Publication: Almanya Dışişleri Bakanlığı Siyasi Arşivi’nin Tarihsel Gelişimi ve Modern Dönem Türk Tarihi Açısından Önemi
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Bu makale, Almanya Dışişleri Bakanlığı Siyasi Arşivi’ni tarihsel
perspektiften ele almayı ve bu arşivin modern dönem Türk tarihi
açısından önemini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. 1870’te kurulmuş
olan Siyasi Arşiv, yalnızca bağlı bulunduğu Dışişleri Bakanlığı ile değil
aynı zamanda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ni de
içine alacak şekilde modern dönem Türk-Alman ilişkilerinin tarihiyle
de yaşıttır. Bahis konusu bu dönem aynı zamanda iki ülke arasındaki
ilişkilerin askerî ittifaktan kültürel ve ticari ilişkilere kadar hemen her
alanda neredeyse kesintisiz bir yoğunluk ve devamlılık göstermesiyle
dikkat çekmektedir. Almanya’nın dış politikasının hafızası olan Siyasi
Arşiv, kendi tarihiyle de 1871’den günümüze kadar birçok farklı isim
ve rejimin hüküm sürdüğü, zirvelerin ve diplerin göründüğü sancılı
Alman tarihinin bir izdüşümü olma özelliğine sahiptir. Birinci Dünya
Savaşı’ndan sonra kurulan Weimar Cumhuriyeti Almanya’sının
devlet kurumlarını yeniden düzenlemesinden Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Siyasi Arşivi de nasibini almış ve bugün de geçerli olan arşivleme
sistemi 1921’den itibaren kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Diğer yandan
İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın 1945’te Üçüncü Alman İmparatorluğu’nun
yıkımıyla sonuçlanması üzerine bir kurum olarak Dışişleri Bakanlığı
ve ona bağlı olan Siyasi Arşiv, 1945-1951 yılları arasında kurumsal
varlıktan yoksun kalmıştır. Dolayısıyla arşivde altı yıllık döneme ait
herhangi bir dışişleri belgesi mevcut değildir. Bunun yanında Dışişleri
Siyasi Arşivi, 1945 yılında Almanya’yı işgal eden Müttefik Devletler
tarafından ele geçirilmiş ve arşiv İngiltere, ABD ve Fransa tarafından
incelenmek üzere bütünüyle Londra’ya taşınmıştır. 1949’da kurulan
Federal Almanya Devleti’nin uzun çabaları ve yapılan pazarlıkları
sonucunda bu arşiv, 1956 yılından itibaren yeni devletin başkenti
Bonn’a taşınmış ve Almanya dışişleri, hafızasına yeniden kavuşmuştur.
Arşiv İngiltere’de iken Müttefik tarihçilerce başlatılan Alman Dışişleri
Bakanlığı belgelerinin kamuoyuyla paylaşılması süreci, 1959’dan
itibaren Alman tarihçiler tarafından Modern Tarih Enstitüsü (Institüt für
Zeitgeschichte) bünyesinde devam ettirilmiştir. Böylece Almanya’nın
Dış Politika Belgeleri (Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik Deutschlands)
başlığı altında 1918’den 1995’e kadarki döneme ait onlarca ciltten
oluşan belge neşredilmiştir. Almanya tarihi belgelerin kamuoyuna
açılması için, istisnai belgeler dışında otuz yıllık bir sürenin geçmesini
öngörmektedir. Dışişleri Siyasi Arşivi’nin Türkiye’nin son yüz elli
yılındaki uluslararası ilişkileri yanında bu süreçteki modernleşme
çabalarının anlaşılması konusunda da eşsiz bir kaynak sunduğunu
belirtmek gerekir. 1880’lerden 1918’e kadarki dönemde gerek II.
