Publication: Right to self-determination and secession : the Biafran case
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KENDI KENDİNİ TAYIN VE AYRILMA HAKKI: BIAFRAN ÖRNEĞİ1945 Birleşmiş Milletler Şartı'na göre kendi kaderini tayin etme, bölüm 1, madde (1) açıkça kabul edilmiş bir temel haktır ve “Tüm ezilen, marjinalize edilmiş ve ayrımcılığa uğrayan halklar, sosyal, dini, kültürel, siyasi ve sosyal haklarını isteyerek belirleme hakkına sahiptir. ekonomik gelişmeler”; özellikle söz konusu halklar, toprağın yerli halkları olarak yok olma ve yok olma tehdidiyle karşı karşıya kaldıklarında veya bu halkların din hakları, siyaset hakları, ekonomik ve sosyal hakları reddedildiğinde. Ancak bir kıta olarak Afrika, Biafra örneğinde olduğu gibi, yıllar boyunca bu halkların, toprakların veya bölgelerin kendi kaderini tayin etme ve ayrılma taleplerini sınırlayan belirsizliklerden kaynaklanan çok sayıda iç savaşla karşı karşıya kaldı. Nijerya ile Biafra arasındaki fiili savaşın başladığı 1967'den önce, Doğulular ve Kuzeyliler arasında Nijerya'nın birliğini tehdit eden ve böylece Doğu bölgesindeki halklara karşı kitlesel katliamlara ve reddetmelere yol açan, aynı fikirde olan siyasi çekişmeler ve çatışmalar yaşandı. (Ndi Gbo, Ndi-Igbo) 1914'teki güçlü İngiliz birleşmesinden önce bölgelerinin en eski sakinleriydi. failleri kovuşturmak ve Aburi'de imzalanan tek taraflı bir liderlik sağlayacak anlaşmaları uygulamak, Doğulular kendi kendini yönetebilmek için sıraya giriyor ve bölgedeki faaliyetleri öngörmek ve yerli halk olarak topraklarındaki dış tehditleri azaltmaya yardımcı olmak için kendi hükümetini kurdu. Nijerya hükümeti ve muadili İngiltere tarafından Nijerya toprak bütünlüğüne bir tehdit olarak kabul edildi, bu nedenle diyalog olmaksızın askerler tarafından acımasız güç kullanımıyla karşılık verildi ve çoğu açlıktan, hastalıklardan ölen üç milyondan fazla yerli Biafranlının ölümüyle sonuçlandı. mermiler. Nijerya hükümetine göre, Biafranlılar azınlık gruplarıdır ve evrensel kendi kaderini tayin hakkı veya uluslararası kabul görmüş ayrılma hakkı talebi için uygun değildirler. Biafrans, Nijerya'da tacize uğradıklarına, katledildiklerine ve reddedildiklerine karşı çıkıp karşı çıkarken, bu nedenle kendi kaderini tayin etme ve ayrılmaya uygunlukları tartışmasız bir şekilde çok önemlidir ve Birleşmiş Milletler ve Afrika Şartları kendi kaderini tayin etme ve ayrılma yasasına göre uygunluklarını garanti eder. Nijerya'nın Birleşmiş Milletler Şartı'nın bir üyesi ve imzacısı olarak katıldığı, kendi kaderini tayin hakkıyla ilgili Afrika Şartı Yasası tarafından yasalaştırıldığı gibi, ezilenlerin. Bu nedenle bu tez, Biafran'ın kendi kaderini tayin ve ayrılıkçı haklar talebinin 1967'den 1970'e kadar ilgili siyasi çatışmaları dikkate alarak BM ve uluslararası hukuk kapsamındaki uygunluğunu belirlemeyi ve kendi kaderini tayin talebini meşrulaştırabilecek koşulları tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. 1967 öncesi ve 1967-1970 Nijerya/Biafra savaşı sırasında önemli roller oynayan Britanya ve diğer bölgesel faktörlerin rolünün ana hatlarını çizmek ve halihazırda ilan edilmiş olan Biafra bağımsızlığının sürdürülmesine engel olmak.
