.5%] and with retained silicone oil [n=26, 76.5%] due to the risk of persistent ocular hypotony; total n=34). Ocular hypotony was defined as an intraocular pressure of <6 mmHg on two or more occasions. Patients’ demographics, including age, sex, and follow-up time, and ocular characteristics, including ocular surgical and trauma history, initial and final best-corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure and initial intraocular pressure difference of the detached and fellow eyes, and anatomical success rates and postoperative complications, were retrospectively collected from the electronic patient files. Results: The initial intraocular pressure was significantly lower in the detached eyes of Group B than in Group A (8.3 ± 3.5 vs. 12.9 ± 3.3, p<0.001). Also, the initial intraocular pressure difference was significantly higher in Group B than in Group A (8.9 ± 3.2 vs. 2.2 ± 2.7mmHg, p<0.001). The receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that the cutoff value of the initial intraocular pressure difference was 7.5mmHg for the risk of persistent ocular hypotony. The most influential factors on postoperative persistent ocular hypotony in the binary logistic regression analysis were the initial intraocular pressure difference and the need for a retinectomy. Conclusion: In eyes with complex rhegmatogenous retinal detachment treated with pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil tamponade, the initial intraocular pressure difference could be of value in predicting postoperative persistent ocular hypotony and could guide surgeons on the decision of silicone oil removal.Publication Open Access Universal depressive symptom screening in middle schools in Istanbul: An epidemiologic study(2025-01-01) BARIŞ, HATİCE EZGİ; GÜNAL, ÖZGE; ÜTÜK, BURAK; ARMAN, AYŞE; BORAN, PERRAN; KARAVUŞ, MELDA; Yıldız Silahlı N., Barış H. E., Qutranjı L., Yorgancı Kale B., Günal Ö., Ütük B., Karavuş M., Arman A., Boran P.Introduction: Depression is a significant public health concern, with severe adolescent morbidity and mortality. Promoting adolescents’ mental health is increasingly recognized, and schools are proposed as screening and preventive intervention sites. This cross-sectional study aimed to screen self-reported elevated depressive symptom prevalence among secondary school students in Istanbul, Turkey. The secondary objectives were determining behavioral problems, resilience, positive attitudes, and risk factors associated with depressive symptoms. Methods: Data collection was conducted between April–June 2022. Six thousand one hundred ten students from nine randomly selected schools from different city districts were approached. Depression was screened by the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used for screening behavioral problems and positive attitudes. Resilience was evaluated by the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM). Results: The final study sample comprised 2780 participants (response rate 47.7 %) with a mean age of 12.4 ± 1.1 years (females:52.7 %). Elevated depressive symptoms were detected in 31.2 % of the students. Female students exhibited higher scores in CES-DC and total difficulties but lower resilience scores in CYRM than male students. In a multiple regression analysis, female gender, higher total difficulties score, lower resilience score, and lower perceived academic performance significantly predicted CES-DC [F(6,2279) = 421, p < 0.01]. Discussion: Our findings showed high rates of elevated self-reported depressive symptoms in a city sample among Turkish adolescents at middle schools, in addition to coexisting behavioral difficulties and decreased resilience indicating poor psychosocial functioning. Given the prevalent depressive symptoms, screening and intervention programs involving resilience promotion may involve school systems to prevent adolescent depression.