Abdülhamid saltanatında gerekse de Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nı da
kapsayan İkinci Meşrutiyet ve İttihat ve Terakki iktidarı döneminde iki
ülke arasındaki ilişkiler devamlılık göstermiştir. Diplomatik ilişkilerde
1918-1924 yılları arasındaki kesintiden sonra 1944’e kadar Türk-Alman
ilişkileri kültürel ve özellikle Almanya Türkiye’nin en önemli dış ticaret
partneri olduğu için ticari anlamda adeta zirveyi görmüştür. İkinci
Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra (1951-1952’de) yeniden kurulan diplomatik
ilişkilerde ise bilhassa 1961’den sonra Türk-Alman ilişkileri ortak
NATO üyeliği ve Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu (1993’ten sonraki adıyla
Avrupa Birliği) süreciyle birlikte yeni bir boyut kazanarak günümüze
kadar kesintisiz bir devamlılık ve yoğunlukla sürmüştür. Bu dönemde
Türkiye’den Almanya’ya gitmeye başlayan Türk işçiler ve sayıları
bugün milyonlarla ifade edilen Almanya’da yaşayan Türk topluluğu
ile iki ülke ve millet arasındaki ilişkiler neredeyse kopması imkânsız
bir hâl almıştır. Dolayısıyla Alman Federal Arşivi (Bundesarchiv) ve
diğer arşivleriyle birlikte, Almanya’nın Dışişleri Siyasi Arşivi modern
dönem Türk tarihinin anlaşılması ve yazılması açısından yadsınamaz
bir öneme sahiptir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Almanya, Arşivcilik, Almanya Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Siyasi Arşivi, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Türk Alman İlişkileri, Türkiye.
This article aims to introduce the Political Archive of the German Foreign Ministry from a historical perspective and explain its significance in writing the modern Turkish history. Being established in 1870, the history of the Political Archive is of the same age not only as its affiliated Ministry of Foreign Affairs but also as the relations between Türkiye and Germany in the late Ottoman Empire and the subsequent Republic of Türkiye. This period is marked by almost uninterrupted and intense relations between the two countries across various fields, including military alliances, cultural exchanges, and commercial activities. The Political Archive, which serves as the repository of Germany’s foreign policy memory, reflects the tumultuous history of Germany from 1871 to the present day which encompasses various names and regimes, as well as numerous highs and lows. The Political Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was influenced by the reorganization of state institutions in the Weimar Republic which was established following the First World War and the archiving system, which remains in use today, was established in 1921. Additionally, with the end of the Second World War in 1945 and the destruction of the Third German Reich, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Political Archive ceased to exist between 1945 and 1951. Therefore, there are no Foreign Office documents from this six-year period. In 1945, the Foreign Office Political Archive was seized by the Allied Powers occupying Germany and transported to London for examination by Britain, the United States, and France. As a result of extensive efforts and negotiations by the Federal Republic of Germany, established in 1949, the archive was moved to Bonn, the new capital, in 1956. This relocation allowed Germany to regain its foreign affairs memory. The publication of the documents from the German Foreign Ministry, initially begun by Allied historians during the archive’s tenure in England, persisted under German historians in 1959 through the Institute for Contemporary History (Institut für Zeitgeschichte). As a result, numerous volumes of documents spanning the years from 1918 to 1995 were published under the title Germany’s Foreign Policy Documents (Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik Deutschlands). Germany typically enforces a thirty-year period, with some exceptions, before historical documents can be made accessible to the public. It’s worth noting that the Political Archive of Foreign Affairs serves as a unique resource for analyzing Türkiye’s international relations over the past century and a half, alongside its endeavors toward modernization throughout this era. From the 1880s to 1918, there were uninterrupted relations between the two countries both under Abdulhamid II, the Second Constitutional Period and the rule of the Union and Progress Party which also covers the First World War years. Following the interruption of diplomatic ties between 1918 and 1924, Turkish-German relations reached their zenith until 1944, particularly flourishing in cultural and commercial domains, with Germany emerging as Türkiye’s foremost foreign trade partner. In the diplomatic relations re-established after the Second World War (in 1951-1952), particularly gaining momentum after 1961, TurkishGerman relations took on a new dimension with their shared NATO membership and Türkiye’s involvement in the European Economic Community (the European Union from 1993 onwards) process. Since then, the bilateral relations have persisted with uninterrupted continuity and intensity up to the present day. During this period, fueled by the influx of Turkish laborers migrating to Germany and the establishment of a sizable Turkish community, now numbering in the millions, the bonds between the two countries and their peoples have grown remarkably resilient, forging an almost inseparable connection. Hence, Germany’s Political Archive of Foreign Affairs, alongside the Federal Archive (Bundesarchiv) and other archival repositories, holds undeniable significance for understanding and documenting the modern Turkish history. Keywords: Archiving, German-Turkish Relations, Germany, Ottoman Empire, Political Archive of the German Foreign Ministry, Turkiye.
