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  • Publication
    Is there any influence of the ambulatory status of children with myelomeningocele on their clinical and renal outcomes? [Meningomiyeloselli Hastalarin Yürüyebilme Durumunun Böbrek Hastaliǧi ile Ilişkili Klinik ve Radyolojik Bulgulara Etkisi Var mi?]
    (2012) ALPAY, HARİKA; Benzer M., Alpay H., Altuntaş Ü., Biyikli N., Özşen A., Tarcan T.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the infl uence of the ambulatory status of children with MMC on renal functions, clinical and radiological fi ndings. MATERIAL and METHODS: The records of 83 children with MMC between 2005-2010 were reviewed retrospectively. The ambulatory status of the patients was classifi ed as independent walkers (walks without assistive appliances), assisted walkers (requires walking aid), and non-ambulatory (wheelchair bound) and the patient characteristics were evaluated according to the ambulatory status. RESULTS: The mean age was 7.1±0.61 years and median follow-up was 58 (32-97) months. Thirtyseven patients (44.6%) had been operated in the first three days of life. The patients with earlier initiation of follow-up earlier had less hydronephrosis and trabeculated bladder. Sixty-one children (73.5%) were non-ambulatory, 14 (16.9%) were assisted walkers and eight (9.6%) were independent walkers. GFR was less than 80 ml/minute/1.73m 2in six patients. There were no relation between ambulatory status and patients' renal functions, radiological and clinical fi ndings. CONCLUSION: Ambulatory status does not infl uence renal functions, clinical and radiological fi ndings of children with MMC. Beginning follow-up earlier may lead to fewer complications such as hydronephrosis and deformed and trabeculated bladder. Besides, patients operated in the first three days of life were more compliant with regular follow-ups.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Is renal abscess still a problem?
    (MARMARA UNIV, FAC MEDICINE, 2021-01-26) ALPAY, HARİKA; Sak, Mehtap; Gokce, Ibrahim; Cicek, Neslihan; Guven, Sercin; Ergelen, Rabia; Yildiz, Nurdan; Alpay, Harika
    Renal abscess, the accumulation of infected fluid in the kidney, is a rare condition seen in children as well as adults. It leads to long term hospital admission and antibiotic use. Early diagnosis is an important factor in the outcome of renal abscess because the management may differ. Urinalysis test results and radiologic imaging findings of the patients who are admitted to hospital with complaints of fever, vomiting, abdominal pain or flank pain are important for the early diagnosis. Undertreated cases have high risk for renal scar formation. In this paper, we aim to present three pediatric patients, who showed the complication of renal abscess and were treated with long term antibiotic use without a need for surgical drainage.
  • Publication
    Böbrek nakli sonrası covıd-19 enfeksiyonu ile presente olan akut nonketotik ağır hiperglisemi
    (2022-04-17) GÖKCE, İBRAHİM; ALPAY, HARİKA; Yıldız N., Demirci Bodur E., Kahveci A., Çiçek N., Güven S., Nisa Türkkan Ö., Pul S., Haliloğlu B., Gökce İ., Alpay H.
  • Publication
    Quality of life in children with chronic kidney disease (with child and parent assessments)
    (SPRINGER, 2010) ALPAY, HARİKA; Buyan, Necla; Turkmen, Mehmet Atilla; Bilge, Ilmay; Baskin, Esra; Haberal, Mehmet; Bilginer, Yelda; Mir, Sevgi; Emre, Sevinc; Akman, Sema; Ozkaya, Ozan; Fidan, Kibriya; Alpay, Harika; Kavukcu, Salih; Sever, Lale; Ozcakar, Zeynep Birsin; Dogrucan, Nahide
    Herein the results of a multicenter study from the Turkish Pediatric Kidney Transplantation Study Group are reported. The aims of this study were to compare the quality of life (QoL) scores of Turkish children who are dialysis patients (DP), renal transplant recipients (TR), and age-matched healthy controls and to compare child-self and parent-proxy scores. The Turkish versions of the Kinder Lebensqualitat Fragebogen (KINDLA (R)) questionnaires were used as a QoL measure. The study group consisted of 211 children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease (CKD) (139 TR and 72 DP aged between 4-18 years; 13.7 A +/- 3.5 years) from 11 university hospitals, 129 parents of these patients, 232 age-matched healthy children and adolescents (aged between 4-18 years; 13.1 +/- 3.5 years) and 156 of their parents. Patients with CKD had lower scores in all subscales except for physical well-being than those in the control group. TR had higher scores in physical well-being, self-esteem, friends' subscales, and total scores than DP. Child-self scores were lower than parent-proxy scores, especially in CKD, DP, and control groups. Concordance between parent-proxy and child-self reports in the TR, DP, CKD, and control groups was only moderate for the majority of subscales (r = 0.41-0.61). It was concluded that parent-proxy scores on the QoL were not equivalent to child-self scores and that evaluating both children's and parents' perspectives were important. Additionally, psychosocial counseling is crucial not only for patients with CKD but also for their parents.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    ADPedKD: A Global Online Platform on the Management of Children With ADPKD
