Publication: Aişe Ranha'nın rivayetlerinin Şafii mezhebine etkisi (Kitâbu'n-Nikah örneği)
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ÖZETYAZAR: ABDURRAHMAN KAKİCÜNETANABİM DALİ: Temel İslam BilimleriBİLİM DALI: Temel İslam Bilimleri (Arapça)TEZ DANIŞMANI: Prof. Dr. Kemal YıldızTEZ TÜRÜ VE TARİHİ: Yüksek lisans – 2021 / 2022ANAHTAR KELİMELERİ: Şafii fıkhı, Hazreti Aişe, Mezhep, Fıkıh usulü, İstinbat, Ahkam, Rivyet, Nikah, Hadis fıkhı.AİŞE RANHA'NIN RİVAYETLERİNİN ŞAFİİ MEZHEBİNE ETKİSİ (KİTÂBU'N-NİKAH ÖRNEĞİ)ÖZET Hazreti Aişe r.anha’nın fıkhın inşasında belirgin bir rolü bulunmaktadır. Zira kendisi daha gençlik dönemindeyken ve tüm algıları açıkken Allah resulü sallallahu aleyhi ve selleme eşlik etmiş, ondan Kuran ve hadis almıştır. Allah resulü sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem fetva soranların en özel konularında bile onun yanında fetva verirdi. Peygamber sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem vefat ettikten sonra Sahabe ve Tabiin uleması fetva sormak için kendisine müracaat etmişlerdir. Hazreti Aişe r.anha’nın ilmi İslam ümmeti için servet sayılmaktadır. Hazreti Aişe, muteber fıkıh mezheplerinin dayandığı bazı hükümlerin kaynağı konumundadır. Elimizdeki araştırmamızda okuyucu, İmamı Şafii mezhebi üzerinden Ahvali Şahsiye konusu ile ilgili olarak Hazreti Aişe’nin Nikah babındaki rivayetler, içtihat ve görülerinin etkisini anlayacaktır. Çalışmamız iki bölüme ayrılmıştır. Birinci bölümde Hazreti Aişe tarafından aktarılan ve Şafi imamlarınca kitaplarında delil alınarak üzerine şeri hükümler düzenlenen nakil ve rivayetleri dile getirdim. Bu bölümde rivayetlere ek olarak sadece bilinmesi ve açıklanması kaçınılmaz olan bazı konulara değinerek, rivayetleri aktarmakla yetindim. Öte yandan Şafii mezhebinin görüşlerine aykırı düşen bazı rivayetler de getirerek, mezhep imamlarının görüşlerini karşılaştırdım. Ayrıca konuları tamamlamak adına Şafii kitaplarında yer bulamayan bazı rivayetleri de aktardım. Ancak burada temelde Şafii mezhebinin kitaplarında geçen rivayetlerle yetinmeyi hedefledim. Şunu da belirtmek gerekir ki, hadis alimleri tarafından konu ile ilgili yapılan rivayetlerin büyük çoğunluğu, ya aynı metne yada hafif değişikliklere sahip metinlere dayanmaktadır. İkinci bölümde ise bu rivayetleri nikah babı ile ilgili bölümlere ayırdım. Bu rivayetlerin tamamını aktarmadan, belirli bölümlerine odaklanarak açıklamaya ve detaylandırmaya çalıştım. Nikah akdi, geçerli nikah akdinin tarifi, geçersiz nikah akdi türleri, nikah akdi ile ilgi hükümler, haram sayılan kadınlar, nişanlılık, mehir, nafaka, cinsel ilişki ile ilgili hümkümler, nikahın feshi ile ilgili hükümler ve çok eşlilik ile ilgili hükümler araştırma konumun kapsamında yer aldı. Bununla birlikte daha faydalı ve konuyu tamamlayıcı olacağını düşündüğümüz için, genelde fıkıh kitaplarında bulunmayan; “Hazreti Aişe’dan rivayet edildiği üzere Peygamber sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem’in evinden alıntılanan eş olma adabı” başlıklı konuyu ekledim. İkinci bölümün ardından gelen kapanış bölümünde ise araştırma sonuçlarına ve tez sonucunda verdiğim öne çıkan fikirlere yer verdim. Hazreti Aişe’nin rivayetleri tüm nikah konularını kapsamadığından ve yine tüm bu rivayetler tek bir kaynakta bulunmayıp, çeşitli kaynaklara dayandığından kaynakça bölümünde birkaç kaynağı dikkate aldım. Buna göre kaynaklarım arasında Nevevi, Sübki ve Mutii’nin el-Mecmu ve Gazali’nin el-Vesit gibi kitaplarım yer almaktadır. Ayrıca okuyucuya kolaylık sağlamak adına modern fıkıh kitabı metodolojisi uyguladım. Özetle araştırmamızın konusu Hazreti Aişe’nin Şaffi mezhebine etkisi, İmamı Şafii ve Şafii ve diğer mezhep imamlarının bu rivayetlerden çıkardıkları hükümlerin açıklanmasıdır. Başarı Allah’tandır. Başta ve sonra şükrümüz onadır
ABSTRACTCANDIDATE: ABDURRAHMAN KAKİCÜNETDEPARTMENT: Basic islamic studiesFIELD: Basic islamic studies (Arabic) SUPERVISER: Prof. Dr. Kemal YıldızTYPE OF THE THESIS AND THE DATE: M.A. Thesis – 2021 / 2022 Key Words: Shafi’i jurisprudence, Imam Shafi’i, Aisha (r.a), Madhhab, Marriage, fatwa, Hadith jurisprudence.İmpact Narrations of Aisha in Imam Shafi'i School of Though (The Book of Nikah Marriage as Model).ABSTRACTAisha (r.a) bint Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with them both had a prominent role in building Fiqh Islamic jurisprudence as she accompanied the Prophet may Allah's peace, mercy, and blessing be upon him and was in the prime of her youth, taking from him Qur’an and Hadith, and he may Allah bless him and grant him peace used to give fatwas to people in her presence even in matters related to personal status.The Companions of the Prophet and their followers may Allah be pleased with them were asking her for a fatwa after the death of the Prophet may Allah bless him and grant him peace on matters related to legal rulings. Aisha (r.a) would answer them either from Qur’anic verses, Prophetic Hadiths, or personal interpretations, as she has reached the level of ijtihad in legal sciences in general, and fatwa matters in particula After the end of the era of prophecy, the emergence of the first Islam, and the spread of the Islamic religion in the corners of the earth, the great imams of Islam among the followers and their followers took a special path in the legal fatwa, and each imam had his own method of deduction