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  • PublicationOpen Access
    The effect of psychoeducation on the social skills and problem-solving skills of female prisoners
    (2022-01-01) KARACA, SEMRA; KIZILKAYA M., Unsal G., KARACA S.
    Objectives: This research was designed to evaluate the effect of education developed to address the psychosocial needs of women in penal institutions related to social skills and problem-solving skills. Methods: The research was conducted between April 2013 and March 2014 with women serving a sentence in 2 Type E, closed prisons in Aydın, Turkey. The data were collected using a personal information form, a brief questionnaire, the Social Skills Inventory (SSI), the Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI) and an evaluation form. Content analysis was used to assess qualitative data, including frequency and percentage distribution, and quantitative data were evaluated using a t-test for dependent groups. Results: The average age of the participants was 37.79±8.94 years, and 48.1% were illiterate. In all, 25.9% of the women were convicted of theft and 72.2% had another 1-4 years remaining to serve. The mean PSI score before the psychoeducation course was 115.72±15.77, and 110.85±14.01 after the program. The mean SSI score was 243.94±31.15 before the psychoeducation course and 248.92±42.59 afterwards. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of both scales before and after the psychoeducation program. Conclusion: The psychoeducation program prepared to meet the needs of the female prisoners studied had a positive effect on their social skills and problem-solving skills. The addition of psychoeducation programs to the educational programs offered in penal institutions could be very beneficial. Additional studies with control group monitoring are recommended.
  • Publication
    The validity and reliability of Pictorial Pediatric Symptom Checklist in children of 4-5 ages
    Objective: The objective of this study is to carry out the validity and reliability of Pictorial Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PPSC), in preschool children of 4-5 ages. Methods: This methodological study was carried out by permission of ethics committee from Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences Ethics Committee and permission of Duzce Provincial National Education Directorate. The population of the study consists of 1.512 parents with children of 4-5 ages studying in 26 preschool education institutions in Duzce. The sample of the study is composed of 759 parents who accept to participate in the study and meet the admission criteria. MINRES Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to identify and support of the validity of PPSC. The Cronbach's alpha internal consistency, test-retest and Spearman-Brown reliability coefficients were calculated in order to assess the reliability of the checklist. Findings: It was observed that the dataset of the checklist meet multivariate normal distribution and multicollinearity assumptions. According to Cronbach's alpha internal consistency and test-retest validity coefficients, the overall reliability of the checklist is at an acceptable level. As a result of factor analysis, the construct validity of PPSC with five-factor structure was investigated with CFA. Although the suggested model was not considered as meaningful (chi(2)=460.02, df=365, p=0.001), the model has a good fit because it is RMSEA<0.05 and chi(2)/df<2, when other model fit indexes were analyzed. The model has an acceptable fit as indexes SRMR<0.07, CFI, NFI, GFI, and AGFI are close to the values 0.90 or 0.95. Conclusion: The findings show that the PPSC is a valid and reliable screening tool offering the opportunity of identifying psychosocial and behavioral problems in preschool children.
