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Hans Kelsen, saf hukuk kuramı ile yirminci yüzyıl hukuk felsefesini derinden etkilemiştir. Bu kuramı yaklaşık elli yıl boyunca geliştirip sürdürmüştür._x000D_
Ancak ömrünün sonuna doğru bu kuramda bazı önemli değişiklikler yapmıştır._x000D_
Kuramının en karakteristik ögesi olan temel normda yaptığı değişiklik bunlardan biridir. Kelsen, önceki metinlerinde temel normu, hukuki düşüncedeki bir_x000D_
önvarsayım olarak tanımlarken, son döneminde temel normun bir kurgu olduğunu söylemiştir. Bu makalede, Kelsen’in söz konusu radikal değişikliği neden_x000D_
yapmış olabileceği hususu tartışılmıştır.
Hans Kelsen deeply influenced twentieth century legal philosophy with his_x000D_ pure theory of law. He developed and maintained this theory for nearly fifty_x000D_ years. However, towards the end of his life, he made some important changes in_x000D_ this theory. The change he made in the basic norm, which is the most characteristic element of his theory, is one of them. While Kelsen defined the_x000D_ basic norm as a presupposition in legal thought in his previous texts, he stated_x000D_ that the basic norm in his last period was a fiction. This article discusses why_x000D_ Kelsen might have made the radical change in question.
Hans Kelsen deeply influenced twentieth century legal philosophy with his_x000D_ pure theory of law. He developed and maintained this theory for nearly fifty_x000D_ years. However, towards the end of his life, he made some important changes in_x000D_ this theory. The change he made in the basic norm, which is the most characteristic element of his theory, is one of them. While Kelsen defined the_x000D_ basic norm as a presupposition in legal thought in his previous texts, he stated_x000D_ that the basic norm in his last period was a fiction. This article discusses why_x000D_ Kelsen might have made the radical change in question.