and ijtihad. Islamic sciences spread and began to take certain names. The science that is concerned with the words of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him is called the science of Hadith, and the science that is concerned with matters of faith and responding to the heresies is called the science of monotheism, belief, and speech, etc. As for the science that discusses the matters of what is permissible and what is forbidden, the people’s livelihood and their treatment, and the fatwa, it is called the science of jurisprudence, and the one who works with this knowledge is called a jurist. Then this matter developed until the industrious jurist had companions and students who took the knowledge of their sheikh and spread it in various countries.The most important schools Madhabs that were spread and adopted by Muslims in the matters of lives and their adherence to their religion are: Imam Abu Hanifa al-Numan Madhab, Imam Malik bin Anas Madhab, Imam Muhammad bin Idris al-Shafi’I Madhab, and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal Madhab. The reason for the popularity of these schools Madhabs is that the students of these imams wrote down the madhhabs, verified it and then spread it. As for the subject of our message, it is the Shafi’i Jurisprudence and the impact of the narrations of Aisha (r.a) may Allah be pleased with her on the madhhab, its rulings, and the fatwas deduced. Shafi’i Jurisprudence contains a set of studies and valuable literature written by imams throughout the Islamic ages, since the death of Imam al-Shafi’i until the present time. Aisha (r.a) played a role in establishing the guidelines for fatwas in the madhhab. We will learn about that in our research, and we will review examples from the Book of Marriage.
ABSTRACTCANDIDATE: ABDURRAHMAN KAKİCÜNETDEPARTMENT: Basic islamic studiesFIELD: Basic islamic studies (Arabic) SUPERVISER: Prof. Dr. Kemal YıldızTYPE OF THE THESIS AND THE DATE: M.A. Thesis – 2021 / 2022 Key Words: Shafi’i jurisprudence, Imam Shafi’i, Aisha (r.a), Madhhab, Marriage, fatwa, Hadith jurisprudence.İmpact Narrations of Aisha in Imam Shafi'i School of Though (The Book of Nikah Marriage as Model).ABSTRACTAisha (r.a) bint Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with them both had a prominent role in building Fiqh Islamic jurisprudence as she accompanied the Prophet may Allah's peace, mercy, and blessing be upon him and was in the prime of her youth, taking from him Qur’an and Hadith, and he may Allah bless him and grant him peace used to give fatwas to people in her presence even in matters related to personal status.The Companions of the Prophet and their followers may Allah be pleased with them were asking her for a fatwa after the death of the Prophet may Allah bless him and grant him peace on matters related to legal rulings. Aisha (r.a) would answer them either from Qur’anic verses, Prophetic Hadiths, or personal interpretations, as she has reached the level of ijtihad in legal sciences in general, and fatwa matters in particula After the end of the era of prophecy, the emergence of the first Islam, and the spread of the Islamic religion in the corners of the earth, the great imams of Islam among the followers and their followers took a special path in the legal fatwa, and each imam had his own method of deduction and ijtihad. Islamic sciences spread and began to take certain names. The science that is concerned with the words of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him is called the science of Hadith, and the science that is concerned with matters of faith and responding to the heresies is called the science of monotheism, belief, and speech, etc. As for the science that discusses the matters of what is permissible and what is forbidden, the people’s livelihood and their treatment, and the fatwa, it is called the science of jurisprudence, and the one who works with this knowledge is called a jurist. Then this matter developed until the industrious jurist had companions and students who took the knowledge of their sheikh and spread it in various countries.The most important schools Madhabs that were spread and adopted by Muslims in the matters of lives and their adherence to their religion are: Imam Abu Hanifa al-Numan Madhab, Imam Malik bin Anas Madhab, Imam Muhammad bin Idris al-Shafi’I Madhab, and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal Madhab. The reason for the popularity of these schools Madhabs is that the students of these imams wrote down the madhhabs, verified it and then spread it. As for the subject of our message, it is the Shafi’i Jurisprudence and the impact of the narrations of Aisha (r.a) may Allah be pleased with her on the madhhab, its rulings, and the fatwas deduced. Shafi’i Jurisprudence contains a set of studies and valuable literature written by imams throughout the Islamic ages, since the death of Imam al-Shafi’i until the present time. Aisha (r.a) played a role in establishing the guidelines for fatwas in the madhhab. We will learn about that in our research, and we will review examples from the Book of Marriage.
ANAHTAR KELİMELERİ: Şafii fıkhı, Hazreti Aişe, Mezhep, Fıkıh usulü, İstinbat, Ahkam, Rivyet, Nikah, Hadis fıkhı. Shafi’i jurisprudence, Imam Shafi’i, Aisha (r.a), Madhhab, Marriage, fatwa, Hadith jurisprudence.