Publication: Gazi̇z Gobeydulli̇n ve Seyyi̇d Battal Gazi̇ destanı konulu yazısı
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Gaziz Gobeydullin, sadece tarih alanındaki çalışmalarıyla değil edebiyat, din, felsefe,
milliyet ve millî ruh konulu çalışmalarıyla da öne çıkan bir isimdir. Neriman
Nerimanov’un devleti yönetecek millî kadroların hazırlanması amacıyla Bakü’ye davet
ettiği bilim insanları arasında yer alan Gobeydullin, Türkbirlikçi bir dünya görüşüne sahip
olmuş ve bunun bedelini de Halid Seyid Hocayev ve Bekir Sıtlı Çobanzade’yle birlikte 13
Ekim 1937’de Bakü’de kurşuna dizilerek ödemiştir. Gobeydullin, Kazan Üniversitesi
Tarih-Filoloji Fakültesi’nde Hakas Türkü Türkolog N. F. Katanov ile N. N. Firsov’un
nezaretinde öğrenim görmüş ve tarih, edebiyat, milliyet ve millî ruh alanlarında önemli
çalışmalar yapmıştır. Gobeydullin, Türk-Tatar halk edebiyatıyla da yakından ilgilenmiş,
halk edebiyatının Türk-Tatar edebiyatı içerisindeki yerine gereken değeri vermiştir.
Gobeydullin, Seyyid Battal Gazi destanı üzerine müstakil bir makale de yayımlamıştır.
Gobeydullin, Şura dergisinin 1911 tarihli 22. sayısında yayımladığı “Seyyid Battal Gazi
Hikâyesi Tuğrısında” başlıklı yazısıyla Türk Dünyası’nda Seyyid Battal Gazi destanı
üzerine en eski bilimsel makaleyi yazan Türk kökenli bilim insanı olmuştur. Destan
üzerine Türkiye’de yapılan çalışmalarda Gobeyddullin’in makalesinden söz edilmemiştir.
Bu çalışma ile Gobeydullin’in bu makalesini Türkiye’deki bilim insanlarının dikkatlerine
sunmayı amaçladık. Çalışmada öncelikle Gobaydullin ana hatlarıyla tanıtılmış, ardından
da makalesinin Türkiye Türkçesine çevirisine yer verilmiştir. Türkiye Türkçesine
çevirisine yer vermeden önce Gobeydullin’in bu makalesinin içeriği ve önemi hakkındaki
değerlerdinmeler yapılmıştır. Makalenin Arap harfli orijinal metnine ise makalenin
sonunda yer verilmiştir. Gobeydullin’in söz konusu destana yaklaşımı, tespitleri ve
yorumları, günümüzde de güncelliğini korumaktadır. Gobeydullin’in makalesi, yöntemi,
konuları, yorumları ve sonuçlarıyla da dikkat çekmektedir.
Gaziz Gobeydullin is a prominent figure not only for his works on history but also for his works on literature, religion, philosophy, nationality and national spirit. Gobeydullin, who was among the scientists invited to Baku by Neriman Nerimanov for the preparation of national cadres to govern the state, had a Turkic unityist worldview and paid the price for this by being shot in Baku on October 13, 1937 together with Khalid Seyid Khojayev and Bekir Sıtlı Çobanzade. Gobeydullin studied at the Faculty of History-Philology of Kazan University under the supervision of Khakas Turk Turk Turcologists N. F. Katanov and N. N. Firsov and made important studies in the fields of history, literature, nationality and national spirit. Gobeydullin was also closely interested in Turko-Tatar folk literature and gave due importance to the place of folk literature in Turko-Tatar literature. Gobeydullin also published an independent article on the epic of Seyyid Battal Gazi. Gobeydullin became the scholar of Turkish origin who wrote the oldest scientific article on Seyyid Battal Gazi epic in the Turkic world with his article titled "In the Tugri of Seyyid Battal Gazi Story" published in the 22nd issue of Shura magazine dated 1911. Gobeyddullin's article has not been mentioned in the studies on the epic in Turkey. With this study, we aimed to present this article of Gobeyddullin to the attention of scholars in Turkey. In the study, firstly Gobeyddullin is introduced in main outlines and then the translation of his article into Turkish is given. Before the translation into Turkish, the content and importance of Gobeydullin's article were evaluated. The original text of the article in Arabic script is given at the end of the article. Gobeydullin's approach to the epic in question, his findings and interpretations are still relevant today. Gobeydullin's article draws attention with its method, topics, interpretations and conclusions.
Gaziz Gobeydullin is a prominent figure not only for his works on history but also for his works on literature, religion, philosophy, nationality and national spirit. Gobeydullin, who was among the scientists invited to Baku by Neriman Nerimanov for the preparation of national cadres to govern the state, had a Turkic unityist worldview and paid the price for this by being shot in Baku on October 13, 1937 together with Khalid Seyid Khojayev and Bekir Sıtlı Çobanzade. Gobeydullin studied at the Faculty of History-Philology of Kazan University under the supervision of Khakas Turk Turk Turcologists N. F. Katanov and N. N. Firsov and made important studies in the fields of history, literature, nationality and national spirit. Gobeydullin was also closely interested in Turko-Tatar folk literature and gave due importance to the place of folk literature in Turko-Tatar literature. Gobeydullin also published an independent article on the epic of Seyyid Battal Gazi. Gobeydullin became the scholar of Turkish origin who wrote the oldest scientific article on Seyyid Battal Gazi epic in the Turkic world with his article titled "In the Tugri of Seyyid Battal Gazi Story" published in the 22nd issue of Shura magazine dated 1911. Gobeyddullin's article has not been mentioned in the studies on the epic in Turkey. With this study, we aimed to present this article of Gobeyddullin to the attention of scholars in Turkey. In the study, firstly Gobeyddullin is introduced in main outlines and then the translation of his article into Turkish is given. Before the translation into Turkish, the content and importance of Gobeydullin's article were evaluated. The original text of the article in Arabic script is given at the end of the article. Gobeydullin's approach to the epic in question, his findings and interpretations are still relevant today. Gobeydullin's article draws attention with its method, topics, interpretations and conclusions.
Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sosyal Bilimler (SOC), Social Sciences (SOC), Seyydi Battal Gazi destanı, Gaziz Gobeydullin, Şura dergisi, TürkTatar edebiyatı, Stalin zulmü, Seyyid Battal Gazi epic, journal of Şura, Turkish-Tatar literature, Stalin’s persecution