Publication: Karşılaştırmalı hukukta ve Türk hukukunda yasama bağışıklıkları
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Yasama dokunulmazlığı ve yasama sorumsuzluğundan oluşan yasama bağışıklıkları en çok tartışılan konulardan biri olmayı sürdürmektedir. Yasama sorumsuzluğu milletvekillerinin mecliste veya meclis çalışmaları esnasında kullandıkları oyları ve yaptıkları açıklamaları korumaktadır. Yasama dokunulmazlığı ise bunun dışında milletvekilinin işlediği bir suç iddiası sebebiyle tutuklanamayacağını, yargılanamayacağını veya çeşitli işlemlere tâbi tutulamayacağını içerir. Çeşitli ülke örneklerinde yasama bağışıklıklarının kapsamı açısından farklı düzenleme biçimleri söz konusu olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada yasama bağışıklıklarının tarihsel gelişimi öncelikle oldukça ayrıntılı şekilde ortaya konmuştur. Daha sonra kurumun teorik temelleri, demokrasi ilkesi, hukuk devleti ilkesi ve temel haklar ile ilişkisi kapsamlı ve sistematik bir biçimde açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Gerçekten yasama bağışıklıkları bir yandan demokrasi ilkesi açısından önem arz eder; zira milletvekillerinin çeşitli engellemelerle karşılaşmadan görevlerini yapmasına hizmet etmektedir. Öte yandan başta yolsuzluklar olmak üzere çoğu zaman hukuk devleti ile yaşadığı gerilim özelinde yasama bağışıklıkları eleştirilmektedir. Avrupa Parlamentosu ve Avrupa Konseyi Parlamenterler Meclisi üyelerine tanınan dokunulmazlık ve sorumsuzluklar irdelendikten sonra çeşitli ulusal düzenlemelerde tercih edilen düzenleme şekilleri açıklanmıştır. Bunlardan sonra ise ülkemizde konunun nasıl düzenlendiği mercek altına alınmıştır. İlk anayasal düzenleme olan Kanun-i Esasi’den bu yana 1924 Anayasası ve 1961 Anayasası’nda, yani anayasal tarihimiz boyunca kurumun nasıl düzenlendiği ve anlaşıldığını da içerir biçimde bir inceleme gerçekleştirilmiştir. 1982 Anayasası uygulaması ve düzenlemelerine çalışmanın sonunda çeşitli öneriler getirilmiştir.
Legislative immunity, consisting of legislative inviolability and legislative non liability, continues to be one of the most debated issues. Legislative non liability protects the votes and statements made by MPs in parliament or during parliamentary proceedings. Legislative inviolability, on the other hand, includes that the MP cannot be arrested, tried or subjected to various procedures due to an alleged offence. In various countries, there are different forms of regulation in terms of the scope of legislative immunity. In this study, the historical development of legislative immunity is first analysed in detail. Then, the theoretical foundations of the institution and its relationship with the principle of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights are tried to be explained in a comprehensive and systematic manner. Indeed, on the one hand, legislative immunities are important in terms of the principle of democracy, since they serve to ensure that MPs can perform their duties without facing various obstacles. On the other hand, legislative immunity is often criticised for its tension with the rule of law, especially corruption. After analysing the inviolability and non-liability granted to members of the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the preferred forms of regulation in various national regulations are explained. After these, how the issue is regulated in Turkey is analysed. Since the first constitutional regulation, the Kanun-i Esasi, an examination has been carried out, including how the institution has been regulated and understood in the 1924 Constitution and the 1961 Constitution, that is, throughout our constitutional history. Various suggestions to the 1982 Constitutional implementation and regulations have been made at the end of the study.
Legislative immunity, consisting of legislative inviolability and legislative non liability, continues to be one of the most debated issues. Legislative non liability protects the votes and statements made by MPs in parliament or during parliamentary proceedings. Legislative inviolability, on the other hand, includes that the MP cannot be arrested, tried or subjected to various procedures due to an alleged offence. In various countries, there are different forms of regulation in terms of the scope of legislative immunity. In this study, the historical development of legislative immunity is first analysed in detail. Then, the theoretical foundations of the institution and its relationship with the principle of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights are tried to be explained in a comprehensive and systematic manner. Indeed, on the one hand, legislative immunities are important in terms of the principle of democracy, since they serve to ensure that MPs can perform their duties without facing various obstacles. On the other hand, legislative immunity is often criticised for its tension with the rule of law, especially corruption. After analysing the inviolability and non-liability granted to members of the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the preferred forms of regulation in various national regulations are explained. After these, how the issue is regulated in Turkey is analysed. Since the first constitutional regulation, the Kanun-i Esasi, an examination has been carried out, including how the institution has been regulated and understood in the 1924 Constitution and the 1961 Constitution, that is, throughout our constitutional history. Various suggestions to the 1982 Constitutional implementation and regulations have been made at the end of the study.
Yasama bağışıklıkları, Yasama dokunulmazlığı, Yasama sorumsuzluğu, 1982 Anayasası. Legislative immunities, Legislative inviolability, Legislative non-liability, 1982 Turkish Constitution.