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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Surgeons Experience and Consistency to Determine Surgical Procedures for Hallux Valgus
    (2020) EROL, BÜLENT; Sirin, Evrim; Yılmaz, Barış; Ozdemir, Guzelali; Okay, Erhan; Bildik, Celaleddin; Ak, Dursun; Erol, Bulent; Muratlı, Hasan Hilmi
  • Publication
    Çocuklarda patolojik kırıklar
    (2019-12-07) ŞİRİN, EVRİM; ŞİRİN E.
  • Publication
    Mid-term results of osteoarticular reconstructions of paediatric periarticular bone sarcomas with free fibula head flap
  • Publication
    Reconstruction after periacetabular tumor resection with Lumic (R) endoprosthesis: What are the midterm results?
    (WILEY, 2021) EROL, BÜLENT; Erol, Bulent; Sofulu, Omer; Sirin, Evrim; Saglam, Fevzi; Buyuktopcu, Omer
    Introduction This study aimed to analyze the midterm outcomes of LUMiC (R) endoprosthetic reconstruction following periacetabular resection of primary bone sarcomas and carcinoma metastases. Patients and Methods We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 21 patients (11 male [52.3%], 10 female [47.6%]; mean age 47 +/- 16 years) for whom a LUMiC (R) endoprosthesis (Implantcast) was used to reconstruct a periacetabular defect after internal hemipelvectomy. The tumor was pathologically diagnosed as Ewing's sarcoma in six (28.5%), chondrosarcoma in 10 (47.6%), and bone metastasis from carcinoma in five (23.8%) patients. Results The median follow-up of patients was 57.8 months (95% confidence interval: 51.9-63.7). The implant survival rate at 1, 2, and 5 years were 95.2%, 85.7%, and 80.9%, respectively. The overall complication rate was 33.3% (n = 7). Four (19%) complications resulted in reconstruction failure. Total reoperation rate was 28.5% (n = 6). The causes of failure were soft tissue failure/dislocation in two patients, aseptic loosening in one, infection in two, and local recurrence in two. At the time of study, seven patients were alive with no evidence of disease, seven were alive with disease, and seven died of disease. The 5-year overall survival rate and local recurrence-free survival rates were 67% and 76%, respectively. The median Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score at final follow-up was 70% (range: 50%-86.6%). Conclusion We conclude that LUMiC (R) endoprosthesis provides good functional outcomes and a durable reconstruct. Even though this reconstruction method presents some complications, it provides a stable pelvis in the management of periacetabular malignant tumors.
  • Publication
    Pediatrik radius diafiz kırıklarının intramedüller tel ile fiksasyonunda, dorsal veya lateral giriş yeri fonksiyonel sonuçları ve komplikasyon oranını değiştirir mi
    Amaç: Çocuk radius diafiz kırıkları cerrahi tedavisinde intrameduller tel ile fiksasyon en sık kullanılan yöntemdir. Tel girişi dorsal ve lateralden yapılabilmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, pediatrik radius diafiz kırıklarında dorsal giriş ya da lateral girişli intrameduller fiksasyon yapılmış olguları fonksiyonel sonuç ve komplikasyon oranları açısından karşılaştırmaktı. Yöntem: 2014-2018 yılları arasında tek bir merkezde pediatrik radius diafiz kırığı nedeniyle cerrahi uygulanmış olan hastalar retrospektif olarak incelendi. İntramedüller yöntemle tedavi edilmemiş, dosya ve takipleri yetersiz ve patolojik kırığı olan hastalar çalışmadan çıkarıldı. Dorsal giriş yapılan 19 (Grup A), lateral giriş yapılan (Grup B) 18, toplam 37 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların; yaş, kırıktan ameliyata kadar geçen süre, kaynama (pin çıkarma) süreleri, açık veya kapalı cerrahi uygulanması, perop ve geç postop komplikasyonları ile fonksiyonel skorları kaydedildi. Radius alt uçta kırık gelişmesi major komplikasyon, el bilekte hafif ağrı ve hareket kısıtlılığı minör komplikasyon olarak kabul edildi. Fonksiyonel değerlendirmede Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia Önkol Kırık Fonksiyon Sınıflaması kullanıldı. Veriler istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 10,5 yıl ve ortalama takip süresi 37 ay olarak bulundu. Tüm kırıklar ortalama 47 günde kaynadı. Grup A’da 2, Grup B’de 1 hastada giriş sırasında radius alt uçta kırık oluştu. Grup A’da 1 hastada, Grup B’de 3 hastada minör komplikasyon tespit edildi. 30 hastada (%81,1) mükemmel, 4 hastada (%10,8) orta ve 3 hastada (%8,1) kötü sonuç elde edildi. İki grup arasında, komplikasyon gelişimi ve fonksiyonel skor açısından istatistiksel anlamlı fark saptanmadı (p>0.05). Çıkarımlar: Pediatrik radius diafiz kırıklarının intramedüller fiksasyonunda, tel giriş yeri ile komplikasyonlar ve fonksiyonel sonuç arasında bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. Her iki giriş noktasında benzer sonuçlar elde edilebilmektedir. Geniş serilerle prospektif olarak yapılacak çalışmalar daha yol gösterici olacaktır.