  • Publication
    Validity and Reliability of a Revised Northampton Neonatal Skin Assessment Tool in Turkish Language
    (KOWSAR PUBL, 2017) KARAKOÇ, AYŞE; Karakoc, Ayse; Duzkaya, Duygu Sonmez; Temizsoy, Ebru; Karaca, Semra; Uysal, Gulzade; Cangur, Sengul
    Background: It is important to check the skin of neonates on a daily basis so that abnormal conditions and skin problems are identified. Objectives: This study aimed at testing the validity and reliability of a revised Northampton Neonatal skin assessment tool in Turkish; a review to determine whether it is valid and reliable in the care of neonates. Methods: The research had a cross-sectional and methodological design. The data for the study was collected between 1st of January 2015, and 20th of June 2015, at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a major training and research hospital in Istanbul/Turkey; 362 neonatal skin assessments were executed. The revised tool's language, face, content, construct validity, and reliability were evaluated. Results: The intra-class correlation coefficient, which indicates interrater reliability, was 1.00 in the study, representing 100% agreement. The Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient revealed that the tool's general reliability was at an acceptable level (C alpha = 0.71). Although the model was not found to be significant (Chi-square = 46.22, df = 17, and P < 0.001), the other model fit indices found RMSEA < 0.07, chi(2)/df < 3, and SRMR< 0.06, which meant that the data had an acceptable fit for the model. The model exhibited a good fit because the CFI, NFI, GFI, and AGFI indices were close to 1. When the model fit indices were evaluated in combination, the CFA model generally had a good fit. The most significant and most prominent effect on the tool was the impact of NNS9 (level of care) indicator (b(9) = 0.86, t value = 17.46 > 1.96). Conclusions: The Turkish version of the revised northampton neonatal skin assessment tool is an appropriate, valid, and reliable instrument to be used in the assessment of neonatal skin, especially of infants at the NICU. The tool may be recommended for use in the care of neonates.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Bir grup üniversite öğrencisinde toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve homofobi arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi
    (2021-01-01) KARACA, SEMRA; Kara Z., Karaca S.
    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı üniversite öğrencileri örnekleminde toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve homofobi arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesidir. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte yapılan çalışma bir devlet üniversitesinde okuyan 1048 üniversite öğrencisi ile yürütüldü. Veriler Bilgi Formu, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri Tutum Ölçeği ve Eşcinsellere İlişkin Tutumlar Ölçeği ile toplandı. Çalışma verileri bilgisayar ortamında SPSS 21 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edildi. Veriler değerlendirilirken değişkenlerin normal dağılıma uygunluğu Shapiro Wilks testi ile analiz edildi. Sosyodemografik özellikler ve ölçek puan dağılımı tanımlayıcı istatistiksel analizler, bağımsız iki değişkenin karşılaştırılmasında normal dağılıma uygunluk sağlanıyorsa student t testi, sağlanamadığında ise Mann Whitney U testi ile analiz edildi. Ölçek puanları arasındaki ilişkiler Pearson korelasyon analizi ile incelendi. Tüm analizler için anlamlılık p<0.05 düzeyinde kabul edildi. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 20,39±2.23’tü ve %43,9’u erkekti. Öğrencilerin eşcinsellere yönelik tutum ölçeği puan ortalaması 86,71±24,88 olup, %49,04’ü ölçekten ortalamanın üstünde puan aldı. Öğrencilerin toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri puan ortalaması 66,49±22,33’tü. Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve eşcinsellere ilişkin tutum ölçekleri puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif yönde ilişkiler (r=,310 ile ,651; p=,000) olduğu bulundu. Sonuç: Üniversite öğrencilerinin toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri tutumları daha çok gelenekseldir ve yaklaşık yarısının eşcinsellere ilişkin tutumları homofobiktir. Üniversite öğrencilerinde toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ile homofobi ilişkilidir ve toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ölçeğinden alınan puanlar arttıkça homofobi ölçeğinden alınan puanlar da artmaktadır.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Ergenlere verilen çatışma yönetimi programının değerlendirilmesi: yetiştirme yurdu örneği
    (2021-01-01) ÜNSAL, GÜL; KARACA, SEMRA; Çiçekoğlu Öztürk P., Ünsal G., Karaca S.