This article aims to introduce the Political Archive of the German Foreign Ministry from a historical perspective and explain its significance in writing the modern Turkish history. Being established in 1870, the history of the Political Archive is of the same age not only as its affiliated Ministry of Foreign Affairs but also as the relations between Türkiye and Germany in the late Ottoman Empire and the subsequent Republic of Türkiye. This period is marked by almost uninterrupted and intense relations between the two countries across various fields, including military alliances, cultural exchanges, and commercial activities. The Political Archive, which serves as the repository of Germany’s foreign policy memory, reflects the tumultuous history of Germany from 1871 to the present day which encompasses various names and regimes, as well as numerous highs and lows. The Political Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was influenced by the reorganization of state institutions in the Weimar Republic which was established following the First World War and the archiving system, which remains in use today, was established in 1921. Additionally, with the end of the Second World War in 1945 and the destruction of the Third German Reich, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Political Archive ceased to exist between 1945 and 1951. Therefore, there are no Foreign Office documents from this six-year period. In 1945, the Foreign Office Political Archive was seized by the Allied Powers occupying Germany and transported to London for examination by Britain, the United States, and France. As a result of extensive efforts and negotiations by the Federal Republic of Germany, established in 1949, the archive was moved to Bonn, the new capital, in 1956. This relocation allowed Germany to regain its foreign affairs memory. The publication of the documents from the German Foreign Ministry, initially begun by Allied historians during the archive’s tenure in England, persisted under German historians in 1959 through the Institute for Contemporary History (Institut für Zeitgeschichte). As a result, numerous volumes of documents spanning the years from 1918 to 1995 were published under the title Germany’s Foreign Policy Documents (Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik Deutschlands). Germany typically enforces a thirty-year period, with some exceptions, before historical documents can be made accessible to the public. It’s worth noting that the Political Archive of Foreign Affairs serves as a unique resource for analyzing Türkiye’s international relations over the past century and a half, alongside its endeavors toward modernization throughout this era. From the 1880s to 1918, there were uninterrupted relations between the two countries both under Abdulhamid II, the Second Constitutional Period and the rule of the Union and Progress Party which also covers the First World War years. Following the interruption of diplomatic ties between 1918 and 1924, Turkish-German relations reached their zenith until 1944, particularly flourishing in cultural and commercial domains, with Germany emerging as Türkiye’s foremost foreign trade partner. In the diplomatic relations re-established after the Second World War (in 1951-1952), particularly gaining momentum after 1961, TurkishGerman relations took on a new dimension with their shared NATO membership and Türkiye’s involvement in the European Economic Community (the European Union from 1993 onwards) process. Since then, the bilateral relations have persisted with uninterrupted continuity and intensity up to the present day. During this period, fueled by the influx of Turkish laborers migrating to Germany and the establishment of a sizable Turkish community, now numbering in the millions, the bonds between the two countries and their peoples have grown remarkably resilient, forging an almost inseparable connection. Hence, Germany’s Political Archive of Foreign Affairs, alongside the Federal Archive (Bundesarchiv) and other archival repositories, holds undeniable significance for understanding and documenting the modern Turkish history. Keywords: Archiving, German-Turkish Relations, Germany, Ottoman Empire, Political Archive of the German Foreign Ministry, Turkiye.
Almanya, Arşivcilik, Almanya Dışişleri Bakanlığı Siyasi Arşivi, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Türk Alman İlişkileri, Türkiye., Archiving, German-Turkish Relations, Germany, Ottoman Empire, Political Archive of the German Foreign Ministry
KON K., "Almanya Dışişleri Bakanlığı Siyasi Arşivi’nin Tarihsel Gelişimi ve Modern Dönem Türk Tarihi Açısından Önemi", ATATURK ARASTIRMA MERKEZI BASKANLIGI, sa.54, ss.1-54, 2024