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2019-09) ALPAY, HARİKA; De Rechter, Stephanie; Bockenhauer, Detlef; Guay-Woodford, Lisa M.; Liu, Isaac; Mallett, Andrew J.; Soliman, Neveen A.; Sylvestre, Lucimary C.; Schaefer, Franz; Liebau, Max C.; Mekahli, Djalila; Adamczyk, P.; Akinci, N.; Alpay, H.; Ardelean, C.; Ayasreh, N.; Aydin, Z.; Bael, A.; Baudouin, V; Bayrakci, U. S.; Bensman, A.; Bialkevich, H.; Biebuyck, A.; Boyer, O.; Bjanid, O.; Brylka, A.; Caliskan, S.; Cambier, A.; Camelio, A.; Carbone, V; Charbit, M.; Chiodini, B.; Chirita, A.; Cicek, N.; Cerkauskiene, R.; Collard, L.; Conceicao, M.; Constantinescu, I; Couderc, A.; Crapella, B.; Cvetkovic, M.; Dima, B.; Diomeda, F.; Docx, M.; Dolan, N.; Dossier, C.; Drozdz, D.; Drube, J.; Dunand, O.; Dusan, P.; Eid, L. A.; Emma, F.; Espino Hernandez, M.; Fila, M.; Furlano, M.; Gafencu, M.; Ghuysen, Ms; Giani, M.; Giordano, M.; Girisgen, I; Godefroid, N.; Godron-Dubrasquet, A.; Gojkovic, I; Gonzalez, E.; Gokce, I; Groothoff, J. W.; Guarino, S.; Guffens, A.; Hansen, P.; Harambat, J.; Haumann, S.; He, G.; Heidet, L.; Helmy, R.; Hemery, F.; Hooman, N.; Ilanas, B.; Jankauskiene, A.; Janssens, P.; Karamaria, S.; Kazyra, I; Koenig, J.; Krid, S.; Krug, P.; Kwon, V; La Manna, A.; Leroy, V; Litwin, M.; Lombet, J.; Longo, G.; Lungu, A. C.; Mallawaarachchi, A.; Marin, A.; Marzuillo, P.; Massella, L.; Mastrangelo, A.; McCarthy, H.; Miklaszewska, M.; Moczulska, A.; Montini, G.; Morawiec-Knysak, A.; Morin, D.; Murer, L.; Negru, I; Nobili, F.; Obrycki, L.; Otoukesh, H.; Ozcan, S.; Pape, L.; Papizh, S.; Parvex, P.; Pawlak-Bratkowska, M.; Prikhodina, L.; Prytula, A.; Quinlan, C.; Raes, A.; Ranchin, B.; Ranguelov, N.; Repeckiene, R.; Ronit, C.; Salomon, R.; Santagelo, R.; Saygili, S. K.; Schaefer, S.; Schreuder, M.; Schurmans, T.; Seeman, T.; Segers, N.; Sinha, M.; Snauwaert, E.; Spasojevic, B.; Stabouli, S.; Stoica, C.; Stroescu, R.; Szczepanik, E.; Szczepanska, M.; Taranta-Janusz, K.; Teixeira, A.; Thumfart, J.; Tkaczyk, M.; Torra, R.; Torres, D.; Tram, N.; Utsch, B.; Vande Walle, J.; Vieux, R.; Vitkevic, R.; Wilhelm-Bals, A.; Wuehl, E.; Yildirim, Z. Y.; Yuksel, S.; Zachwieja, K.
    Background: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common monogenic cause of renal failure. For several decades, ADPKD was regarded as an adult-onset disease. In the past decade, it has become more widely appreciated that the disease course begins in childhood. However, evidence-based guidelines on how to manage and approach children diagnosed with or at risk of ADPKD are lacking. Also, scoring systems to stratify patients into risk categories have been established only for adults. Overall, there are insufficient data on the clinical course during childhood. We therefore initiated the global ADPedKD project to establish a large international pediatric ADPKD cohort for deep characterization. Methods: Global ADPedKD is an international multicenter observational study focusing on childhood-diagnosed ADPKD. This collaborative project is based on interoperable Web-based databases, comprising 7 regional and independent but uniformly organized chapters, namely Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America, and the United Kingdom. In the database, a detailed basic data questionnaire, including genetics, is used in combination with data entry from follow-up visits, to provide both retrospective and prospective longitudinal data on clinical, radiologic, and laboratory findings, as well as therapeutic interventions. Discussion: The global ADPedKD initiative aims to characterize in detail the most extensive international pediatric ADPKD cohort reported to date, providing evidence for the development of unified diagnostic, follow-up, and treatment recommendations regarding modifiable disease factors. Moreover, this registry will serve as a platform for the development of clinical and/or biochemical markers predicting the risk of early and progressive disease.
