Periodontolojide postoperatif Ağrı

dc.contributor.authorKURU, LEYLA
dc.contributor.authorYILDIRIM, HATİCE SELİN
dc.contributor.authorsKuru L., Yıldırım H. S.
dc.description.abstractÖZET Periodontal tedavi işlemleri sırasında veya sonrasında hastalarda ağrı, rahatsızlık ve dentin hassasiyetiduyabileceği beklentisi vardır. Periodontal tedavinin en yaygın uygulanan ve ilk basamağı olandiş yüzeyi temizliği ve kök yüzeyi düzleştirmesi prosedüründe, belirli bir süre hafif ağrı duyulabilmektedir.Periodontal cerrahi tedavilerde ise daha şiddetli ağrı ve rahatsızlık hissi oluşabilmektedir. Ağrıtüm periodontal cerrahi uygulamalarının kaçınılmaz doğal bir sonucudur. Yapılan tüm periodontal tedaviişlemlerinde, hasta konforu ve memnuniyetini artırmak, hastanın tedaviye uyumunu ve iş birliğini sağlamakiçin işlemler sırasında ve sonrasında duyulan ağrıyı azaltmak büyük önem taşımaktadır. Periodontaltedavinin başarısı sadece uygun cerrahi tekniğin seçilmesi ve uygulanmasına değil aynı zamandaağrı başta olmak üzere postoperatif komplikasyonların önlenmesi ve kontrolüne de bağlıdır.Anah tar Ke li me ler: Periodontal hastalıklar; oral cerrahi işlemler; postoperatif ağrıABS TRACT During and following several periodontal procedures, it is normal for patients to experiencediscomfort, postoperative pain, and dentin hypersensitivity. The scaling and root planing procedure,which is the most frequently used treatment and first step of periodontal therapy, may causediscomfort lasting for a short time. Periodontal surgical therapy results in more severe pain and discomfort.Pain is an inevitable outcome of all periodontal surgical procedures. Therefore, it is crucial tolessen the postoperative pain of the patient in order to improve overall level of comfort and satisfaction,promote collaboration and treatment compliance. In addition to application of the proper surgical technique,the effectiveness of periodontal surgery depends on prevention and management of pain and otherpostoperative complications.Keywords: Periodontal diseases; oral surgical procedures; postoperative pain
dc.description.abstractDuring and following several periodontal procedures, it is normal for patients to experience discomfort, postoperative pain, and dentin hypersensitivity. The scaling and root planing procedure, which is the most frequently used treatment and first step of periodontal therapy, may cause discomfort lasting for a short time. Periodontal surgical therapy results in more severe pain and discomfort. Pain is an inevitable outcome of all periodontal surgical procedures. Therefore, it is crucial to lessen the postoperative pain of the patient in order to improve overall level of comfort and satisfaction, promote collaboration and treatment compliance. In addition to application of the proper surgical technique, the effectiveness of periodontal surgery depends on prevention and management of pain and other postoperative complications.
dc.identifier.citationKuru L., Yıldırım H. S., Periodontolojide Postoperatif Ağrı, "DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE POSTOPERATİF AĞRI", Prof. Dr. Nimet Gençoğlu, Editör, Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, Ankara, ss.29-36, 2023
dc.publisherTürkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi
dc.subjectSağlık Bilimleri
dc.subjectHealth Sciences
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp (MED)
dc.subjectClinical Medicine (MED)
dc.subjectDuring and following several periodontal procedures
dc.subjectit is normal for patients to experience discomfort
dc.subjectpostoperative pain
dc.subjectand dentin hypersensitivity. The scaling and root planing procedure
dc.subjectwhich is the most frequently used treatment and first step of periodontal therapy
dc.subjectmay cause discomfort lasting for a short time. Periodontal surgical therapy results in more severe pain and discomfort. Pain is an inevitable outcome of all periodontal surgical procedures. Therefore
dc.subjectit is crucial to lessen the postoperative pain of the patient in order to improve overall level of comfort and satisfaction
dc.subjectpromote collaboration and treatment compliance. In addition to application of the proper surgical technique
dc.subjectthe effectiveness of periodontal surgery depends on prevention and management of pain and other postoperative complications.
dc.subjectPeriodontal diseases
dc.subjectoral surgical procedures
dc.titlePeriodontolojide postoperatif Ağrı
dc.title.alternativePostoperative pain in Periodontology

