Publication: 12. cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimi yaklaşırken... Anayasa mahkemesi’nin K. 2012/96 kararının analizi: 7 yıl yerine, 12 yıl mı
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Çalışma, Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin (AYM), Cumhurbaşkanı Seçimi
Kanunu'nu (CSK) denetimine ilişkin 2012/96 karar sayılı kararının analizine özgülenmiştir.
2007 Anayasa (Any.) değişikliği ile, Cumhurbaşkanı (CB) seçme
yetkisi TBMM’den alınarak, doğrudan halk tarafından 5 yıl için ve 2. kez
seçilebilme olanağını da içeren yeni bir yöntem kabul edildi. 11. Cumhurbaşkanı (CB) A. GÜL, 28 Ağustos 2007’de TBMM’de 3. turda 339 oyla
seçildi. Any. değişikliği, halkoylamasında % 68.95’lik oyla onaylandı.
Any. değişikliği, 11. CB GÜL’ün görev süresinin yanı sıra, gerek
GÜL ve gerekse öncekilerin 2. kez aday olma/gösterilme hakkından yararlanıp yararlanamayacağına ilişkin bir geçiş düzenlemesi içermemekteydi.
Değişikliğin hazırlık sürecinde, bu yönde bir norma ihtiyaç olmadığı düşünüldü. Ancak, zamanla akademik ve politik çevredeki tartışmalar sonucu
oluşan belirsizlik, Any. md. 102/son gereği hazırlanan Yasa’da giderildi.
GÜL’ün görev süresi 7 yıl olarak belirlendi ve fakat 2. kez adaylık yolu
kapatıldı. Yasa’nın AYM’ye götürülmesi sonrası, aykırılığı iddia edilen
normlardan sadece biri (GM 1/2) iptal edilerek, 2. kez adaylık yolu açıldı.
İptal kararında, başlıca şu argümanlara dayanıldı: Önceki norm-sonraki
norm ilişkisi, bir temel hak olarak seçilme hakkı, seçimlerde ve adaylıkta
eşitlik, Any. ile tanınan hakkın yasa ile kaldırılamayacağı, vs.
Sonuç olarak, 11. CB’nin görev süresi 28 Ağustos 2014’de sona erecek olup, CB seçimleri 2012 yerine 2014’te yapılacaktır. İptal hükmü gereği, gerek 11. CB GÜL ve gerekse öncekiler (EVREN, DEMİREL, SEZER), 2. kez aday gösterilebilecektir. Zira, 2012 Any. değişikliği gereği
re’sen aday olma yolu kapatıldığından, yalnızca aday gösterilme olanağı
mevcuttur. Zira, 1982 Any. md. 101 ve CSK md. 7’ye göre, en az 20
TBMM üyesi veya son seçimlerde toplam oy oranı % 10’u aşan siyasal
partiler, CB adayı gösterebilirler.
Çalışma, 3 bölümden oluşur:
§ I. Giriş: Genel Bilgiler
§ II. AYM Kararının Analizi
§ III. Gözlemler & Sonuçla
In this work, the decision of the Constitutional Court (No. 2012/96) relating to the supervision of Presidential Election Act (dated 19 January 2012) will be examined. In this context, the subject will be analyzed in the light of articles 101 and 102 of the 2007 Constitutional Amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey. The current President (Abdullah GÜL) was elected by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) on 28 August 2007 on the third ballot with vote 339. But, according to 2007 Amendment, the next President of the Republic shall be elected for a five-year time by the popular vote (eligible for a second term). In addition to, the procedures and principles concerning presidential elections shall be regulated by law. In October 2007, voters approved a referendum package of the constitutional amendments including a provision for direct presidential elections with 68.95 %. In this context, the relevant law was adopted in GNAT in 2012 and put into effect on 26 January 2012. But over time, the status of GÜL began to be discussed. The provisional article 1/2 cancelled by the Constitutional Court in 2012. In this decision, following criteria were used: as a fundamental right, the right to be elected; equality in election and candidacy, the argument of nextprevious norm, etc. As a result, next presidential elections will be held in 2014 instead of 2012. A. GÜL and former Presidents (EVREN, DEMİREL, SEZER) can be nominated for a second term. According to the Constitution (art. 101) and the Act (art. 7), the candidates for Presidency are nominated by no less than 20 Members of GNAT or political parties which have surpass the 10 % electoral threshold in last elections or coalition of parties which surpass this threshold in total. Main sections in this work, below mentioned § I. Introduction: General Information § II. Analysis of the Decision of the Constitutional Court § III. Observations & Conclusions.
In this work, the decision of the Constitutional Court (No. 2012/96) relating to the supervision of Presidential Election Act (dated 19 January 2012) will be examined. In this context, the subject will be analyzed in the light of articles 101 and 102 of the 2007 Constitutional Amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey. The current President (Abdullah GÜL) was elected by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) on 28 August 2007 on the third ballot with vote 339. But, according to 2007 Amendment, the next President of the Republic shall be elected for a five-year time by the popular vote (eligible for a second term). In addition to, the procedures and principles concerning presidential elections shall be regulated by law. In October 2007, voters approved a referendum package of the constitutional amendments including a provision for direct presidential elections with 68.95 %. In this context, the relevant law was adopted in GNAT in 2012 and put into effect on 26 January 2012. But over time, the status of GÜL began to be discussed. The provisional article 1/2 cancelled by the Constitutional Court in 2012. In this decision, following criteria were used: as a fundamental right, the right to be elected; equality in election and candidacy, the argument of nextprevious norm, etc. As a result, next presidential elections will be held in 2014 instead of 2012. A. GÜL and former Presidents (EVREN, DEMİREL, SEZER) can be nominated for a second term. According to the Constitution (art. 101) and the Act (art. 7), the candidates for Presidency are nominated by no less than 20 Members of GNAT or political parties which have surpass the 10 % electoral threshold in last elections or coalition of parties which surpass this threshold in total. Main sections in this work, below mentioned § I. Introduction: General Information § II. Analysis of the Decision of the Constitutional Court § III. Observations & Conclusions.
Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sosyal Bilimler (SOC), Social Sciences (SOC), President of Republic, candidacy, presidential candidates, Presidential Election Act, 2007 Constitutional Amendment, election, plebiscite, referendum, presidential regime, Constitutional Court, Cumhurbaşkanı, adaylık, Cumhurbaşkanı adayları, Cumhurbaşkanı Seçimi Kanunu, 2007 Anayasa Değişikliği, seçim, plebisit, referandum, başkanlık rejimi, Anayasa Mahkemesi
Sezer A., "12. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimi Yaklaşırken... Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin K. 2012/96 Kararının Analizi: 7 Yıl Yerine, 12 Yıl (mı?)", Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi, cilt.3, sa.5, ss.285-328, 2014