  • Publication
    Tübülointertisyel nefrit sonrası geç ortaya çıkan üveit, farklı bir TİNU olgusu
    (2022-02-20) GÖKCE, İBRAHİM; ALPAY, HARİKA; Bayraktar S., Bodur E., Pul S., Türkkan Ö., Güven S., Çiçek N., Yıldız N., Gökce İ., Alpay H.
    Tübülointertisyel nefrit ve üveit(TİNU) sendromu,akut tübülointertisyel nefritin(TİN) nadir bir alt grubudur.Genellikle benign seyirli TİN ve relapslar ile seyreden üveit kliniğiyle karakterizedir.Üveit, TİN başlangıcından 2 ay önce gelişebileceği gibi,TİN sonrası 14.aya kadar gelişebilir.Bu olgu sunumunda,TİN tanısından 10 ay sonra üveit saptanan hasta sunulacaktır.
  • Publication
    Metabolic acidosis is common and associates with disease progression in children with chronic kidney disease
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2017) ALPAY, HARİKA; Harambat, Jerome; Kunzmann, Kevin; Azukaitis, Karolis; Bayazit, Aysun K.; Canpolat, Nur; Doyon, Anke; Duzova, Ali; Niemirska, Anna; Sozeri, Betul; Thurn-Valsassina, Daniela; Anarat, Ali; Bessenay, Lucie; Candan, Cengiz; Peco-Antic, Amira; Yilmaz, Alev; Tschumi, Sibylle; Testa, Sara; Jankauskiene, Augustina; Erdogan, Hakan; Rosales, Alejandra; Alpay, Harika; Lugani, Francesca; Arbeiter, Klaus; Mencarelli, Francesca; Kiyak, Aysel; Donmez, Osman; Drozdz, Dorota; Melk, Anette; Querfeld, Uwe; Schaefer, Franz
    Recent studies in adult chronic kidney disease (CKD) suggest that metabolic acidosis is associated with faster decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Alkali therapies improve the course of kidney disease. Here we investigated the prevalence and determinants of abnormal serum bicarbonate values and whether metabolic acidosis may be deleterious to children with CKD. Associations between follow-up serum bicarbonate levels categorized as under 18, 18 to under 22, and 22 or more mmol/l and CKD outcomes in 704 children in the Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children with CKD Study, a prospective cohort of pediatric patients with CKD stages 3-5, were studied. The eGFR and serum bicarbonate were measured every six months. At baseline, the median eGFR was 27 ml/min/1.73m(2) and median serum bicarbonate level 21 mmol/l. During a median follow-up of 3.3 years, the prevalence of metabolic acidosis (serum bicarbonate under 22 mmol/l) was 43%, 60%, and 45% in CKD stages 3, 4, and 5, respectively. In multivariable analysis, the presence of metabolic acidosis as a time-varying covariate was significantly associated with log serum parathyroid hormone through the entire follow-up, but no association with longitudinal growth was found. A total of 211 patients reached the composite endpoint (ESRD or 50% decline in eGFR). In a multivariable Cox model, children with time-varying serum bicarbonate under 18 mmol/l had a significantly higher risk of CKD progression compared to those with a serum bicarbonate of 22 or more mmol/l (adjusted hazard ratio 2.44; 95% confidence interval 1.43-4.15). Thus, metabolic acidosis is a common complication in pediatric patients with CKD and may be a risk factor for secondary hyperparathyroidism and kidney disease progression.
  • Publication
    Tübülointertisyel nefrit sonrası geç ortaya çıkan üveit: farklı bir tinu olgusu
    (2022-05-26) GÖKCE, İBRAHİM; ALPAY, HARİKA; Bayraktar S., Demirci Bodur E., Güven S., Eker N., Polat Pul S., Nisa Türkkan Ö., Çiçek N., Yıldız N., Gökce İ., Gülnur Tokuç A., et al.
  • Publication
    Hiperimmunoglogulin D sendromlu bir hastada homozigot P.V377I mutasyonuna bağlı amiloidoz
    (2022-03-26) GÖKCE, İBRAHİM; ALPAY, HARİKA; Demirci Bodur E., Gökce İ., Sözeri B., Alavanda C., Farmanlı O., Ata P., Kaya H., Alpay H.
  • Publication
    Renal artery stenosis and aneurysm in a child presenting with hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis and hypertension [Hipokalemi, metabolik alkaloz ve hipertansiyon ile bavuran bir çocukta renal arter darliǧi ve anevrizmas]
    (Turkish Society of Nephrology, 2016) ALPAY, HARİKA; Gökce I., Bölükbaş B.F., Buǧur I., Güven S., Deniz N.Ç., Altuntaş Ü., Yildiz N., Ergelen R., Baltacioǧlu F., Alpay H.
    Renovascular hypertension is one of the important causes of secondary hypertension in children and can be caused by many different diseases, with the most common being fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) and Takayasu arteritis (TA). The differential diagnosis between TA and FMD seems to be difficult and much less certain than is generally assumed in many cases. Here we present a case report of an 11-yearold girl with FMD presenting with hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis and hypertension secondary to renal artery stenosis and hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism.