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  • Publication
    Büyük azı keser hipomineralizasyonunda minimal invaziv tedavi yaklaşımı ve klinik takipte dijital floresans yöntemlerin kullanımı
    (2022-12-18) YILMAZ ATALI, PINAR; TAĞTEKİN, DİLEK; TÜRKMEN, CAFER; Altuntaş E., Yılmaz Atalı P., Türkmen C., Tağtekin D.
    Molar kesici hipomineralizasyonu (MIH), amelogenezisin olgunlaşma aşamasında ameloblast hücrelerinin çeşitli çevresel ve sistemik faktörlere maruz kalması sonucu azı ve kesici dişlerde gelişen ve estetik kaygılara neden olan bir mine defektidir. Bu olgu sunumunda MIH tedavisi için mikroabrazyon ve evde beyazlatma planlandı.Üst kesici dişlerde beyaz lezyon şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvuran 17 yaşındaki kadın hasta klinik ve radyografik olarak muayene edildi. Hem maksiller hem de mandibular arkta görünür opasiteler saptandı ve diş tedavisi için mikroabrazyon ve evde beyazlatma teknikleri planlandı. lezyonların tedavisi. Mikroabrazyon uygulamasından önce lezyonların üzerine iki hafta süreyle Tooth Mousse Gel (GC) uygulandı. Gölge seçimi spektrafotometre (Vita EasyShade V) ile yapıldı. Rubber dam izolasyonu (maksiller ark) ve diş eti bariyeri (mandibular ark) altında OpalCups (Ultradent) kullanılarak üreticinin yönergelerine göre 3 ardışık döngüde Opalustre (Ultradent) uygulandı. Mikroabrazyon sonrası 4 dakika florür vernik (%4 NAF, ProShield, President Dental) uygulandı. %16 Karbamid Peroksit (Opalescence PF, Ultradent) kullanılan özel yapım beyazlatma tepsisi ile 5 hafta evde beyazlatma jeli uygulandı. Hasta 7,14,21,28 ve 35 gün geri çağrıldı. Dişlerin lezyonlarının ve renginin incelenmesi için.Tedavi öncesi ACP-CPP içeren jel kullanılması mine hipomineralizasyonlarının görünürlüğünde fark yaratmıştır. Hastanın şikayeti olan kesici dişlerin rengi başlangıçta B3 mikrobrazyon sonrası A2 ve beyazlatma sonrası A1 idi. Hasta tedavi sonuçlarından memnun kaldı.Remineralizasyon jelinin iki hafta boyunca uygulanması mine hipomineralizasyonlarının boyutunu azaltmıştır. Mikroabrazyon ve evde beyazlatmanın birlikte kullanılması lezyonların azaltılmasında, estetik kaygıların ortadan kaldırılmasında daha etkilidir ve MIH\"li hasta için daha konforlu bir tedavi süreci sağlamıştır.
  • Publication
    Effects of the Nd : YAG laser, air-abrasion, and acid-etchant on filling materials
    (BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, 2006) TÜRKMEN, CAFER; Turkmen, C; Sazak, H; Gunday, M
    The purpose of this study was to determine any inadvertent effects of the neodymium: yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser, air-abrasion, and ortho-phosphoric acid on some conventionally used dental filling materials [amalgam, composite resin, compomer, glass-ionomer cement (GIC), and ceromer], when they were used for purposes of margin etching and assessed according to standard enamel etching parameters using a total of five fillings. The surfaces of the filling materials were polished. One sample from each material group was exposed to laser (at 0.75 J, 15 pps) and air abrasion (with Al-oxide powder, 60 psi) for 2 s and to the 37% ortho-phosphoric acid for 60 s. The exposed materials were examined under Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). After laser treatment most specimens showed recrystallized areas, the GIC surface being the most affected. There were some pores and cavities on the amalgam surface following laser treatment. The abraded surfaces showed mechanical abrasions. The acid etchant showed the least effect. During the application of laser or air-abrasion, the adjacent tooth or filling surface must be protected or the dentist must be careful.
  • Publication
    Effect of biomimetic mineralization on demineralized dentin: a SEM/EDS analysis
    (2021-09-16) KARGÜL, BETÜL; TÜRKMEN, CAFER; atalı p., TÜRKMEN C., kukey p., KARGÜL B.
