Publication: Abdullah Sirâcüddîn'in konulu tefsire yaklaşımı
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Kur'an-ı Kerim her zaman ve mekânda geçerli olan sonsuz bir mucizedir. Kur'an’ın işâret ettiği bazı konuların asırlara göre yeniden ele alınması gerekir. Bu da pek çok müfessirin ilgi alanını oluşturmakta ve onları, toplumun ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda çeşitli tefsir yöntemleriyle eserler yazmaya sevketmektedir. Günümüzde bu tefsir yöntemlerinin en meşhur ve başvurulanlarından biri de “konulu tefsir” metodudur. Nitekim günümüzde bu alana ilgi duyan âlimler, konulu tefsirin gerek tarihi ve gerekse uygulama yöntemlerine dair birtakım çalışmalar yapmışlardır. Son zamanlarda genellikle yüksek lisans ve doktora çalışmalarında bu metot kullanılmaktadır. Bu alanda şöhret bulmuş kimselerden biri de Abdullah Sirâcüddîn’dir. Bu araştırma, Abdullah Sirâcüddin'in konulu tefsirdeki eşsiz yöntemine ışık tutmayı hedeflemektedir. Kur'an-ı Kerim'deki bir sure veya ayetin konusunu nasıl tefsir ettiğini ve Kuran-ı Kerim'de geçen müstakil bir konuyu tefsir ederken nasıl bir metot izlediğini ortaya koymak, araştırmanın temel amacını teşkil etmektedir. Bunu gerçekleştirirken konuya ilişkin bilgilerin toplanması, sınıflandırılması, işlenmesi ve analiz edilmesinde tümden gelim yöntemi izlenmiştir. Çalışmamızda her bölümün altında birkaç ana başlık, her ana başlığın altında da alt başlık ve bir takım meseleler bulunmaktadır.Girişte, bu metodun önemi, konuyu tercih etme sebebimiz, çalışmamızın amacı, bu alanda önceden yapılan çalışmalar ve bu çalışmalar arasında bizim çalışmamızın yeri ele alınmıştır. Birinci bölümde konulu tefsir hakkında genel bilgiler ve müellifin hayatına yer verilmiştir.İkici bölümde konulu tefsir hakkında müellifin görüşü, bu metodun önemi, çeşitleri, söz konusu metodun yapılmasını gerektiren nedenler ve uygulama şekli gibi konular yer almıştır.Sonuç ise bir takım çıkarım ve önerileri kapsamaktadır. Bu çalışma birkaç önemli değerlendirme ile sonuçlandırılmıştır. Müellifin konulu tefsirdeki metodu ve uygulaması açıklanmıştır. Müellifin konulu tefsirinde ele aldığı konular ortaya konularak günümüzdeki bazı sorunlar incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, müellifin genel olarak tefsir ilmindeki yeri, özel olarak ise konulu tefsir alanındaki yetkinliği ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır.
The Holy Qur’an is the eternal miracle that is valid for every time and place. Some aspects of its miraculousness are evident in its endless meanings, which are renewed with the renewal of eras and times. This prompted many interpreters to write many interpretations that varied according to their interests and according to the urgent need for them. One of the most prominent types of these interpretations is interpretation. The objective that has appeared under this name in our modern era, and the pens of scholars in this era have crowded to write about it and present it to the scientific arena because of its suitability to the renewed need of the era. Among the most famous of those who gained fame in this field, and whose books spread throughout the horizons, is the interpreter Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din. The study aims to shed light on his unique approach to objective interpretation, under the title: Objective Interpretation according to Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din, through an inductive analytical study of his interpretive books. This thesis included a theoretical aspect represented by mentioning his approach in interpreting the subject of a Qur’anic surah, interpreting one topic throughout the Holy Qur’an, and an applied practical aspect represented by mentioning applied examples of that approach taken from his interpretive books. In this study, I relied on the descriptive survey inductive method, which is a set of procedures that is integrated to describe the phenomenon or specific topic based on collecting data and information, classifying, processing, analyzing them sufficiently to extract their meanings, reaching results and generalizations in the subject of the study. I will use it to collect and analyze related literature with the objective interpretation of Sheikh Abdullah Siraj Al-Din. This study consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and under each title is a group of topics, demands, and issues. As for the introduction, it includes: the importance of the study, the reason for choosing the topic, the problem of the study, its methodology and objectives, previous studies, what distinguished this study, and finally the study plan. As for the first chapter, it contains two sections: objective interpretation and the translation of Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din. As for the second chapter, it contains three sections, Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din’s approach to objective interpretation, and the conclusion contains the most important results. This study yielded important results, including: Explaining the approach of Sheikh Abdullah Siraj and his method of objective interpretation. Addressing some of the contemporary problems presented by the Sheikh through his objective explanations. Demonstrating the Sheikh’s breadth of knowledge in the science of interpretation in general, and his proficiency in the field of objective interpretation in particular.
The Holy Qur’an is the eternal miracle that is valid for every time and place. Some aspects of its miraculousness are evident in its endless meanings, which are renewed with the renewal of eras and times. This prompted many interpreters to write many interpretations that varied according to their interests and according to the urgent need for them. One of the most prominent types of these interpretations is interpretation. The objective that has appeared under this name in our modern era, and the pens of scholars in this era have crowded to write about it and present it to the scientific arena because of its suitability to the renewed need of the era. Among the most famous of those who gained fame in this field, and whose books spread throughout the horizons, is the interpreter Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din. The study aims to shed light on his unique approach to objective interpretation, under the title: Objective Interpretation according to Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din, through an inductive analytical study of his interpretive books. This thesis included a theoretical aspect represented by mentioning his approach in interpreting the subject of a Qur’anic surah, interpreting one topic throughout the Holy Qur’an, and an applied practical aspect represented by mentioning applied examples of that approach taken from his interpretive books. In this study, I relied on the descriptive survey inductive method, which is a set of procedures that is integrated to describe the phenomenon or specific topic based on collecting data and information, classifying, processing, analyzing them sufficiently to extract their meanings, reaching results and generalizations in the subject of the study. I will use it to collect and analyze related literature with the objective interpretation of Sheikh Abdullah Siraj Al-Din. This study consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and under each title is a group of topics, demands, and issues. As for the introduction, it includes: the importance of the study, the reason for choosing the topic, the problem of the study, its methodology and objectives, previous studies, what distinguished this study, and finally the study plan. As for the first chapter, it contains two sections: objective interpretation and the translation of Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din. As for the second chapter, it contains three sections, Sheikh Abdullah Siraj al-Din’s approach to objective interpretation, and the conclusion contains the most important results. This study yielded important results, including: Explaining the approach of Sheikh Abdullah Siraj and his method of objective interpretation. Addressing some of the contemporary problems presented by the Sheikh through his objective explanations. Demonstrating the Sheikh’s breadth of knowledge in the science of interpretation in general, and his proficiency in the field of objective interpretation in particular.
Kur'an, Tefsir, Konulu Tefsir, Abdullah Sirâcüddîn, Konu, Sûre, Ayet.
Qur’an, interpretation, Surah, objective interpretation, Abdullah Siraj Al-Din.