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  • Publication
    Importance of genitourinary syndrome of menopause in the quality of life of postmenopausal women
    (2022-10-27) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; Çevik C. E. , Yoldemir A. T.
  • Publication
    Tıbbi müdahalelerde uzmanlık vetki sinirinin değerlendirilmesi: olgu sunumu
    (2022-11-06) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; Ertaş O. C. , Kalem Y., Yoldemir A. T. , Arıcan N.
  • Publication
    Relation between hot flushes and endothelial dysfunction in postmenopausal women
    (2021-10-10) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; Çevik C. E., Yoldemir A. T.
    Objective: To evaluate the relation between hot flushes and endothelial dysfunction in postmenopausal women: Study Design: A study was conducted on total of 132 women, who are between 45-65 years old and applied to Marmara University Pendik Research and Teaching Hospital Outpatient Clinic of Gynaecology, of whom 79 were postmenopausal women and 53 were premenopausal women. Of 132 participants, 32 experience no flushes, 22 mild, 40 moderate, and 38 severe. The demographic, metabolic, and hormonal characteristics were noted and all of the subjects completed within the duration of one week three-category hot flush diary that was conformed to FDA and EMEA guidelines, out of which none, mild, moderate, and severe groups were obtained. Carotid Intima Media Thickness (CIMT) and Flow Mediated Dilatation (FMD) on Brachial Artery measurements were completed on each one of the subject. A prospective case control study was performed. Only 76 Women agreed their blood to be drawn. Results: Mean FMD and CIMT values were similar in premenopausal and postmenopausal women (p=0.06). Blood biochemical values were similar in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Mean FMD and CIMT values were similar both in the absence and the presence of the hot flushes, regardless of their severity. There was a direct correlation between the presence of the hot flushes, regardless of their severity and the time elapsed since menopause (p=0.001). Mean CIMT, FMD, blood biochemical values were similar both in the absence and the presence of the hot flushes, regardless of their severity. Conclusion: Direct correlation between the severity of hot flushes and the endothelial dysfucntion in postmenopausal was not found. There was a direct correlation between the presence of the hot flushes, regardless of their severity and the time elapsed since menopause (p=0.001).
  • Publication
    Uterine ageing
    (2023-05-04) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; Yoldemir A. T.
    Studies using animal models, have investigated the influence of increasing age on uterine factors that might lead to abnormal decidualization and reduced implantation and defective placentation. The decidual response to a standardized estrogen /progesterone stimulus was reduced in the older animals; whereas, in young rodents decidual response closely resembled the normal decidual response during implantation. Furthermore in rodents, there was a decrease in the expression of endometrial estrogen and progesterone receptor in older ones. Several microRNAs have been associated with the fibrosis process in mice causing age-related uterine dysfunction. Aging of the uteri lead to the downregulation of several genes associated with cell proliferation in mice, indicating impaired proliferation in the presence of senescent cells.In vitro studies of human endometrial stromal cell proliferation revealed that presence of senescent endometrial stromal cells within the endometrium, as well as senescence-associated secretory phenotype secretion which could disturb normal functional activities such as communication with epithelial and endothelial cells, glands formation, vascularization and immune cells attraction. Human endometrial gene expression studies showed that some gene expressions increased as others decreased with age. Likewise some endometrium functions were either up-regulated or down-regulated after 35 years of age. Similarly some ciliary processes were significantly up-regulated in the endometrium of older women (40 years) while some functions associated with cell cycle/ proliferation were down-regulated.The progesterone-governed endometrial transformation is necessary for implantation. Studies which investigated the influence of endometrial ageing on reproductive outcomes in oocyte donation cycles have controversial results. Some authors showed no influence whereas others reported the age-related decline in implantation and pregnancy rates using euploid embryos or young oocyte donors. Lower implantation and live birth rates with fresh donor oocytes for women over 44 years of age were reported when compared to younger recipients. High doses of progesterone could compensate for the abnormal receptivity of aged recipients during oocyte donation. Moreover maternal age over 40 years was associated with a further increase in risk for placental abruption, preterm delivery, low birthweight, intrauterine growth restriction, stillbirth, and perinatal mortality.
