Characteristics of sit-to-stand movement are associated with trunk and lower extremity selective control in children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study

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Even though the effect of several factors on sit-to-stand (STS) performance of children with CP has been previously explored, the potential role of lower extremity selective control, trunk control and sitting function on the performance of STS has not been examined. This study aimed to investigate the association of trunk control and lower extremity selective motor control with STS performance in children with CP. We recruited 28 children with CP aged between 4 and 10 years whose Gross Motor Function Classification System levels were I and II and 32 age-matched typically developing (TP) children. Trunk control, sitting function, selective control of the lower extremities and STS were evaluated with Trunk Control Measurement Scale (TCMS), sitting section of Gross Motor Function Measure-88 (GMFM-88), Selective Control Assessment of the Lower Extremity (SCALE) and the STS outcomes of a force platform [weight transfer time, rising index, and center of gravity (COG) sway velocity], respectively. In all evaluations, children with CP demonstrated lower scores than TD children. A moderate correlation was found between total scores of TCMS, GMFM-88 sitting section scores and COG sway velocity during STS and a fair correlation between SCALE total scores and COG sway velocity in the CP group (r = -0.51, r = -0.52, r = -0.39, respectively). A fair correlation was found between SCALE total scores and the weight transfer time during STS in children with CP (r = -0.39). Based on these results, improving trunk and lower extremity selective control may enhance STS performance in children with CP.



Tıp, Sağlık Bilimleri, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri, Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, Medicine, Health Sciences, Internal Medicine Sciences, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, REHABİLİTASYON, Klinik Tıp, Klinik Tıp (MED), REHABILITATION, CLINICAL MEDICINE, Clinical Medicine (MED), Fizik Tedavi, Spor Terapisi ve Rehabilitasyon, Kayropraktik, Rehabilitasyon, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Chiropractics, Rehabilitation, cerebral palsy, selective motor control, sit-to-stand, trunk control, GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION, POSTURAL CONTROL, CLINICAL TOOL, RELIABILITY, GAIT, IMPAIRMENTS, VALIDITY, BALANCE, HEIGHT


Gunes D., Karadag-Saygi E., Giray E., KURT S., "Characteristics of sit-to-stand movement are associated with trunk and lower extremity selective control in children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH, cilt.45, sa.3, ss.279-286, 2022
