Publication: Kendini aşma kavramının gömülü desen bağlamında incelenmesi
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Pozitif bilimden sonra; ontoloji, epistemoloji ile yer değiştirince artık insan özne iken nesne haline gelmiş, dolayısıyla aksiyoloji (değerler) de bu doğrultuda yeniden yapılandırılmıştır. İnsanın bilginin konusu haline getirilerek nesnel açıdan algılanmasıyla, beraberinde sonsuzluk anlayış ve algısından mahrum bırakılmasıyla, kendini gerçekleştirmesinin ve daha önemlisi kendisini tanımasının önüne geçilmiştir. Özgüven, öz değer, öz dayanıklılık gibi pozitif psikolojinin bütün değerlerinin niteliklerinden de mahrum kalmıştır. İleri yaşlardaki ölüm kaygısı ve stresini anlamak için bu noktaya dikkat vermek gerekmektedir. Victor Frankl ve İrvin Yalom gibi düşünürlerin çözemediği, eksik bıraktığı problem budur.Bu şekilde kendine yabancılaşan insanoğlunun hayallerinin ve yaratıcılığının körelmesi kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Yabancılaşan kimsede çevreyi tahrip etme, geleceği doğru okuyamama, eseri ile kendisi arasında anlamlı ilişki kuramama, eserini değerlendirememe, eserinde kendini görememe; egoist, egosantrik ve hatta narsisistik kişilik yapısı gibi şahsiyet bozuklukları söz konusu olmaktadır.Psikolojik açıdan şahsiyeti değerlendirirken entegrasyon kelimesini kullanmak yerinde olacaktır. Çünkü şahsiyeti oluşturan her bir öğenin kendi değer ve miktarınca var olması ve katıldığı yapıda doğru temsil edilmesi gerekmektedir. Biri bile temsil kabiliyetini yitirirse bu öğelerden şahsiyet bütünlüğü sağlanamamış olmakta ve şahsiyet bozuklukları oluşmaktadır. Kendini Aşma sürecinde şahsiyetin inşası ve hürriyet kavramı en temel dinamikler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Öyle ki insan; hürriyeti, hürriyet anlayışı ve algısı kadar şahsiyet bütünlüğü sağlamakta ve kendini gerçekleştirmektedir. Kendisini bunlarla tanımlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla, kişi şahsiyetine etki eden unsurları bilip, algılayıp doğru bilgi ve niyetle, iç hürriyetle beraber dış hürriyete varıp, yine bu unsurlardan yeni bir yapılanma ve bütünsellik yakalayabildiği ölçüde kendini aşma yolunda ilerleyebilecektir.Kişi ne için yürüdüğünü hangi yolda yürüdüğünü bilmeden veya bu yolda ondan bulunması istenen şeylerden haberdar olmadan boş bir yola çıkamaz. Bilgiden doğru niyetten başlayıp hürriyete varan bir yönelim; insani değerleri de ihmal etmeden, kişinin biyolojik, fizyolojik, sosyolojik, felsefi, pedagojik ve psikolojik özelliklerinin hür, dinamik ve homojen bütünleştirilmesi ile kendini aşma kavramının anlaşılmasının önünü daha da açacaktır.Bir hareketin hür olabilmesi için ne gerekir? Dilemek, istemek, seçmek anlamında bir iradenin devreye girmesi gerekmektedir. Hürriyetin sağlanmasında ise; bilgi doğru niyeti, doğru niyet hareketi, hareket ise hürriyeti beraberinde getirir. Hürriyet ve değer, bireyi varlıklar aleminde insanı herhangi bir varlık olmaktan çıkarıp onun, şahsiyetli insan olmasını temin eden en temel öğelerdendir. Dolayısıyla hür harekette; Başka bir insanın teşvik ve telkini ile olmaması, zamanında seçim yapılması veya üzerinde zaman aşımı olacak kadar çok uzun zaman düşünülmemesi, seçilen yönelim veya tercih üzerinde yapıldıktan sonra dıştan gelen her türlü engele karşı koyabilmesi özellikleri aranmaktadır. Bu noktadan hareketle bu araştırma, ‘kendini aşma’ niteliklerine sahip olduğu varsayılan, kişilerin hayat dinamiklerini keşfetmeye dair yapılandırılmış bir sistematik gömülü teori çalışmasıdır.Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden kuramsal örnekleme ile 2020-2021 akademik yılında, Türkiye genelinden seçilen 110 kişi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubunda yer alan kişilerin çevresi tarafından kendini gerçekleştirme sürecinde belli bir seviyede olma niteliği taşıyor olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Çalışmaya dahil edilecek kişiler ise ‘Öz-Aşkınlık Ölçeği’ sonucunda edinilen yüksek puanlamaya göre seçilmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasında yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Her bir katılımcı iki oturumdan oluşan derinlemesine görüşmelere girmiştir. Araştırma süreci içerisinde açık kodlama, eksen kodlama ve seçici kodlamadan geçirilen veriler, sürekli karşılaştırmalı analiz ile çözümlenerek bir şekile oturtulmuştur. Kuramsal doygunluğa erişildikten sonra veri toplamaya son verilmiş, teorinin yapısı ve kanıtlara dayanarak bir kurama dönüştürme sürecine başlanmıştır.Çalışma sonucunda; ‘kendini aşan’ bireylerin şahsiyet profilleri tespit edilmiştir. ‘Kendini Aşma’ kavramının incelendiği durumda, kendini gerçekleştirme ve şahsiyet bütünlüğü oluşturma sürecine; kişilik özellikleri, hayat stratejileri, doruk deneyimler, varoluş değerleri, ahlak bütünlüğü boyutlarının yansıdığı gözlemlenmiştir.
