Evaluation of the Effect of Different Remineralizing Agents and Ozone Application on Artificial Carises

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This study aimed to assess the combined and individual effects of different remineralization agents and ozone application on initial caries. Seventy-two premolar teeth were collected. Three different toothpastes (Ipana, ROCS, and Gumgumix) were utilized. The samples were divided into eight groups (n = 8) for experimentation (Distilled water, Ipana+Ozone, Gumgumix+Ozone, ROCS +Ozone, Ipana, Gumgumix, ROCS, Ozone). Microhardness measurements were conducted initially. All samples were then immersed in a demineralization solution for 72 hours to induce initial caries. Then, microhardness measurements were repeated, and pH cycles were carried out for one-week. Finally, microhardness measurements and SEM-EDS analyses were performed. Ipana+Ozone exhibited the highest microhardness value, which was statistically significant compared to other groups except ROCS+Ozone (p < 0.05). Distilled water, Gumgumix+Ozone, and Gumgumix displayed the lowest microhardness values. Ozone application with remineralization agents led to higher precipitation of Ca ions. The demineralized group showed the lowest Ca, P, and F ions. While Ipana +Ozone and ROCS+Ozone had the highest Ca ions, Gumgumix+Ozone had the highest P ions. Within the study’s limitations, it can be concluded that ozone gas positively impacts the remineralization process in initial caries lesions. Additionally, mineral-containing products demonstrated a noteworthy capacity to reverse the demineralization process.



Mühendislik ve Teknoloji, Engineering and Technology, Mühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG), Mühendislik, MÜHENDİSLİK, ÇEVRE, Engineering, Computing & Technology (ENG), ENGINEERING, ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL, Çevre Mühendisliği, Fizik Bilimleri, Çevre Kimyası, Environmental Engineering, Physical Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Initial Caries, Ozone, remineralization, ROCS Mineral Gel


Erçin Ö., Kopuz D., ALKAN E., TAĞTEKİN D., Yanikoğlu F., "Evaluation of the Effect of Different Remineralizing Agents and Ozone Application on Artificial Carises", Ozone: Science and Engineering, 2024