  • Publication
    Longevity of direct diastema closure and recontouring restorations with resin composites in maxillary anterior teeth: A 4-year clinical evaluation
    (WILEY, 2021) KORKUT, BORA; Korkut, Bora; Turkmen, Cafer
    Objectives To evaluate the clinical performance of resin composite restorations and to investigate causes of failure. Materials and Methods The longevity of 216 restorations in 53 patients (mean age, 33.3 years) was retrospectively evaluated according to Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) criteria. Dental history and photographic data were used to evaluate diastema closure (n = 199) and recontouring (n = 19) restorations comprising microhybrid (Essentia Universal, GC Corp.), nanohybrid (Ceram.x One, Dentsply Sirona), and nanofilled (Estelite Asteria, Tokuyama Dental) composites. Data were analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier log-rank test, Cox regression analysis, Pearson chi-square test. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The overall survival rate was 90.3 % and the mean survival duration was 46.2 months during the for 4 - year study period. The annual failure rate was 0.9 % - 3.4 %. Mean survival durations for diastema closure and recontouring restorations were 46.2 and 45.9 months, respectively (p = 0.328). Mean survival durations for Essentia Universal, Estelite Asteria, and Ceram.x One were 46.1, 46.7, and 45.7 months, respectively (p = 0.677). If we include failed restorations that were repaired and remained functional, the overall survival rate was 100 %. Conclusion Longevity was similar among composites and restoration types. The long-term clinical performance of monochromatic anterior composite restorations was robust. Composite repair may be suitable for diastema closure and recontouring restorations. Clinical Significance There is a lack of long-term clinical evidence regarding the performance of direct anterior composite restorations. Monochromatic direct composite restorations may meet both the esthetic and functional expectations with even simpler restorative techniques. This 4 - year follow-up study evaluated the clinical performance of monochromatic anterior diastema closure and recontouring restorations with three different composite materials. The longevity of the restorations and the reasons for failure were investigated.
  • Publication
    Multiple diastemas closure with one-shade composite: A case report
  • Publication
    Effect of CO2, Nd : YAG, and ArF excimer lasers on dentin morphology and pulp chamber temperature: An in vitro study
    (LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 2000) TÜRKMEN, CAFER; Turkmen, C; Gunday, M; Karacorlu, M; Basaran, B
    This study compared the effect of three laser systems: CO2 (10.600 nm), Nd:YAG (1.064 nm), and ArF excimer (193 nm) Lasers on dentin hard tissue and on temperature increases of the pulp chamber. Sixty-six third molar teeth were used and randomly divided into three groups. A class I cavity was made to expose the dentin, and the pulp in the pulp chamber was removed via a hole bored in the cervical area. The pulp chamber was subsequently refilled with silicon grease, and a NiCr/NiSi thermocouple was inserted through the hole into the pulp chamber. The dentin surface was then lased for 30 s at the same settings (3 W, 2 mm spot size, 20 pps) with each laser. The average internal temperature increases were as follows: CO2, 37 degreesC; Nd: YAG, 28 degreesC; and ArF excimer, 1 degreesC. Scanning electron microscopy of the dentin in the occlusal cavity revealed extensive carbonization, isolated balls of recrystallized material, and the presence of smear layer at some dentinal tubule orifices for the CO2 and Nd:YAG lased teeth. Smear layer was also observed for the ArF excimer samples; however, they exhibited far less surface cavities than the others and seemed to undergo little morphological change on the dentin.
  • Publication
    Effect of sodium ascorbate and delayed treatment on the shear bond strength of composite resin to enamel following bleaching
    (WOLTERS KLUWER MEDKNOW PUBLICATIONS, 2016) TÜRKMEN, CAFER; Turkmen, C.; Guleryuz, N.; Atali, P. Y.
    Background: The effect of bleaching on enamel surfaces, as well as exploring methods of preventing the weakening of bond strength of two different adhesives to bleached enamel surfaces. Objective: This study compared the shear bond strength (SBS) of two different adhesives on bleached enamel immediately after bleaching, with a 1-week delay, and following application of an antioxidizing agent after bleaching. Materilas and Method: The enamel surfaces of 140 incisors were divided into 14 groups. Two unbleached enamel groups (n = 20) were prepared as negative controls of the Adper Single Bond 2 total-etch and Clearfil Tri S Bond self-etch adhesives. The remaining surfaces were randomly divided into two bleaching groups treated with 35% Beyond Max (n = 60) and 38% Opalescence Xtra Boost (n = 60). Each bleaching group was then divided into two subgroups using the total and self-etch adhesive systems. Specimens were bonded immediately after bleaching, after treatment with 10% sodium ascorbate (SA) gel, or after 1-week of immersion in artificial saliva. All groups were restored with composite resin. After thermocycling, SBS was measured and data were analyzed. Results: In the control groups, there was no statistically-significant difference in SBS between self-and total-etch adhesives. Among all bleaching groups, no statistically-significant differences in SBS were noted, although the SA-treated delayed bonding (1-week) groups had the highest values. The lowest values were noted for the groups bonded immediately after bleaching.