After positive science; When ontology was replaced by epistemology, human became an object from a subject, so axiology (values) was restructured accordingly. By making man the subject of knowledge and perceiving it objectively, depriving him of the understanding and perception of infinity, self-realization and, more importantly, self-knowledge have been prevented. It has also been deprived of all the qualities of positive psychology such as self-confidence, self-worth, and self-resilience. It is necessary to pay attention to this point in order to understand death anxiety and stress in older ages. This is the problem that thinkers like Victor Frankl and Irvin Yalom could not solve and left incomplete.In this way, it is inevitable that the dreams and creativity of human beings, who are alienated from themselves, become atrophied. Destroying the environment in an alienated person, not being able to read the future correctly, not being able to establish a meaningful relationship between his work and himself, not being able to evaluate his work, not being able to see himself in his work; There are personality disorders such as egoistic, egocentric and even narcissistic personality structure.It would be appropriate to use the word integration when evaluating personality from a psychological point of view. Because each element that makes up the personality must exist in its own value and amount and must be represented correctly in the structure it participates in. If even one loses his ability to represent, personality integrity cannot be achieved from these elements and personality disorders occur. In the process of Self-Transcendence, the construction of personality and the concept of freedom appear as the most basic dynamics. So that human; freedom, as well as the understanding and perception of freedom, provides the integrity of the personality and realizes itself. He identifies himself with them. Therefore, a person will be able to progress on the path of self-transcendence to the extent that he knows and perceives the elements that affect his personality, and with the right knowledge and intention, reaches external freedom together with inner freedom, and can capture a new structure and integrity from these elements.A person cannot set out on an empty road without knowing what he is walking for, on which path he is walking, or without being aware of what is required of him on this path. An orientation that starts from knowledge and right intention and reaches freedom; With the free, dynamic and homogeneous integration of one's biological, physiological, sociological, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological characteristics, without neglecting human values, it will further pave the way for the understanding of the concept of Self-Transcendence.What does it take for a movement to be free? A will must come into play in the sense of wishing, wanting, choosing. In the provision of freedom; Knowledge brings right intention, right intention action, and action brings freedom. Freedom and value are among the most basic elements that make the individual a person with personality by removing the human being from being just another being in the realm of beings. Therefore, in free movement; It is sought to be able to resist all kinds of external obstacles after the chosen orientation or choice is not made with the encouragement and suggestion of another person, not to make a timely choice or not to think about it for too long to be timed out. From this point of view, this research is a structured systematic grounded theory study to explore the life dynamics of personalities who are assumed to have 'self-transcendence' qualities.The study group of the research consists of 110 personalities selected from all over Turkey in the 2020-2021 academic year, with theoretical sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods. Attention was paid to the fact that the people in the study group had personality and were at a certain level in the process of self-actualization by their environment. The people to be included in the study were selected according to the high score obtained as a result of the 'SELF-Transcendence Scale'. A semi-structured interview form was used to collect data. Each participant entered in-depth interviews consisting of two sessions. During the research process, the data that underwent open coding, axis coding and selective coding were analyzed by continuous comparative analysis and settled in a way. After the theoretical saturation was reached, data collection was terminated and the process of transforming the theory into a theory based on the structure and evidence was started.In the results of working; Personality profiles of 'self-transcendent' individuals have been identified. In the case where the concept of 'Self-Transcendence' is examined, the process of self-actualization and personality integrity; It has been observed that the dimensions of personality traits, life strategies, peak experiences, existence values, moral integrity are reflected.
