A review on the mechanistic details of OXA enzymes of ESKAPE pathogens

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The production of beta-lactamases is a prevalent mechanism that poses serious pressure on the control of bacterial resistance. Furthermore, the unavoidable and alarming increase in the transmission of bacteria producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases complicates treatment alternatives with existing drugs and/or approaches. Class D beta-lactamases, designated as OXA enzymes, are characterized by their activity specifically towards oxacillins. They are widely distributed among the ESKAPE bugs that are associated with antibiotic resistance and life-threatening hospital infections. The inadequacy of current beta-lactamase inhibitors for conventional treatments of \"OXA\" mediated infections confirms the necessity of new approaches. Here, the focus is on the mechanistic details of OXA-10, OXA-23, and OXA-48, commonly found in highly virulent and antibiotic-resistant pathogens Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter spp. to describe their similarities and differences. Furthermore, this review contains a specific emphasis on structural and computational perspectives, which will be valuable to guide efforts in the design/discovery of a common single-molecule drug against ESKAPE pathogens.



Tıp, Parazitoloji, Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler, Sosyoloji, Yaşam Bilimleri, Sağlık Bilimleri, Temel Tıp Bilimleri, Biyokimya, Temel Bilimler, Medicine, Parasitology, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sociology, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Fundamental Medical Sciences, Biochemistry, Natural Sciences, KAMU, ÇEVRE VE İŞ SAĞLIĞI, Sosyal Bilimler Genel, Sosyal Bilimler (SOC), PARAZİTOLOJİ, Biyoloji ve Biyokimya, Yaşam Bilimleri (LIFE), TROPİKAL TIP, Klinik Tıp, Klinik Tıp (MED), PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL, Social Sciences (SOC), PARASITOLOGY, BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, Life Sciences (LIFE), TROPICAL MEDICINE, CLINICAL MEDICINE, Clinical Medicine (MED), İş Sağlığı ve Terapisi, Güvenlik Araştırması, Sağlık (sosyal bilimler), Genel Sosyal Bilimler, Farmasötik bilim, Halk, Çevre ve İş Sağlığı, Epidemiyoloji, Biyokimya (tıbbi), Sosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri Bilimler, Occupational Therapy, Safety Research, Health (social science), General Social Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, Epidemiology, Biochemistry (medical), Social Sciences & Humanities, B-lactamase, OXA-10, OXA-23, OXA-48, ESKAPE bugs, D BETA-LACTAMASES, EXTENDED-SPECTRUM VARIANT, CLASS D CARBAPENEMASES, ACINETOBACTER-BAUMANNII, KLEBSIELLA-PNEUMONIAE, CLASS-A, CRYSTAL-STRUCTURE, STRUCTURAL BASIS, IMIPENEM-RESISTANCE, ESCHERICHIA-COLI, Β-lactamase


Avci F. G., Tastekil I., Jaisi A., ÖZBEK SARICA P., SARIYAR AKBULUT B., "A review on the mechanistic details of OXA enzymes of ESKAPE pathogens", PATHOGENS AND GLOBAL HEALTH, cilt.117, sa.3, ss.219-234, 2023
