Evaluating the influence of the mandibular canal trajectory on the duration of postoperative paraesthesia in patients undergoing inferior alveolar nerve lateralization: a prospective cohort study

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This prospective cohort study aims to evaluate the influence of the mandibular canal trajectory on the duration of postoperative paraesthesia in patients undergoing inferior alveolar nerve lateralization (IANL). Twenty patients received a total of 50 dental implants, and their postoperative paraesthesia duration, implant success rate, and anatomical variables were assessed. All patients experienced temporary neurosensory disturbances postoperatively during the first week, but none reported permanent issues at the 12-month follow-up. The median paraesthesia duration was 120 days, and no significant differences were detected between genders, anaesthesia types, or patient satisfaction. No significant association was found between the mandibular canal trajectory and postoperative paraesthesia duration. The implant success rate was 100%, with all implants integrating successfully. Our findings suggest that IANL is a safe and effective method for dental implant placement in atrophic mandibles.



Sağlık Bilimleri, Health Sciences, Klinik Tıp (MED), Clinical Medicine (MED), Mandibular canal, Paraesthesia, Dental implants, Survival analysis, Mandibular nerve lateralization


Göçmen G., Bayram F., "Evaluating the Influence of the Mandibular Canal Trajectory on the Duration of Postoperative Paraesthesia in Patients Undergoing Inferior Alveolar Nerve Lateralization: A Prospective Cohort Study", BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, cilt.0, 2023