  • Publication
    Çözüm ultra düşük doz hormon tedavisi: Gerçekten etkin ve güvenli mi
    (Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, 2013-12-01) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; Yoldemir A. T.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Telemedicine and women's health
    (2022-09-01) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; Yoldemir T.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The effect of prolonged time for achieving ovarian suppression before starting stimulation on pregnancy rates in ART cycles
    Amaç: Stimulasyona başlamadan önce ovaryen süpresyonun uzamasının gebelik oranlarına etkisini araştırmak Hastalar ve Yöntem: Üniversite affiliye hastanede yardımcı üreme tetkikleri (assisted reproductive technologies (ART)) tedavileri yapılan 565 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi. Kadınlar gonadotropin salgılayan hormon (gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)) analogu ile ovaryen süpresyon süresine göre gruplandırıldı. GnRH analog kullanım süresine göre grup A alt 25 persentil içinde, grup B de üst 25 persentil içindeki hastalardan oluşmaktaydı. İmplantasyon ve klinik gebelik oranları karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Grup Ada ortalama aspire edilen ve insemine edilen oosit sayısı grup Bdekinden fazla idi. İmplantasyon oranları benzer idi. Klinik gebelik oranları benzer idi. Sonuç: Ovaryen süpresyon için geçen zamanın uzaması ART sikluslarında klinik gebelik oranlarını olumsuz etkilemez.
  • Publication
    Diagnosis and management of endometriosis
    (2022-10-27) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; Yoldemir A. T.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Does the FSH/LH ratio in the serum on the third day of the cycle predict ICSI success
    Amaç: Siklusun 3.günü normal FSH değeri olan kadınlarda follikül stimule edici hormon (FSH)/luteinize edici hormon (LH) oranının sitoplazma içi sperm enjeksiyonu (ICSI) başarısının öngörülebilirliğini araştırmak. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Uzun protokol ve rekombinant folikül stimüle edici hormon kullanılarak ICSI tedavisi alan ardışık yüz doksan dokuz infertil kadın retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Grup A, B, C ve D sırasıyla FSH/LH oranları 2 olan kadınlardan oluşturuldu. Transfer başına klinik gebelik ve implantasyon oranları karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Transfer başına klinik gebelik ve implantasyon oranları gruplar arasında benzer idi. Sonuç: Siklusun 3.günü FSH/LH oranı ICSI sikluslarında tedavi sonuçlarını normal 3. gün FSH seviyesi olan kadınlarda öngöremez.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Pregnancy Rates in Older Poor Responders Who Achieve Embryo Transfer in Long Down-Regulated ART Cycles Are Comparable to Those in Younger Poor Responders
    (2012-05-01) YOLDEMİR, AHMET TEVFİK; YOLDEMİR A. T. , Fraser I. S.
    Objective: To determine whether older women with a poor response to follicular stimulation achieve pregnancy results that are comparable to those of younger poor responders. Methods: Two hundred five women undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment at the Fertility Unit in the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia were selected for retrospective cohort analysis. The outcomes in women > 38 years of age with < 5 oocytes retrieved were compared with those in women ≤ 38 years who also had < 5 oocytes retrieved. Clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates were compared. Results: Implantation rates (21.01 ± 0.38 % vs. 12.82 ± 0.27%, P = 0.11) and clinical pregnancy rates (25.71 ± 0.44% vs. 20.21 ± 0.40%, P = 0.41) were similar in the two groups following cleavage stage embryo transfer. The same was true for blastocyst stage embryo transfer (implantation rates 16.67 ± 0.33% vs. 13.89 ± 0.33%, P = 0.80, and clinical pregnancy rates 23.81 ± 0.44% vs. 16.67 ± 0.38%, P = 0.59). Ongoing pregnancies beyond the 12th week of gestation were also comparable between cleavage stage (24.28 ± 0.43% vs. 16.84 ± 0.34%, P = 0.24) and blastocyst stage embryo transfers (23.81 ± 0.44% vs. 11.11 ± 0.32%, P = 0.32). Conclusion: If older poor responders reach the stage of embryo transfer, they can achieve pregnancy rates similar to those of younger poor responders when matched numbers of embryos are transferred.