  • Publication
    Çocuklarda travmatik psödoartrozlar
    (2019-10-25) ŞİRİN, EVRİM; ŞİRİN E.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Indications of amputation after limb-salvage surgery of patients with extremity-located bone and soft-tissue sarcomas: A retrospective clinical study
    (TURKISH ASSOC ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY, 2021-04-07) EROL, BÜLENT; Baysal, Ozgur; Saglam, Fevzi; Sofulu, Omer; Yigit, Okan; Sirin, Evrim; Erol, Bulent
    Objective: This study aimed to investigate amputation-related factors after limb-salvage surgery (LSS) in patients with extremity-located bone and soft-tissue sarcomas and determine the relationship between these factors and patient survival. Methods: In this retrospective study at our institution, patients in whom LSS was first performed because of an extremity-located musculoskeletal sarcoma, and subsequently amputation was carried out for various indications were included. Patient and tumor characteristics, details of surgical procedures, indications of amputation, number of operations, presence of metastasis before amputation, and post-amputation patient survival rates were analyzed. Results: A total of 25 patients (10 men, 15 women; mean age=41.96 +/- 21.88 years), in whom amputation was performed after LSS as initial resection of an extremity sarcoma or re-resection(s) of a local recurrence, were included in the study. The leading oncological indication for amputation was local recurrence that occurred in 18 (72%) patients. Non-oncological indications included prosthetic infection in 5 (20%), mechanical failure in 1 (4%), and skin necrosis in 1 (4%) patient. The patients underwent a median of 2 (range, 1-4) limb-salvage procedures before amputation. Distant organ metastasis was detected in 22 (88%) patients during follow-up; in 13 (52%) of these patients, metastasis was present before amputation. A total of 11 (44%) patients were alive at the time of study with no evidence of the disease (n=3) or with disease (n=8), and 14 (56%) patients died of disease. The mean overall and post-amputation survival were 47 +/- 20.519 (range, 11-204) months and 22 +/- 4.303 (range, 2-78) months, respectively. The median follow-up was 27 (range, 6-125) months. Conclusion: The most common causes of amputation after LSS were local recurrence and prosthetic infection. Patients who underwent amputation after LSS developed a high rate of distant organ metastasis during follow-up and had reduced survival.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Do Plates Used for Internal Fixation During Fracture Healing Maintain Their Metal Structure and Function?
    (2019-01-01) ŞİRİN, EVRİM; Yılmaz B., KÖMÜR B., ŞİRİN E., AKTAŞ E., YILMAZ C., HEYBELİ N.