After positive science; When ontology was replaced by epistemology, human became an object from a subject, so axiology (values) was restructured accordingly. By making man the subject of knowledge and perceiving it objectively, depriving him of the understanding and perception of infinity, self-realization and, more importantly, self-knowledge have been prevented. It has also been deprived of all the qualities of positive psychology such as self-confidence, self-worth, and self-resilience. It is necessary to pay attention to this point in order to understand death anxiety and stress in older ages. This is the problem that thinkers like Victor Frankl and Irvin Yalom could not solve and left incomplete.In this way, it is inevitable that the dreams and creativity of human beings, who are alienated from themselves, become atrophied. Destroying the environment in an alienated person, not being able to read the future correctly, not being able to establish a meaningful relationship between his work and himself, not being able to evaluate his work, not being able to see himself in his work; There are personality disorders such as egoistic, egocentric and even narcissistic personality structure.It would be appropriate to use the word integration when evaluating personality from a psychological point of view. Because each element that makes up the personality must exist in its own value and amount and must be represented correctly in the structure it participates in. If even one loses his ability to represent, personality integrity cannot be achieved from these elements and personality disorders occur. In the process of Self-Transcendence, the construction of personality and the concept of freedom appear as the most basic dynamics. So that human; freedom, as well as the understanding and perception of freedom, provides the integrity of the personality and realizes itself. He identifies himself with them. Therefore, a person will be able to progress on the path of self-transcendence to the extent that he knows and perceives the elements that affect his personality, and with the right knowledge and intention, reaches external freedom together with inner freedom, and can capture a new structure and integrity from these elements.A person cannot set out on an empty road without knowing what he is walking for, on which path he is walking, or without being aware of what is required of him on this path. An orientation that starts from knowledge and right intention and reaches freedom; With the free, dynamic and homogeneous integration of one's biological, physiological, sociological, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological characteristics, without neglecting human values, it will further pave the way for the understanding of the concept of Self-Transcendence.What does it take for a movement to be free? A will must come into play in the sense of wishing, wanting, choosing. In the provision of freedom; Knowledge brings right intention, right intention action, and action brings freedom. Freedom and value are among the most basic elements that make the individual a person with personality by removing the human being from being just another being in the realm of beings. Therefore, in free movement; It is sought to be able to resist all kinds of external obstacles after the chosen orientation or choice is not made with the encouragement and suggestion of another person, not to make a timely choice or not to think about it for too long to be timed out. From this point of view, this research is a structured systematic grounded theory study to explore the life dynamics of personalities who are assumed to have 'self-transcendence' qualities.The study group of the research consists of 110 personalities selected from all over Turkey in the 2020-2021 academic year, with theoretical sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods. Attention was paid to the fact that the people in the study group had personality and were at a certain level in the process of self-actualization by their environment. The people to be included in the study were selected according to the high score obtained as a result of the 'SELF-Transcendence Scale'. A semi-structured interview form was used to collect data. Each participant entered in-depth interviews consisting of two sessions. During the research process, the data that underwent open coding, axis coding and selective coding were analyzed by continuous comparative analysis and settled in a way. After the theoretical saturation was reached, data collection was terminated and the process of transforming the theory into a theory based on the structure and evidence was started.In the results of working; Personality profiles of 'self-transcendent' individuals have been identified. In the case where the concept of 'Self-Transcendence' is examined, the process of self-actualization and personality integrity; It has been observed that the dimensions of personality traits, life strategies, peak experiences, existence values, moral integrity are reflected.
Şahsiyet bütünlüğü, Gömülü teori, Kendini gerçekleştirme, Kendini Aşma
Personality integrity, Embedded theory, Self-Realization, Self-Transcendence