  • Publication
    Gelişimsel mine lezyonlarının estetik rehabilitasyonu: Aşamalı bir yaklaşım
  • Publication
    A new silicon-based root canal sealer (Roekoseal((R))-Automix)
    (BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD, 2003) TÜRKMEN, CAFER; Gencoglu, N; Turkmen, C; Ahiskali, R
    This study evaluated the new silicon-based sealer 'Roekoseal((R)) -Automix' (RSA) with respect to sealing, bonding capabilities and biocompatibility with rat subcutaneous connective tissue. For the microleakage study, 36 single rooted teeth were instrumented and 30 of these obturated with either Grossman's sealer or RSA using lateral condensation technique (15 of each). Six teeth were not obturated and used as control group. For investigating bonding capability, 10 of the obturated roots with RSA and Grossman's sealer were ground and split longitudinally and examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The RSA was found to seal significantly better than Grossman's sealer. The SEM examination revealed a good bond between RSA and the dentine and between RSA and the gutta-percha. Tissue reaction was evaluated by injecting 0.1 mL RSA into the connective tissue of 21 male Albino-Wistar rats and observing at 24 h, 7 days and 30 days and 30 days. Formation of a new granulation tissue with fibrous tissue adjacent to the material at 30 days. This study found that RSA performed well.
  • Publication
    Farklı diş macunlarının mine ve dentin yüzey morfolojileri üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi: ışık mikroskobu analizi
    (2022-12-18) CİMİLLİ, ZÜHRE HALE; TÜRKMEN, CAFER; Kükey P., Türkmen C., Cimilli Z. H., Güneyligil Kazaz T., Zeren M.
    Farklı diş macunlarının mine ve dentin yüzey morfolojileri üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi:ışık mikroskobu analiziPelin Kükey1, Cafer Türkmen1, Zühre Hale Cimilli2, Tanyeli Güneyligil Kazaz3, Muzaffer Zeren 41Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul2Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Endodonti Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul3Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı, Gaziantep4Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Kocaeli University, KocaeliAmaç: Bu in vitro çalışmanın amacı, farklı diş macunlarının 30 günlük süreye karşılık gelen diş fırçalamadan sonra meydana gelen remineralizasyon ve onarım etkinliklerini değerlendirmektir.Gereç ve Yöntem: İnsan molar dişlerinden hazırlanmış olan 32 adet örnek, 72 saat süre boyunca demineralizasyon solüsyonunda bekletildi. Ardından 10 gün süreyle ilgili örneklere remineralizasyon ajanları uygulandı. Örnekler dört gruba (n=8) ayrıldı:Grup 1 (kontrol grubu) deiyonize su, Grup 2 diş macunu 1(Concentrate Smile potasyum nitrat içeren diş macunu), Grup 3 diş macunu 2 (Colgate Pro 8% arginin içeren diş macunu) ve Grup 4 diş macunu 3 (Sensodyne Onarım ve Koruma, kalsiyum sodyumfosfosilikat içeren diş macunu) ile fırçalama yapılan deney örneklerini içermektedir. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrasında yüzey morfolojisindeki değişimler ışık mikroskobu ile gözlemlenmiştir. (Olympus BX41M-LED, Almanya)Bulgular: Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, remineralizasyon öncesi ve sonrası yapılan ölçümlerde elde edilen veriler arasında (kontrol grubu hariç) anlamlı fark olduğunu göstermiştir. (p<0.05) Işık mikroskobu ile analiz edilen test örneklerinden macun gruplarında, yüksek remineralizasyon değerleri elde edilmiştir. Verilerin normallik dağılımının değerlendirilmesi Shapiro Wilk testi kullanılarak doğrulanmıştır. Normal olmayan verilerin dağılımında dört bağımlı grubu karşılaştırmak için Kruskal Wallis ve dunn testleri kullanılmıştır. (p<0,05)Sonuç: Çalışmamızın sınırlamaları dahilinde, Grup 1 ve Grup 3 ile karşılaştırıldığında potasyum nitrat ve kalsiyum sodyum fosfosilikat benzer remineralizasyon etkinliği ve dentin tübüllerini tıkama yeteneği gösterdi.Anahtar Kelimeler: Remineralizasyon; ışık mikroskobu; yüzey morfolojisi; potasyum nitrat