Publication: 11-14. gebelik haftalarında bakılan uterin arter doppleri, maternal ekokardiyografi ve serum belirteçlerinin preeklampsi ve intrauterin gelişme geriliğini tahminindeki yeri
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Amaç: 11-14 gebelik haftalarında bakılan uterin arter Doppleri, maternal ekokardiyografı, anne serumunda PAPP-A, inhibin A, activin A ve sE-selectin seviyelerinin preeklampsi ve intrauterin gelişme geriliğini tahmin etme değerini araştırmaktı. Materyal ve Metod: Gebeliğin 11-14. haftaları arasında 175 gebeden prospektif olarak kan örnekleri alınıp, bilateral uterin arter doppleri ve maternal ekokardiyografı yapıldı. Tüm gebeler doğuma kadar takip edildi. Bulgular: Gebelik takibi esnasında preeklampsi geliştiren hastalarla normotansif hastalar arasında uterin arter Doppleri, maternal ekokardiyografı, anne serumunda PAPP-A, inhibin A, activin A ve sE-selectin seviyeleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı. Sonuç: Preeklamptik gebelerdeki kardiak fonksiyon ve yapıdaki değişiklikler ilk trimesterda beirginleşmemiştir. Preeklampsi ve intrauterin gelişme geriliği gibi gebelik komplikasyonlarının tahmininde 11-14. gebelik haftalarında uterin arter Doppler ölçümleri ve serum belirteçlerinin rutin olarak kullanılması mümkün gözükmemektedir.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine whether cardiac structure and function, uterine artery doppler, maternal serum PAPP-A, inhibin A, activin A and sE-selectin levels are changed in the 11-14 weeks of pregnancy in patients who developed preeclampsia subsequently. Methods: Blood samples of 175 women collected prospectively, bilateral uterine artery Doppler measurements and maternal echocardiography of the patients were performed at 11 -14 weeks of gestation. Results: No statistically significant difference was found for the levels of activin A, inhibin A, sE-selectin, PAPP-A, uterine artery resistance index and maternal echocardiographic findings between the groups. Conclusion: Preeclampsia may not be associated with abnormalities of cardiac structure and function at the first trimester. Uterine artery Doppler measurements, maternal serum PAPP-A, inhibin A, activin A and sE-selectin levels in the early pregnancy do not prove to be a useful as a screening tool for predicting pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction at first trimester.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine whether cardiac structure and function, uterine artery doppler, maternal serum PAPP-A, inhibin A, activin A and sE-selectin levels are changed in the 11-14 weeks of pregnancy in patients who developed preeclampsia subsequently. Methods: Blood samples of 175 women collected prospectively, bilateral uterine artery Doppler measurements and maternal echocardiography of the patients were performed at 11 -14 weeks of gestation. Results: No statistically significant difference was found for the levels of activin A, inhibin A, sE-selectin, PAPP-A, uterine artery resistance index and maternal echocardiographic findings between the groups. Conclusion: Preeclampsia may not be associated with abnormalities of cardiac structure and function at the first trimester. Uterine artery Doppler measurements, maternal serum PAPP-A, inhibin A, activin A and sE-selectin levels in the early pregnancy do not prove to be a useful as a screening tool for predicting pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction at first trimester.
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