    Amaç: Ekstremite kırık fiksasyonu için kullanıldıktan sonra çıkarılan düz Dinamik Kompresyon Plaklar (DCP), üst (Grup 1) - alt (Grup 2) ekstremitede kullanımlarına göre 2 gruba ayrıldılar. Kullanımları sürece metalik yapı ve özellikleri radyografik, penetrant ve kimyasal analizleri yapılarak değerlendirildiler. Yöntem: Gruplara göre olguların cinsiyet, yaş ortalamaları, taraf dağılımları ve çıkarılma süreleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamaktadır (p>0.05). Bulgular: Tüm plakların radyolojik ve penetrant değerlendirmelerinde hiçbir mikrokırığa rastlanmadı. Aynı zamanda plakların kimyasal metal analizlerinde hiçbir metal kaybı ya da metal oran değişikliği gözlenmedi. Sonuçta plakların işlev gördükleri süreç içinde zarar görmemiş olması, yapılan tedavilerde metal bileşiminde dayanıklılık açısından ek bir kazanç sağlamadığını göstermiştir. Sonuç: Yüke maruz kalan bölgede zarar görmeyen plakların aynı dayanıklılıkta yüke maruz kalmayan bölgede de kullanılıyor olması bu bölgeler için dayanıklılık özelliklerini kaybetmeden daha az metalik içerikli, ince profilli ve daha ucuza mal edilebilir plaklar üretilmesi yönünde çalışmalar yapılabilir
  • Publication
    Staged management of infection with adjustable spacers after megaprosthesis implantation in primary sarcoma patients
    BackgroundWhile periprosthetic joint infection has always been a significant concern for orthopaedic surgeons, the rate of infection is five to ten times higher after tumor prosthesis implantation. With the growing use of mega-implants, the number of these infections has also increased. We aimed to investigate the results of our patients with a primary malignant musculoskeletal tumor, who underwent two-stage revision surgery for an infected mega-prosthesis. We also presented the emerging complicatons and required soft tissue reconstruction procedures.MethodsThe study included 32 primary bone and soft tissue sarcoma patients who underwent a two-stage revision procedure for infection. After a rigorous bone and soft tissue debridement procedure at the first stage, antibiotic-loaded bone cement was wrapped around a cloverleaf type intramedullary nail and inserted into the forming gap. After a minimum of 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy, depending on patients\" clinical signs and serum infection markers, the reimplantation stage was undertaken.ResultsThe mean oncologic follow-up period was 28 months (range 5-96 months). During this period, 11 patients died because of non-infection related causes, 12 patients were alive with their disease, whereas 9 patients were totally free of their oncologic condition. The infection was eradicated in all survivors except one patient, where a high-level transfemoral amputation became necessary.ConclusionPeriprosthetic infection after tumor proshesis implantation in cancer patients can be managed with same principles as conventional arthroplaty procedures, taking care that they are immunocompromised and vulnerable patients and their bone stock loss is significant which makes surgical options more challenging.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve as a Donor Source for Digital Nerve Grafting: A Concept Revisited
    (2017) CANSÜ, CENGİZ EREN; Unal, Mehmet Bekir; Gokkus, Kemal; Sirin, Evrim; Cansü, Eren
    Objective: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the availability of lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LACN) autograft for acute or delayed repair of segmented digital nerve injuries. Patients and Methods: 13 digital nerve defects of 11 patients; treated with interposition of LACN graft that harvested from ipsilateral extremity were included in the study. Mean follow up period was 35, 7 months. The mean time from injury to grafting is 53, 3 days. The results of the mean 2PDT and SWMT values of injured /uninjured finger at the end of follow up period were evaluated with Paired T test. The correlation between the defect length and the difference of 2PDT, SWMT values between the uninjured and injured finger at the end of follow up period; were evaluated with Pearson - correlation analysis. Results: The mean value of our 2PDT and SWMT results are ~5,923, ~3, 52, respectively in which can be interpreted between the normal and diminished light touch. The defect length and difference percentage of SWMT values is positively and significantly correlated statistically. Mean length of interposed nerve grafts was 18.5 mm. The age of the patient and the mean values of 2PDT and SWMT with the difference % of 2PDT and % of SWMT are not statistically correlated. Conclusion: Based on results regarding sensory regaining at recipient side and negligible sensory deficit at harvesting side, we suggest that lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve might be a valuable graft option for digital nerve defects.