    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Ankara’daki yetiştirme yurtlarında kalan ergenlere yönelik hazırlanan çatışma yönetimi eğitiminin, ergenlerin çatışma yönetme biçimleri üzerine etkinliğini değerlendirmektir. Araştırma yetiştirme yurdunda kalan ergenlerin çatışma yönetimi eğitiminin etkisini inceleyen, deney ve kontrol gruplu, yarı deneysel desende ön test, son test ve izleme testli, yarı yapılandırılmış olarak planlanmıştır. Araştırma, 40 ergen deney (eğitim alan) grubu ve 40 ergen kontrol grubu olmak üzere Aile, Çalışma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı’na bağlı, Ankara’daki bir sevgi evi ve yetiştirme yurtlarında yaşayan 80 ergen ile yürütülmüştür. Eğitim grubundaki ergenlere 10 hafta boyunca araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan çatışma yönetimi eğitim programı uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada, Çatışma Çözme Davranışı Belirleme Ölçeği kullanılarak eğitim alan ve kontrol gruplarındaki ergenlerde ön-test, son- test ve izleme testi olarak tekrarlı değerlendirilmiştir. Verilerin değerlendirilmesi için SPSS-15 paket programı ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. On hafta boyunca uygulanan eğitim programının eğitim alan gruptaki ergenlerin, problem çözme puanlarını anlamlı derecede yükseltmiş, saldırganlık puanlarını ise anlamlı derecede düşürmüştür (p˂0.05). Ergenlere yönelik hazırlanan çatışma yönetimi eğitim programının yetiştirme yurdunda kalan ergenlerin çatışma çözme stratejilerini olumlu yönde etkilediğini göstermiştir.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale (ACSS)
    (KARE PUBL, 2017) KARAKOÇ, AYŞE; Karaca, Semra; Karakoc, Ayse; Onan, Nevin; Kadioglu, Hasibe
    Objectives: Because cosmetic/aesthetic surgery has increased dramatically worldwide, it is necessary to evaluate the reasons and psychosocial situation of the persons proposing to undergo this surgery before any surgical intervention. The aims of the current study were to examine the validity and reliability of the Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale (ACSS) among Turkish persons. Methods: This methodological study was conducted with 584 participants. Content and construct validity studies were carried out to test the validity of the scale. The construct validity was analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). For the scale's reliability, the techniques of internal consistency and consistency over time were used. Results: The Turkish adaptation of the ACSS was found to be valid, exhibiting a content validity index in the range of 0.80-1 on the item level, and 0.90 at the scale level. The scale displayed a three-factor structure. The total Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scale was 0.92; the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for Factor 1 (Interpersonal) was 0.81; and 0.86 for Factor 2 (Social). The Cronbach alpha coefficient for Factor 3 (Consider) was 0.90. Conclusion: The ACSS is a valid and reliable tool that can be used in assessing acceptance of cosmetic surgery.
  • Publication
    Investigating the Association Between Computer Game Addiction and Social Anxiety in Secondary School Students
    (AVES PRESS LTD, 2016) KARACA, SEMRA; Karaca, Semra; Gok, Ceren; Kalay, Ebru; Basbug, Mahmut; Hekim, Melis; Onan, Nevin; Barlas, Gul Unsal
    Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the association between computer game addiction and social anxiety levels in secondary school students. Methods: This study, which was descriptive and cross-sectional in design, was conducted in seven state secondary schools in Istanbul/Kadikoy. The data was collected using the participant information form, computer game addiction scale (CGAS) for children, and child social anxiety scale (CSAS), and the study was completed with 1019 students (556 males and 463 females). Results: Students were aged between 10 and 15 years, and the mean age was 12.85 +/- 1.16 years. Of all students, 54.6% were males and 45.4% were females. Majority (88.6%) of students had an internet connection at home, 98.3% were always playing online games, and 67.2% spent 0.5-3 h/day on the computer. The mean CGAS score was 43.27 +/- 16.31, and the mean CSAS score was 39.06 +/- 13.44. According to the mean CGAS score, 47.7% were normal computer users, 46.7% were problematic computer users, and 5.6% were computer game addicts. A moderately positive correlation was observed between the mean CSAS scores and CGAS total scores and subscale scores (r=0.24-0.31; p<0.01). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, almost half of the students in the study sample group were problematic computer users. Social anxiety level was not high, and social anxiety was moderately correlated with computer game addiction.
  • Publication
    Madde Bağımlılığı ve Bağımlılıkla İlgili Bozukluklar
    (Güneş Kitabevi, 2022-10-01) KARACA, SEMRA; Karaca S., Demirdil G.