Self determination according to the 1945 United Nations Charter, chapter 1, article (1) is unequivocally a recognized fundamental right which stated that “All oppressed, marginalized and discriminated peoples have the right to willingly ascertain their social, religious, cultural, political and their economic developments”; especially when the said peoples are faced with extinction and threat to existence as indigenous peoples of the land, or these peoples are denied their right to religion, rights to politics, or economic and social rights. However, Africa as a continent over the years has been faced with numerous internal wars resulting from the uncertainties bordering the demands for self determination as well as secession of those peoples, territories or regions as it is with the case of Biafra. Prior to the 1967 when the actual war between Nigeria and Biafra started, there has been concurring political rows and conflicts between the Easterners and Northerners which threatened the unity of Nigeria thereby resulting in mass massacres and rejections against the peoples of the Eastern region, considered as (Ndi Gbo, Ndi-Igbo) the earliest inhabitants of their territories before the forceful British amalgamation of 1914. However, due to these political and economic conflicts, threat to existence, mass massacres of Easterners in Northern Nigeria and failure of the Nigerian government to prosecute the perpetrators and implement the agreements signed in Aburi which would grant a unilateral leadership, the Easterners sort for self-governance and established its own government to foresee the activities in the region and help curtail outside threats in their territory as indigenous inhabitants, a move considered by the Nigerian government and its counterpart Britain as a threat to Nigeria territorial integrity hence without a dialogue responded with brutal use of force by the military men, resulting to the death of over three million indigenous Biafrans, many who died by starvation, diseases and bullets. To the Nigerian government, Biafrans are minority groups and are not eligible for the demand of the universal right to self determination or the internationally recognized right to secession. While Biafrans contrarily opposed and argued that they have been abused, massacred, and rejected in Nigeria, hence their eligibility for self-determination and secession is unequivocally paramount and guarantees their eligibility according to the United Nations and African Charters law on self-determination and secession of the oppressed of which Nigeria is participant to as a member and signee of the United Nations Charter, as was enacted by the African Charter Law on self-determination. Therefore, this thesis aim to determine the eligibility of Biafrans demand for self determination and secessionist rights under the UN and international law, while considering the respective political conflicts prior to 1967 until 1970, and to ascertain the circumstances that could legitimize the demand for self- determination and secession of a territory and also to outline the role of Britain and o t h e r regional factors that played significant roles p r i o r t o 1 9 6 7 , a n d during the 1967-1970 Nigeria/Biafra war which hindered the sustenance of the already declared Biafra independence.
Self determination according to the 1945 United Nations Charter, chapter 1, article (1) is unequivocally a recognized fundamental right which stated that “All oppressed, marginalized and discriminated peoples have the right to willingly ascertain their social, religious, cultural, political and their economic developments”; especially when the said peoples are faced with extinction and threat to existence as indigenous peoples of the land, or these peoples are denied their right to religion, rights to politics, or economic and social rights. However, Africa as a continent over the years has been faced with numerous internal wars resulting from the uncertainties bordering the demands for self determination as well as secession of those peoples, territories or regions as it is with the case of Biafra. Prior to the 1967 when the actual war between Nigeria and Biafra started, there has been concurring political rows and conflicts between the Easterners and Northerners which threatened the unity of Nigeria thereby resulting in mass massacres and rejections against the peoples of the Eastern region, considered as (Ndi Gbo, Ndi-Igbo) the earliest inhabitants of their territories before the forceful British amalgamation of 1914. However, due to these political and economic conflicts, threat to existence, mass massacres of Easterners in Northern Nigeria and failure of the Nigerian government to prosecute the perpetrators and implement the agreements signed in Aburi which would grant a unilateral leadership, the Easterners sort for self-governance and established its own government to foresee the activities in the region and help curtail outside threats in their territory as indigenous inhabitants, a move considered by the Nigerian government and its counterpart Britain as a threat to Nigeria territorial integrity hence without a dialogue responded with brutal use of force by the military men, resulting to the death of over three million indigenous Biafrans, many who died by starvation, diseases and bullets. To the Nigerian government, Biafrans are minority groups and are not eligible for the demand of the universal right to self determination or the internationally recognized right to secession. While Biafrans contrarily opposed and argued that they have been abused, massacred, and rejected in Nigeria, hence their eligibility for self-determination and secession is unequivocally paramount and guarantees their eligibility according to the United Nations and African Charters law on self-determination and secession of the oppressed of which Nigeria is participant to as a member and signee of the United Nations Charter, as was enacted by the African Charter Law on self-determination. Therefore, this thesis aim to determine the eligibility of Biafrans demand for self determination and secessionist rights under the UN and international law, while considering the respective political conflicts prior to 1967 until 1970, and to ascertain the circumstances that could legitimize the demand for self- determination and secession of a territory and also to outline the role of Britain and o t h e r regional factors that played significant roles p r i o r t o 1 9 6 7 , a n d during the 1967-1970 Nigeria/Biafra war which hindered the sustenance of the already declared Biafra independence.
Yerli halklar, Reddetme, Soykırım, Katliam, Sömürü, Kendi kaderini tayin, Hak, Ayrılık, Beyannameler, Özgürlük, Biafra, Nijerya, İngiltere, Doğulular, Kuzeyliler, Hükümet, Savaş. Indigenous peoples, Rejection, Genocide, Massacre, Exploitation, Self-determination, Right, Secession, Declarations, Freedom, Biafra, Nigeria, Britain, Easterners, Northerners, Government, war.